What does "sleeping through the night" mean to you?

Lily takes a 50z bottle at 10 then sleeps until 5.30 or 6.00 to me that is sleeping through the night :)
Emily used to wake twice in the night for a feed when she was newborn, then she dropped one and it was usually 7pm ish till 4/4.30am. She's only recently dropped that feed. The majority of mornings we are up at 6.30am thats from a last feed about 6.45pm and she's goes to bed at 7pm and is usually asleep by 7.15. I tried dream feeding but she still woke up for a night feed so i stopped it because I didn't want to be adding in another bottle. I'm waiting to see if she'll start waking for a night feed again when she's ready for weaning. Although I'm not sure if all babies do that?

x x x x
Just wondered are you all bottle feeders? I'm breast feeding and just now can't even imagine getting 4 hours sleep in one go let alone a night! I'm feeding Kynon every 2-3 hours just now and shattered! Might be because of being a month early too. Through the night still seems like such a long way off for me!
My friend said "oh yes She sleeps through....with a feed at 4!" well that's not sleeping through! Isla usually goes 7-7/8 most nights. Unless she's teething then she wakes up a fair bit :(

Just wondered are you all bottle feeders? I'm breast feeding and just now can't even imagine getting 4 hours sleep in one go let alone a night! I'm feeding Kynon every 2-3 hours just now and shattered! Might be because of being a month early too. Through the night still seems like such a long way off for me!

I breastfed Isla exclusively (she now has cow and mummy milk) and she slept through at 6 months on breastmilk. I did have to let her cry it out and after two nights she was doing 7-5/6 the more active she got the longer and better she slept. Dont give up hope! Xxx

Matthew slept through 8-7 from about 12 weeks, before that he was just waking once in the night, guess I was just lucky!
God you lot will think im an awful mother, I let Matthew cry himself to sleep some night, normally he ia pretty good though, I always make sure he is ok, ie nappy etc, before doing it though! My mum did it with me and I have no damage to my brain from it!

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Maisie slept through for the first time last night 7.30 till 7 am she's 8 months and normaly has her last feed as formula as she is now refusing breast so today I only did a morning feed x

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Jasper is breastfed, he started sleeping through the night completely at around about a year old.

we did help him do this though, we would only give him a drink of water when he cried in the night from a year. We night-weaned him that way. It did work, he would have a quick drink and then go back to sleep.

now sleeps straight through but if he does wake in the night we tend to him straight away

i would never leave a child under one to cry in the night under any circumstances
Oscar is coming up to 10 months and doesn't really 'sleep through'. We cosleep and he's still breastfed and he latches on to me during the night, sometimes I wake other times I don't even know about it, but OH has seen it and tells me lol

Neither of us can let him cry it out and we chose not to do controlled crying for the same reasons.
Maria are you planning to tandem feed? I was til i lost my angel and i plan to in the future. Me and OH worked out that if i tandem feed for the next 3 children i will have been breastfeeding solidly for 8 years! lol
Maria are you planning to tandem feed? I was til i lost my angel and i plan to in the future. Me and OH worked out that if i tandem feed for the next 3 children i will have been breastfeeding solidly for 8 years! lol

I'm so not sure what to do. I kind of want to stop when Oz is around a year, but at the same time I can't refuse him what he wants. I won't force him into something he's not happy with, OH would like me to have stopped months ago but Oscar is happy breastfeeding and has refused bottles and so that is what I have been happy with. I'm just worried if we get that far that the colostrum won't be enough for him? I didn't realise it comes in so ealry (4/5 months gestation I read online?) If he rejects me it would make life alot easier lol I will be breastfeeding the next baby too! My poor breasts lol

I get soooooo fed up of other peoples opinions.... 'OMG you're STILL breastfeeding?.... it just gets to a point where it's weird' F**K OFF that's my child... argh it just irritates me so much. I thought it was normal to BF until a year? Even my OH thinks Oscar doesn't even need milk anymore :shock: I keep going over it, but he still keeps saying it!
Well the World Health Organisation reccomend breastfeeding til 2.5! And your body makes allowances for new baby and older baby so dont worry about colostum :) apparently it can be really good to stop a toddler getting jealous of a younger breastfeeding baby

after a year, your boy will probably only want feeding in the morning and evening (mine does) so dont worry it wont be such a big issue :)

I breast feed Jasper at 14 months, no plans to stop for a very long time :D
During the day Oz has 3 feeds, sometimes more but it's so rare now, 3 is the norm really but he latches onto me throughout the night, I know it's mostly for drinking so I need to switch him over to water during the night but he uses me for comfort too.
We did this at around a year, we moved him into his own cot but in the same room as us because he was just crawling on us manically all night! Not good when your pregnant! Anyway we did that and then when he woke up in the night we just gave him a little drink of water and lay him down. eventually he would just have a wee drink and lie straight back down.

we did have to introduce a dummy too though :S

It was cool and now he is in his own room (we found we were disturbing him a lot at night)
Would your LO go to sleep in his cot? Oscar uses me or OH to get to sleep, not always but about 90% of the time, so when I have put him in his cot knowing that he's tired, he's been in there for an hour + before screaming, just will not go to sleep in there!
Until Jasper was a year we would rock him to sleep - we also had a side-car cot for a loooong time which really helped because it got him used to being in there whilst still being in the bed with us

it also meant we had our own space which was nice :)

There was a period of 'civil unrest' lol where he got used to going to sleep in his own cot but as i said, up til a year we did nothing like cio or cc, after a year it got to the point where he wouldnt be fed to sleep (which is what we used to do, feed him to sleep and then put him gently down) so he ended up knackered and awake, kicking and crying and screaming and fighting up... which was horrid for all of us, him included. So we started leaving him for a few minutes in his cot, going in, lying him down, putting his dummy in etc and gradually over a period of about 2 weeks he learnt to go to sleep on his own. Now he barely cries at all when he goes down, he just goes to sleep :)

mind you at a year we also started giving him a nighttime milk feed (just cows milk) in a bottle so that probably helped lol!

anything for an easy life us!
Just wondered are you all bottle feeders? I'm breast feeding and just now can't even imagine getting 4 hours sleep in one go let alone a night! I'm feeding Kynon every 2-3 hours just now and shattered! Might be because of being a month early too. Through the night still seems like such a long way off for me!

Exactly the same for me. Ryan sleeps from about 12-4 then 5 to 8,30ish. Any BF mummies got any tips on how to make him sleep longer?

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