What does "sleeping through the night" mean to you?

He's only 5 and a half weeks, I know I shouldn't grumble.
sweetie a baby of 5 and a half weeks has such a tiny stomach its not suprising he is wanting food through the night... try and make things easy for yourself, sleep when he sleeps, keep him very close to you

the reason ff babies sleep so much is because their little tummies are stretched - better for digestion to have little and often x
I know, you are absolutely right I was just feeling jealous of all those getting a decent sleep!
The grass is always greener!
dont worry, breastfeeding is Really hard at first but i wish every mother could fast forward to about 3 months and see how bloody wonderful it is :) It really is fabulous :)
Cesca's been doing 10 - 6 since 5 weeks :) (she's 10 weeks now, and bottle fed) xx
Just wondered are you all bottle feeders? I'm breast feeding and just now can't even imagine getting 4 hours sleep in one go let alone a night! I'm feeding Kynon every 2-3 hours just now and shattered! Might be because of being a month early too. Through the night still seems like such a long way off for me!

Exactly the same for me. Ryan sleeps from about 12-4 then 5 to 8,30ish. Any BF mummies got any tips on how to make him sleep longer?

I've been reading up on cluster feeding and I think this is what Kynon is doing but between 3am and 7am would explain why he don't settle and I'm so tired! However tonight he's been on my boob non stop since about 5pm so fingers crossed he will sleep more tonight!
I shall read up on that too then, thanks for the tip. I also went to a lega Leche meeting today which was so helpful and not at all as pretentious as I had imagined!
Thank you, it's so much better than it was in hospital. I know i just have to stick it out!
Until Jasper was a year we would rock him to sleep - we also had a side-car cot for a loooong time which really helped because it got him used to being in there whilst still being in the bed with us

it also meant we had our own space which was nice :)

There was a period of 'civil unrest' lol where he got used to going to sleep in his own cot but as i said, up til a year we did nothing like cio or cc, after a year it got to the point where he wouldnt be fed to sleep (which is what we used to do, feed him to sleep and then put him gently down) so he ended up knackered and awake, kicking and crying and screaming and fighting up... which was horrid for all of us, him included. So we started leaving him for a few minutes in his cot, going in, lying him down, putting his dummy in etc and gradually over a period of about 2 weeks he learnt to go to sleep on his own. Now he barely cries at all when he goes down, he just goes to sleep :)

mind you at a year we also started giving him a nighttime milk feed (just cows milk) in a bottle so that probably helped lol!

anything for an easy life us!

Thanks for your advice hun, it is really helpful and given me some ideas. I'm happy to keep cosleeping a bit longer, and when I start getting a bump, hopefully anyways, Oz should be just over a year! xxx
yes thats really what did it for me, when i started getting a bump and Jasper was kicking me, climbing over me in the night etc... well it was time for us to have a bit more space (3 and a half in the bed is perhaps too many ;) )
Well last night was better so the evening cluster feeding must have helped. Went to bed and fed him at 11pm he slept til 3am and messed about feeding on and off til 4.30am then slept till 8am. That's a good night for me, feel a bit more human this morning so imagine what 6 hours sleep in a row will feel like!
Just want to agree with Dragonfly... all BFing mums stick with it. It is the best experience, but it doesn't come easy. Baby really needs to be attached to you all the time to start with. TBH I loved having that closeness with my baby.

We co-slept with Oscar from about 2 weeks old because it just made BFing easier and I could sleep then too.

it's the best experience, 10 months later am still BFing my LO and it's so easy now and takes no time at all per feed.
Yep and if they cry, you can feed em :) You can go out of the house with next to nothing to think about (especially for the first six months) and the relief when they get ill and you know that your body is helping them deal with whatever is going on for them is just fantastic :)

I love breastfeeding Jasper, It also means that when he wakes up at 6am i can whack him on the boob for an hour and get an extra hours kip :D

Well last night was better so the evening cluster feeding must have helped. Went to bed and fed him at 11pm he slept til 3am and messed about feeding on and off til 4.30am then slept till 8am. That's a good night for me, feel a bit more human this morning so imagine what 6 hours sleep in a row will feel like!

Thats really good Sarah, it does get slowly better! Eventually he'll get used to having the feed at 3 & wont mess about, he'll just take it & go back to sleep, then not too long from now he'll be cutting it out!

Ryan normally wakes up around 4 which I can sort of cope with but if he doesn't fall back to sleep I'm rocking him to sleep in the kitchen for an hour and singing out of tune which is knackering!
feed him in bed honey! Give him a change when he wakes up a four and lie in bed together (kick the husband out onto the sofa if you need too) and just have a blanket over you to your waste and a nice thick jumper on so just your boob is out and latch him on :)

you will really enjoy it and be able to get that extra bit of kip xx

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