What do you think of these little trainers


Well-Known Member
Nov 4, 2009
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Dec really wants these trainers, he saw them on TV and now every time the ad comes on he shouts "me get them". I dont know if I like them or not. Honest opinions please :)

Thanks in advance xx
honestly - I dont like them! BUT I've bought stuff for Emily that I didnt like so.....
i dont really like them hun (sorry) ...but if littleman wants them get them.
my LO doesnt stop untill she get what she wants lol xxx
honestly - I dont like them! BUT I've bought stuff for Emily that I didnt like so.....

Thanks hun :) I wasnt to sure myself but he goes crazy when he sees them and it is his money, I just dont know, they are a bit expensive.
i dont personally like them, but if he does, then i spose its up to him! i can see the appeal to a boy lol x
I think they're super funky! I love them! They'd look mega cute on a little boy =]
I don't particularly like them - probably just that I know there are other shoes I love that would cost the same - but I wouldn't look at them on a little boy and think that they didn't look good...if that makes any sense?! :lol:
i actually like them!
id get them for my little one, hes 7 but still haha!
maybe get them for his birthday??? x
I'm not a fan but i can see why kids would like them, too much detail on them for me but kids go mad for all that crap. If the wee man wants them i can't see why not if your willing to pay that for them xx
He is buying them with his pocket money :) his nanny gives him £5 a week to buy himself nice stuff :) We are going on the hunt today to see if we can get them in town if not then I am going to order them this afternoon. They where on TV this morning and he went boogaloo when he saw them lol
bless him, he will be so proud strutting around in his new shoes. I used to buy stuff for kieran that i didn't particularly like but he loved, infact i still do, he chooses his own clothes now and some of the stuff is cringeworthy, no sense of style at 7 really :rofl: xx
I quite like them and they look senseable and comfy enough xxx

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