Sleeping through?


Well-Known Member
Feb 1, 2007
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How do i get my 6month old to sleep right through?i put her to bed at 8.30 she goes down with no crying.then wakes at about twelve or 1am for feed then again at about 6 or 7am then back to sleep til 11am! Id much rather she slept all night n get up at 8am rather than sleeping through til 11am the little buggar. How do you get yours sleeping through?
have u tried a dream feed hun worked wonders for me
No iv never heard of it! What is it? Do you think it'd work with the way she's sleeping now? Thanks
hi hun i used to put Hannah to bed then at 10/10.30 i used to go up lift her out of the cot and feed her wind her and put her back in and it worked fantastic, i know alot of women that it has worked for, maybe worth a try
I dont know what too suggest! My 4 month old has only just started going throgh, but I was getting her up and feeding her befroe i went to bed and now shes going through[/code]
Maddison sleeps from 8pm to 9am (we're very lucky I know! :wink: )
We started off putting her to bed at 11pm and gradually moved it forward by half an hour until we got to where we are now. I think she just loves her sleep like her mummy :D She has been sleeping these hours since 11 weeks. We moved her to her own room from 2 months too and she started to sleep through then :wink:
mia has just started to sleep through more regulary..i found that by feeding her reguarly through the day and say if i feed her at 8 then feed her again at about 10ish before bed and that usually works...also giving her a bath knocks her out...

She doesnt have a set bed time yet but im going to try introduce a bit more of a bed time routine after crimbo...

Its hard though as she doesnt have her own room yet :(
I dont know what o do either :? Daniel still has one feed in the night. Mind you, its really good after I had to feed him 3 times in the night, when he was a month old :D
idk :(

melissa was sleepin thru really early, but at 4 months she stopped :wall:

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