Is this implantation bleeding? please help


Sep 15, 2011
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My last period was on the 31st august, i had unprotected sex on the 10th september, 4 days after i noticed light pinkish blood colour when i wiped, then i started having alot of brown discharge, i put a tampon in that night and the next morning the tampon was covered in blood? but im not due on my period for another 2 weeks, what could this be? ive heard alot about implantation bleeding, but is it possible for it to be that heavy? really confused can anyone help?
It's probably different for each person regarding implantation. Some people get quite a lot of blood, others get not so much. However, it would seem that it's too early to do a pregnancy test for you at the moment as it would only be a few days since conception. Keep an eye on the bleeding and I would then do a pregnancy test in about a week's time to see what it tells you. If your period started on 31st August and your cycles are of a "normal" length then ovulation could well have been possible round the 10th Septebmer x
HI I am also new on here. I have this is my second month of TTC. I am on exactly the same cycle dates as you amy2692. I am also having really strange bleeding, was brown but today has been slightly heavier. Tjhis has got me a bit stressed and i have been glued to reading these threads (whilst meant to be working all day) Lets hope this is Implantation bleeding. Good Luck x
If you think it might've been implantation then I'd wait between 4 and 7 days before doing a test.

Hopefully you'll both get positives! x
Thanks and I hope your appointment will be positive and productive for you. x
Hiya guys, thanks for comments, period was due 28th so I'm 2 days late but too scared to test as really don't want a bfn:( how long do you fink I should wait before testing?

Kathy- how are you getting on? Are you waiting too?
Fx to everyone!:)
if you're late then a pregnancy test should work...sometimes people get late bfps but mostly people will get a positive test by now so go for it!! good luck x

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