What did your lo eat today? (TW & BLW)

my lo has a full weetabix practically very day! he loves it!!! i find that 4oz milk is a good amount to get a good consistency & he loves it with mashed banana in too!!! i got 2 boxes of weetabix from iceland for about £2 and theyre lasting me ages!!!!!!! they have cheerios on offer too & ive been giving him a small handful on his tray to practice his pincer grip and he eats them up, i think they are low in sugar and salt... and in a small quantity can't do any harm anyway!!!
Wow, with mashed banana, she would love that! Why can I not think of these things myself? Honestly if I didn't come on here I think Lizzie would grow up on porridge and bread cos of my lack of imagination :whistle: :lol:
...ive got loads of inspiration from the replies on here!!! i like to look back on my posts too & see what lo has eaten and how he's progressed with tastes etc!

breaksfast: 6oz milk
lunch: mashed banana, 1 yoghurt.
afternoon snack: gerber fruit puffs, breadstick
dinner: 1 finger of toast, steamed carrot batons, greenbeans & steamed potatoes. apple & nectarine

9oz bedtime bottle.
me again!


B - creamy oat prridge made with 4oz formula
L - 1 slice roast chicken, 2 steamed carrot batons, 1 boiled potato cut into wedges. 1 peach, 1 banana
snack: handful of cheerios
D - ellas kitchen stage 2 chicken and rice pouch, 1 yoghurt.

9oz bedtime milk.

we went to strada for dinner and he had little bit of olives, a mouthful of my pumpkin risotto, a taste of oh's mushrooms and a tinyyyy bit of oh's straciatella icecream!!
13 oz milk (2 bottles!)
Breakfast youghurt & banana
Lunch tortelini with tomatoes n mozarella
6oz milk
Dinner 1 meatball, pasta with olives, feta cheese n begs

Bedtime bottle later, we have started to give the hip organic goodnight milk ;)
ooo how do you find it??? id be lost without it! just had to get 5 tins to take on holidays! lol x
I try to remember what charley ate!
5oz bottle
Muesli made with 2 oz's
Handful of dry cherrios
8oz bottle
1 biscuit (don't know what though)
Apple and banana cow and gate jar
Half a rusk
3 biscotti's (we were out and he was getting restless)
Spagetti and sauce for tea
Another handful of dry cherrios
4oz's bedtime bottle
LM... how does he go on with the cheerios?? marley absolutely devours them!!! he loves them! and i love watching him pick them up one by one! so cute!
He loves them amy! I tried them the other day just to see if his pincher grip works and he's had them everyday since!!

6oz milk on waking
breakfast: 1 yoghurt,1 banana (given by oh!)
lunch: ellas kitchen beef and spuds pouch, avacado, cheerios
mid afternoon: 3oz milk
dinner: cheese on toast, hipp fruit jar

5oz bedtime milk, another 4oz later
I have not noticed any diferent as he sleeps 12 hours anyway x
Bottle 7oz
Breakfast: youghurt cerials n banana
Bottle 7 oz
Ricecake, satsuma, biscotti
Left overs: pasta meatball cheese

When demba came home Noa stood by the table n was feed noodles chicken n begs, prob a full second dinner

6 oz hoop organic good night milk
breakfast porridge made with 4 Oz milk
snack 2 pumpkin and carrot rice cakes
had a picnic lunch at the dinosaur park, she had dairylea cheese sandwich, homemade cheese straw and some pear and Bannana
afternoon snack 2 rich tea biscuits
4pm 5 Oz bottle
tuna pasta bake for tea
4 Oz bottle for bed x
i can contribute to this now zaks eating better

breakfast - ready brek and 3oz full fat milk 6oz formula
mid morn - homemade mini cheese muffin and half a homemade breakfast bar
lunch - 1 -2 fingers of toast and cheese spread with some grated cheese. 1 yoghurt and 1/2 a fruit pot and 5oz formula
mid aft - 1/4 banana
tea- chicken, onions peppers courgettes and mash and a fruit pot
bed- 8oz formula
also has sips of water throughout the day.
do you think he is doing ok ??x

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