What do i do? cant decide.


Well-Known Member
Oct 9, 2007
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Im soooo stuck with this and need some sence knocking into me.

When i moved into my house after me and ex split i always said it was a temp thing, never wanted to be here long and said that once xmas was out the way then was my time to move. So iv asked my landlord if he had anything sutible and at the time he didnt so asked around for me and there was a house in the area that i wanted and its a lovely house, i really fell in love with it tbh even thought the rent is 75 more than my current rent. But it was worth it to be where i want to be and kate would be with all her friends.

But.. my landlord called me this morning and offered me a house in the next village along for the same as the rent im paying now and its bigger and in a nice area. I know the house and the area and its a lovely little cul de sac very quiet nice garden ect for the kids.

My problem is, i dont know what one to take, If i have my one off my landlord i can just move no referance or fafing around ect but i really really like the other house. It has down sides though like its on the main road but the garden is well fenced in so the kids can still play out. so not a huge problem. The other house is only 9 miles away from this one so its not a huge distance. Just being in town would be sooo much easyer than out and having to pick kates friends up and drop them off again.

Im just kind of stuck with whats sensible and what i want. My head say's cheeper house less fuss my heart says house that you love even though you would be 75 poorer each month.

I know im lucky to have the choice, and i feel a real bag for moaning about having to choose.I just want to make the right choice, im sick of moveing i want to find somewhere to stay to make a home off on my own with my kids. Moveing out of the house that me and the ex had was awfull not just for me but for the kids as well. I want them to be happy where we are to. Does any of that make any sence.
if you can afford it, i'd let your heart rule on this one and go with the more expensive house.
only you can make that decision hun, I will say I'm in a village and though it's great for kids, great small school etc we have to travel MILES to get anywhere, the nearest town is 6 miles but it seems longer since it's all tiny roads. We have a very reliable bus but it's once an hour till lunchtime then every 90 minutes etc. We've a tiny village shop but it's expensive and I need to make sure once a week in Tesco that I get EVERYTHING as can't really pop out just for milk and bread type thing. I love that it's safe, I love that it's quiet, I love the freedom LO will have growing up that he'd not have in a city type thing but being in a village you MUST have a car really we have 1 but looking into a 2nd so another expense type thing. Just a few thoughts from me. A village location has pro's and con's like everywhere else but the main con you have to think about is access to other places, distances etc just now with LO so young it's not too bad, as he grows I'll be doing much more driving around, dropping him off, picking him up, were about half an hour from a cinema, the nearest Mcdonalds etc is 12 miles, takes some getting used to. Just thought I'd throw out some thoughts

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