What do we think we are having?!

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Not got a scan date but im definitely thinking its gonna be a BOY !!
I have no idea when my 20 week scan is but will prob find out then. If my dates are correct i will be 20 weeks on Jan 22nd.

But who knows.......

sorry to intrude but can i be added to please?

anyway i think im having another boy!!
23rd november not sure if i want to know tho (i like surprises lol)
I am thinking its a boy 20 week scan on decemeber 11th but not sure wether to wait till the birth or not
Oooh...lots of boy vibes around! Lets see if there will be a BOY BOOM in spring & early summer from us lot!
this is a cool thread! i love looking back when people find out to see if they were right! x
Arghhhhh, my post idea Sami and you still havent added me.


Pull your finger out :lol: :wink:

Could of sworn I added you yesterday! Must of missed you in amognst OH shouting at me to go and buy dinner :oops:

Sorry :oops:
We don't want to find out what sex our baby is going to be - we like the surprise at the end.

I have been wrong with all 3 of mine, so don't really like to say.

I would love to have a girl, but I am expecting a boy, just because the last 2 have been boys.

Due date is 11 June.

Lots of people thinking they will have boys.

Heather x
I think mine will be girl number 3!! Hoping i follow my family who seem to have 2 of one sex and then a different sex, but hubby is one of 3 boys so me thinks its another girl!! Waiting for the birth as we like suprises!! And happy either way so long as he/she comes out screaming! :D
oooh i love this....i am thinking blue, very early but just feel like its a boy...we will be waiting til the birth as we only get a 12 week scan here unless somethings wrong...bxox
Don't you have a 20 weeks scan? I thought everywhere had a 20 week scan, just not always a 12 week scan??
Adding you all girls :)
Claire I put you as May 1st EDD is that right?
But you won't have a chance to find out the sex.. That's terrible.

Im thinking blue and so is my mom , even though its very early days.
This pregnancy seems so different then when i was with Kiara so thats why im thinking boy hmm who knows will have to wait till Febuary sometime will let you know the date in a few months. Seems alot of us are thinking blue hehe

Very early days for me but I am getting the BOY vibes.... Don't want to know though would prefer a surprise. Would be nice though as I already have a 13 yr old Girl.


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