
We rent due to us not being able to get a mortgage cos we went bankrupt. It's a 3 bed terreraced housing association house for £72 a week which is a lot more than the council charge for there houses round here. It's a dump actually cos the housing are so mean with there money and they won't even give you so much as a new kitchen draw. The boiler ancient, the widows are rotted and the kitchens falling to pieces. :x
We rent a 3 bedrom for £625 a month. We were paying this for a two bed so weve downgraded to a not very great area for a slightly bigger house. We would like to buy but house round here start at 150k for the same size. wed be lucky to get a mortgage for 100k!!

But we are looking at shared ownership which is quite good.
We are being evicted from our house on 3rd October and we paid £525 pcm for it, 2 bed house with garden and garage. That is classed as 'cheap' around here you are looking at about £600 pcm usually for a 2 bed house. Its a nightmare, thats why we have had to move back to mums because of our eviction and wait for council to house us as we simply cannot afford any more than what we were paying then!!

Grrrrr :evil: :evil:
We've got a 2 bedroom flat, very big to be honest for what it is. When I was working I was paying 220 a month on rent. :?

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