What are you having for dinner today????

Im doing my normal sunday roast! gonna cook pork or try to! its one meat im usless at!!
Not decided yet think might cook myself a roast, need to get chichen out of freezer. Going to go and make myself a nice fried egg butty now tho... yum yum :D
No idea, maybe chicken wrapped in bacon and cheese :D
veggie sausage casserole. It's already in the slow cooker yum!
chicken stuffed with stilton wrapped in bacon with some veggie rice :)
Homemade sausage rolls for lunch. Roast for dinner and homemade mince pies for pudding :D
baby-storm said:
Im doing my normal sunday roast! gonna cook pork or try to! its one meat im usless at!!

I was going to do pork today for the first time as well but OH forgot to buy it lol duno wot we are having im starting to get hungry now tho :(
My oh popped lamp in and has just gone out to get some spuds as ds asked for tatos, mashed! bless him!!! stephen speak is so cute! :lol:
I am just going to go make a BLT. Mmmmmmmmmm :D
Were having roast chicken, with roasted mint potatoes and roasted carrots along with broccoli cauliflower and cabbage with gravy.

Gosh my bottie will stink tomorrow lol
we had a lovley roast what my mum just brought round. stayed in today because the kids aint well and the weather was sh*t
No idea what we're having for dinner

I've been sick all day
Im having melted cheese and milk with sausages. My dad used to eat it when I was little and for some reason it came into my head and Ive got to have it lol!!

Dont worry Im not going to put my DH and DS through that, there having mashed potato, veg and gravy. Just bought some mini pots of Hagen Dazs for after

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