Clothes after pregnancy


Well-Known Member
Jul 7, 2007
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Not sure whether this is the right area to post this in -Sorry mods move it if you need to.

I just wondered what everyone did clothes wise after they had their babies?
Since having Sam I seriously have nothing to wear maternity clothes just look stupid and my pre pregnancy clothes are still a little tight.
I used to be a size 8 but my tops fit fine but they don't fit across the massive boobs I now have. And as for my jeans I can get them past my ass.

Do you reckon it's worth splashing out on new clothes or waiting a while longer then maybe i'll properly fit in to my old clothes.
Personally I waited until I'd lost all but 4 pounds of it before buying anything. Somethings are still tight tho, more to do with the shape of me now that the weight tho

roll on wii fit arriving :rotfl:
I went out and bought loads of new clothes. It was a waste of time cos my old ones fitted me again within a few months but at least I felt comfortable while I was at that in-between stage :)

Plus it was an excuse to go shopping :cheer:
I bought a few new clothes to tide me over and was back in my old clothes by about 2months after, some are a little tight but thats cos my shape has changed i think to be honest as ive lost weight in other places. :)
omg i was like u i was a size 6 and i ballooned in pregnancy- NOTHING fitted me afterwards anywhere near :lol: i lived in pyjamas pretty much, and the big-but-not-maternity size 12/14 stuff i'd bought in second tri before i got really massive. but 10 months on, and finally im back to size 6- wahoo! buy some cheap-but-nice bigger sizes from primark until u get ur old figure back? x
:cheer: Primark why didn't i think of there?
Could do with a spending spree to cheer me up!
i brought some nice cheapy stuff like long tops that covered the flab and a couple of pairs of trousers ( one jeans one combats) that i could wear most of time , funnny thing is im still same size i was pre preggy , a lil smaller infact but a diff shape

ide buy a few itmes but dont go over board your still just had your baby so your bound to lose more weight. Maybe buy some comfy stretchier pants for now??
x-kirsty-x said:
I went out and bought loads of new clothes. It was a waste of time cos my old ones fitted me again within a few months but at least I felt comfortable while I was at that in-between stage :)

Plus it was an excuse to go shopping :cheer:

That could have been me writing that.

so... what she said /\ /\

I am sort of going backwards through my wardrobe, not wearing the maternity clothes now (although I did for the first few weeks) but finding I can get back in the things I bought last summer before I was big enough for maternity clothes but outgrowing my normal sized things. if that makes sense? I am also wearing loose tops that hide the wobbly tum and are easier for feeding anyway, primark is a fab idea, you could buy loads inthere an not feel guilty at all!! :lol:
I've just spent a fortune in Next :cheer: :cheer: :cheer:

OH will have a hissy fit :rotfl: I'll tell him it was from Primark :rotfl:
I've just spent a fortune in Next

OH will have a hissy fit I'll tell him it was from Primark

HAHA! :rotfl: My OH has banned me from next! When my son grew out of his 0-3month clothes we went on a big shopping spree and brought him enough for the next few months. well.....the next day i went to next and ended up spending exactly the same amount on more clothes just half as much stuff!! whoops! :doh:

I told my OH the shopping fairies made me do it! thats my usual excuse!

Now every time he sees a next carrier bag i get the death stare!! :twisted: heehee!
He's probobly sick of hearing me moan the last 2 weeks that nothing fits me. :think: Should've bought him something to get me off the hook :lol:
Actually i did buy him something - a pack of 3 :wink:
I was bad, I ditched all my old clothes and bought (some) new ones for that in between stage. Good thing-I am a bit smaller waisted than my old jeans, and a bit bigger boobed than my old shirts, :lol:
It was a bit of a waste, but getting a couple new outfits that fit me in the moment was a nice treat and made me feel better about the new bod. :D
I was wondering the same thing. I've worn my maternity trousers with a belt to hold them up, they are ridiculously big. But my pre-preg clothes go nowhere near me, again I have to wear a belt with them to hold them up as i cant do the zip or buttons up on them- lucky all my tops are long to hide my gaping fly!

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