what do you think?


Well-Known Member
Dec 14, 2011
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Max seems to have dropped his night feeds but he still wakes up all the time n stays awake but not fully awake.

He's in a deep sleep from 9-2 then stirs n wriggles throws himself around cries throws his dummy out etc n this goes on til 4 or 5. He will then usually have a feed and goes back to sleep, a deep sleep for another hour then he does the half awake weird thing again.

Do you think its him just getting used to stopping the feeds? So like half waking up when he used to feed or something?? I can't work out how to stop it/help him. The room is always dark and he def knows its night time coz he never ever does it during the day.

If he didn't do this I'd have a proper sleep, so even though he's finally dropping the feeds my sleep isn't improving xxx
Albert did the same to begin with and still does occasionally. It was like he was going to wake up then couldn't be arsed lol. He also gets really annoyed with his dummy and literally launches it then goes back to sleep. Just see how he goes, with his reflux that might be bothering him a little too xxxxxxx
Yeah, see he used to only do it from 5am, but now he's started at 2am and that's when he used to have a feed so I reckon its him just getting out of the habit of fully waking- seems the most likely explanation. Fingers crossed he slowly starts to stop that too :) !! He's reflux doesn't seem to be bothering him anymore to be honest ! Xxxx
The reflux affects their sleep hun.

I have the same. I get a sleep until 3-4am and then 4am onwards it is disturbed by the small person crying intermittently. I get up 3-4 times to put the dummy back in. Drives me mad.

I thought it was because she needed feeding at first but the feeding makes no difference.
Oh cool! You won't know what to do with all that sleep lol xxxxxxx
i thought it only affected sleep when it still bothers them? hes not in pain not struggling to eat or anything. but i suppose yeah it possibly could still be affecting his sleep.

another baby mystery!xxx

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