What did your implantation bleeding look like?


Well-Known Member
Mar 6, 2013
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Sorry ladies if this is tmi or if the forum already has this information but for those of you who have had implantation bleeding what did yours look like or was there any cramping?

Sorry again if its tmi! I had a tiny tiny speck of blood size of pin.. Would have missed it if I wasn't looking and I thought that may be it the then 3 days later instead of my period I get brown spotting. Today is day 2 and I've only had brown and pink spotting. I put on a tampon just incase but i haven't even filled it up half way and that's very unusual. I've also had light cramp so I don't know if this is af or ib.
I just had the tiniest amount in the cm, could have quite easily missed it to be honest. I didn't know I was pg at the time and just ignored it thinking it was nothing. Turned out I was pregnant after all!
I had a spot of brown/orange colour cm in my knickers about the size of a 10p at 10dpo with my son's pregnancy - but never had IB ever again with the last 3 bfp!

I did have pin head size red speks in cm one cycle at 8dpo and like you would have missed it if I wasn't looking, but I still went on to get AF at 12dpo.

good luck tho, you never know :)
Thanks for posting this Maka. I had a pinky tinge when I wiped when I went to the loo yesterday and was
wondering (hoping) this might be implantation "bleed" but looking at what other people have said
I'm not convinced now. Do you know how many dpo you are? Wishing you all the best! xxx
Hi dotty_ woman... I'm somewhere between 14 and 16 dpo... I've been told by so many different women that you can have IB from week before your period to when your period is due to many women thinking they were getting their period... I know every woman is different along with every pregnancy and every IB. Its nice to get an idea of what to look for.
I had a 5p sized spot of red blood in my underwear at between 5-10dpo (I thought 5dpo, but if scan dates are correct it would have been 10dpo)
oooh how exciting maka!!

I got 1/4 of panty liner full on eve of 8dpo and also same amount again on 9dpo, had started cramping , was quite uncomfy this time, so I knew to look out for spotting and 3 hours after cramps started , the blood was there, (well I say blood, it was orange peechy colour)

Only had it twice , and this is my 7th bfp/pregnancy , (only 4 kids tho) so don't worry it was small, just as exciting you saw it..

good luck
I am 24 dpo and 5 days late I'm never late no sign of ad but had heart burn for 2 weeks this morning I had light pink spot but nothing there on wiping could this be a sign of being pregnant or that the witch is on her way
Hello ladies! I've not been monitoring ovulation this month due to DH getting football injury and me getting every illness possible but based on my last cycle being 38 days, I'm due tomorrow. I've had no cramps or anything for signs of AF but this morning when I wiped I had a very thin line of blood in some cervical mucus. If I'd have not been looking I'd have missed it. I've never seen this before...dare I ask? Is it possible that its an implantation bleed? Or is it because I'm I'll and my AF is due? Answers on a postcard please ;)
whilst were on the subject ladies i was 5 days late no sign of AF then i had tummy cramps and started light bleeding red and brown only used a panty liner typical of day one then it stopped flowing and was only there when i went for a wee and wiped 48 hrs later still only a bit of blood when i wipe. I took a test when i was bleeding yesterday it was neg soo confused as i have had headaches and heart burn the week coming up to my period being due when i didnt get it on time i was convinced i was pregnant then 5 days later i get this bleeding its not a proper period for me at all and I am never ever late please tell me your thoughtsxxx
I didn't have any, or at least I didn't notice. I was working a 14 hour shift the day I found out I was pregnant got to 6pm and realised af hadn't came last died of shock but the only symptom I had was feeling very tired but I'd just started a new job and had put tiredness down to that

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