What did your lo eat today? (TW & BLW)

she just got 5 full Loads she still feeding


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i can contribute to this now zaks eating better

breakfast - ready brek and 3oz full fat milk 6oz formula
mid morn - homemade mini cheese muffin and half a homemade breakfast bar
lunch - 1 -2 fingers of toast and cheese spread with some grated cheese. 1 yoghurt and 1/2 a fruit pot and 5oz formula
mid aft - 1/4 banana
tea- chicken, onions peppers courgettes and mash and a fruit pot
bed- 8oz formula
also has sips of water throughout the day.
do you think he is doing ok ??x

think he is doingfab :) dont worry about how much he actually eats hon-but i know its hard!!
i can contribute to this now zaks eating better

breakfast - ready brek and 3oz full fat milk 6oz formula
mid morn - homemade mini cheese muffin and half a homemade breakfast bar
lunch - 1 -2 fingers of toast and cheese spread with some grated cheese. 1 yoghurt and 1/2 a fruit pot and 5oz formula
mid aft - 1/4 banana
tea- chicken, onions peppers courgettes and mash and a fruit pot
bed- 8oz formula
also has sips of water throughout the day.
do you think he is doing ok ??x

oh he's eating really well! i hadnt thought about readybrek i might get some today and mix it with some full fat milk!!!!

breakfast: 4oz milk & a banana
lunch: home made beef stew with potatoes, (mashed), 1 yoghurt with blueberries
afternoon snack: handful of cheerios
dinner: cheese & tomato sandwich, apple & peach wedges

9oz bedtime bottle
Today Lizzie has had so far:

Brekkie: Half a weetabix with a fruit pot mixed in (was out of bananas lol)
Mid-morning: 4oz milk (from a beaker, yay!)
Lunch: 1 Gingerbread biscotti and a fromage frais

Am thinking I'll do her some mashed potato for tea with some cheese grated in, she just loves her cheese lol.

Do you think babies should be given different stuff all the time or is it ok to give them the same breakfast most days? I usually don't have enough energy first thing to think of something new so I alternate between weetabix or porridge, with some sort of fruit mixed in. Is that ok?
Today Lizzie has had so far:

Brekkie: Half a weetabix with a fruit pot mixed in (was out of bananas lol)
Mid-morning: 4oz milk (from a beaker, yay!)
Lunch: 1 Gingerbread biscotti and a fromage frais

Am thinking I'll do her some mashed potato for tea with some cheese grated in, she just loves her cheese lol.

Do you think babies should be given different stuff all the time or is it ok to give them the same breakfast most days? I usually don't have enough energy first thing to think of something new so I alternate between weetabix or porridge, with some sort of fruit mixed in. Is that ok?

id say it was fine!!!!my lo has weetabix, porridge or baby cereals (oh or toast!) most mornings!!!! i dont know what else to give lol... he loves those things tho and i do alternate his lunches and dinners so he eats different foods iykwim!
I guess its dine but its good to vary as they then don't get to used to the same over n over again x
today marley has been really offside & barely had anything....

breakfast: 4oz milk
lunch; 1 yoghurt
no snack
dinner: porridge made with 4oz formula

3oz of his normal 9oz bedtime bottle. =(
Oh no is he ill?

6.30 Bottle 7oz
10.00 1 hardboiled egg, rasberry & cranberrie youghurt
11.45 Bottle 7 oz
14.00 Tuna sandwich
17.00 mash sweet potatoes, boiled cot, carrots, colliflower and peas
18.45 6oz
Oh no is he ill?

...he's been a nightmare today! =( think from his injection yesterday... hes been really offside, temperature and generally really clingy and just not himself =(
Today Lizzie has had so far:

Brekkie: Half a weetabix with a fruit pot mixed in (was out of bananas lol)
Mid-morning: 4oz milk (from a beaker, yay!)
Lunch: 1 Gingerbread biscotti and a fromage frais

Am thinking I'll do her some mashed potato for tea with some cheese grated in, she just loves her cheese lol.

Do you think babies should be given different stuff all the time or is it ok to give them the same breakfast most days? I usually don't have enough energy first thing to think of something new so I alternate between weetabix or porridge, with some sort of fruit mixed in. Is that ok?

I do exactly the same for breakfast - weetabix or porridge with fruit - banana, peach, nectarine, raspberry, apricot....
I was so proud of Lizzie today - she had some toast and it got all stuck in the roof of her mouth but she managed to get it off, chew it up and swallow! Normally it all comes straight back out or I have to fish it out :)
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yesterday zak had :
Breakfast : weetabix & milk, 4oz formula
Lunch: homemade beans in tomato sauce, grated cheese and toast & yoghurt 5oz formula
Tea: courgette and spinach lasagne & fruit pot
snacks : tangerine and dried apricots
bed: 9oz formula
I was so proud of Lizzie today - she had some toast and it got all stuck in the roof of her mouth but she managed to get it off, chew it up and swallow! Normally it all comes straight back out or I have to fish it out :)

Well done Lizzie!! Bread is actually a tricky one I find, gets all soft and sticky
Today Devon had -

Milk at 1am and 630am!!
No breakfast - had a rare sleep at breakfast time till we were at baby group
Snack at baby group, 3 tiny bits fruit (first time sitting with all the other kids for freefruit snack!)
Lunch - Homemade Pork, peppers and mushrooms with cheese sauce and carrot and pea purees and mash, plus plain yog with pear puree, plus BF milk
Afternoon- BF Milk
Dinner - Homemade spag bol , mash and celeriac and pear puree. plus plain yog and plum and pear puree. plus BF milk

snack when we had tea - 3 mini breadsticks , (wasted most, but was his first try)
Bedtime - BF Milk
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Hey ladies, Ella is just on two meals atm, not sure if I should give her dinner too or drop a milk feed? Today she had:

7am - 6oz milk
9am - porridge with papaya puree
11am - 6oz milk
1.30pm - butternut squash and courgette puree then pear puree for pud
3pm - 6oz milk
6.45pm 6oz milk
Doesn't wake for night feeds.

What do you reckon, about right?
It sounds about right to me, if u wanna swap around n drop a bottle for dinner, I would up the bottles to 7oz, but that's me :) perhas offer som snack aswell.x
Noa today
7 am bottle 7oz
9 am toast with soft cheese 2/3 of a slice
12 pasta with tomato n cheese sauce
2 pm 2 slices orange 1 slice pear
3 pm bottle 4oz
4 pm shared muller light with me
6 pm vegs n prawns cooked in Indian spices mixed with rice (noas first taste of prawns)
7 pm 6oz good night organic milk
Yesterday Lizzie had:
Breakfast: Ready brek with a rusk broken up into it to make more lumps :)
Mid-morning: 5oz bottle
Lunch: Avocado sandwich...ick! But she loved it :) Then some apple biscotti.
Mid-afternoon: 4 oz bottle
Tea: A whole digestive that Grandad gave her from his biscuit box, half a fruit pot and a bit of milk from a beaker (less than 1oz though)
Then 7oz Goodnight milk before bed.

She then woke up at 2 and had 4oz milk. I wish I could get her to take more milk during the day but she then won't have her tea, so a bit stuck on what to do! She seems to get full on a really small amount but then still wakes for a night feed (she is defo hungry).

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