what are you missing most

ALCOHOL!!! lol, not that I'm a raving alchi or anything.

Missing soft cheese too, love the stuff. And starting to miss my mobility i.e being able to reach my feet to ut my socks on!!
I miss nice long hot baths, i would only shower for first 12 weeks as i was sooooo paranoid after a m/c, i also miss:

Vodka Lime and Soda, Late Nights, Dry Roasted Nobbies Nuts, a nice clear complexion (as i have pregnancy acne), glossy hair (as mine is always greasy) and a sense of humour as i always seem to be moody!!! te he!!

Other than this list not alot, god i must sound so bad, soooooo happy to be pregnant just suffering this time round x x x x
i miss having a nice clear face from spots and being able to wear makeup without breaking out in more spots x
I miss cigarettes and a whole night's sleep without getting up for the loo! I also miss a glass of wine to end the week on a Friday!
Exercise - I was training 5 times a week pre-preg for a marathon. Now I'm doing spin classes and it's just not the same!

Also soft yolks, I'd love a fried or poached egg.
I miss my sleep, vodka, red bull and runny eggs. I am going to make sue I have a red bull in my hospital bag, don't think I will be able to sneak a vodka in.
i miss rare steak, rose wine and yummy pate
roll on christmas i will be eating and drink everything
I'm missing the horse riding too!! Such a pain that i can't ride while pregnant!! But thankfully i'm 4 weeks further than i thought so means i can hopefully get back to it sooner!!! Does anyone know how long you have to wait after baby is born to start again?

Also i agree with the normal bladder - i miss not being able to sleep all through the night!!!
cigarettes, drinks with friends, hard core excercise, people treating me like a normal human being instead of getting 'you're pregnant, can you do that', loadsa caffeine, my body, wearing clothes that fit, not having to go to the toilet 20 times a day lol!

But to be fair im really enjoying this part of pregnancy right now so.....x
being able to be outside without sweating my tits of. its soooo hot and its only may...
i miss pate, nice relaxing nights with the OH with a bottle of wine staying up late just watching films, instead im in bed by 10 with a glass of squash! hate the occasional cig, popping for a gin and tonic with the girls after work, miss looking sexy in tight dresses and having spots and greasy hair and having hot flushes everytime i walk up the stairs and im only 13 weeks bahhhhhh
I miss having my clear complexion, my face looks like a minefield :(
I miss runny fried eggs, sleeping through the night and I really missed getting drunk at my Dad's 60th Birthday party last week. Felt really left out at one point when my sis and friend we're having such a laugh :(
Oh well, better get used to it, really, really happy to be having a baby at last :cloud9: x x
i miss rare steak, rose wine and yummy pate
roll on christmas i will be eating and drink everything

Yes its gonna be a wonderful christmas in more ways than one!!! :lol: x x
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The only thing that i'm really missing is alcohol. I've been away for 2 weeks and been to a wedding party last night and it was horrible not drinking...it's not just about a drink it's the social side to it. I feel like a miserable cow when i'm sober and everyone else is having a laugh..feel a bit left out sometimes!

Ah well, it will be all worth it!
oh my lord my list . . . (let me state i loved being pregnant first 2 times round now not so . . )

i miss . . .

smelly french cheeses

rare steak

wine wine wine

runny eggs

hot baths (not that i have one very often as i like showers but just knowing im ristricted to not allowed them :(

foot spas

loosing weight and look like im loosing it

not looking like a beach whale

people not touching me - omg get off my stomach!!!

vodka and redbull


having my money to myself now its all babys and its gonna get worste

not having my body to myself

not having to look at everything and thinking oh , , , should i be eating this and cooked in set way . .

not having to worry about now getting a people carrier as are car is too small

storage space

headache free weeks

not waking up in the morning with that ahhhhhh my bladder really hurts wow it must be so full and then when i wee its like ahhhh better but it was like a tea spoon full

not waking up in the middle of the night needing a wee 3-4 times

i miss not being kicked in my bladder lol

sleeping on my stomach

not having to change my bra every few weeks coz i have gone up yet another cup size

not feeling tired constantally

nights where i can sleep all the way through - and knowing im not going to see them for a long time to come

balieys (sp?)


not having people say every 2 mins ohh but your pregnant you cant do that

or people not inviting me to things coz i will be too tired or too pregnant or cant drink - but thanks for the invite guys just plan around me!!

smaller hips :,(

not having pains where my stomach is streching

having my boobs not ache

having my back ache less


having clearer skin

less strech marks lol

oh god!!! lol cant wait to get this baby out of me hahahahaha!!!!
oh and people asking so when are you having the next one??? im still pregnant when i wasnt opregnant you didnt ask and and and :shock::shock::shock: you think im just gonna have another coz i have had three already >.<
Im missing my hot baths
Blue cheese and spinach pasta sauce
Pate on toast
Long Island Ice tea/G&T/Wine or cold beer now the weather is hot

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