What do we think we are having?!

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Thinking its a boy - no idea why. Hubby absoluyely convinced its a boy. Not bothered either way but will find out at 20 week scan if we can. I read some old wives tales today whoch fitted in with a boy - sleep on my left side, right boob bigger than left, don't eat dairy - but sleep with my head pointed south which is for girl!
hey can you add me please....

i'm thinking a boy!! i'll find at 20 weeks..

Hi, I thought I was having a girl, but my 20 week scan shows very definitely baby is a BOY! Can you add it to my name on the main list. Cheers
okay, add me to the list, I'm thinking pink.
Ok I'm only 6 weeks but I'm already thinking it's a girl as my first symptoms were thrush and cystitis !!!

I guess we'll see ! Think my due date is sept 10th but will have to wait for scans to find out.
I'm in the very early stages but I'm thinking blue xx

Due date is about 14 Sep xx
Im only 11 weeks tomorrow and i think its a girl will find out at 20 week scan though .
i know im only 6 weeks ish but me and Dave think a boy
mum said girl
Thinking pink here but kinda hoping it might be blue.
I think I'm blessed to be carring which ever but 90% of people that guess are saying girl so it's swaying my opinion!
Can i be added please :) it's ages away yet but im due 8th september 07 and im thinking Pink (my hubby keeps saying its a boy though) :roll: so one of us will be right.!!

We are not finding out with this one, as found out last time and wanted it to be a nice surprise this time :D
I'm thinking boy, for no reason whatsoever other than I just really think it is!

KJ said:
I'm thinking boy, for no reason whatsoever other than I just really think it is!


Your baby does look a bit like it has a winky :lol:
thanks Vickyleigh, I can't tell which is leg, and which is the remains of the tail!

It's weird though, when I think of the possibility of having a girl, I'm like "no, it's a boy!". Not that I wouldn't like either, I don't really care, I jhust have a really strong sense that it's a boy.

Guess I feel it in my waters!!!

Me too! Im 90% sure it will be a boy I will be shocked if it's a girl, not that I would mind what it is but I just know it's going to be a boy.
I'm no longer thinking blue, can you change mine to pink please? Also I will find out sex on 20th April, I'm due 13th Sept.

Thanks xx

P.S. I'm formerly 'Jools'
kimisgirl said:
Ok I'm only 6 weeks but I'm already thinking it's a girl as my first symptoms were thrush and cystitis !!!

I guess we'll see ! Think my due date is sept 10th but will have to wait for scans to find out.

Oh gosh! I hadn't attributed that to pregnancy! I have had both within the last 5 weeks too!!

Was once told (by a palmist!) that I would only have boys, but I can't stop thinking its a girl, I had loads of boys names picked out before, but now I can't think of anything but girly ones!!
So pink for me! (not sure if I'll find out yet or not...)

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