Post pictures of your breakfast/lunch/dinner/midnight munch

lmao yeah ok :)


stong flour (or bread flour) - 200g
salt - teaspoon
margerine - 12g
yeast - 5g
water or milk (or I used cranberry juice, it doesnt really matter) - 125ml
castor sugar - teaspoon

Make the water/milk/juice warm but not hot and add the yeast. Mix it up until it's dissolved and turns cloudy. Put the flour into a large bowl, add the salt and sugar and rub in the margerine with your hands. Add the yeast mixture and mix well.

Take out of the bowl and knead into a smooth dough (use some plain flour to dust if its a bit gloopy). Place the dough ball into bowl and cover to prevent drying out. Leave in a warm place until it has grown. As long as poss, give it 20 minutes at least.

Knead the dough again and add any flavouring (crushed garlic for garlic bread, dried cranberries/walnuts for the one I made, or just whatever flavour you want but don't use too many "bits" just a handful or so).

Break into balls (or roll out for a round flat garlic bread etc) and place on a lightly greased baking sheet. Bake at 180* until the dough is cooked, about 10 minutes. Lift it and tap the bottom to check if it is cooked.

If you want garlic bread...
chop some parsley very finely, cream some garlic and blend together with butter and the parsley. spread this onto the bread when it is still hot and serve straight away.

That recipe makes about 4 big rolls so if you want more just multiply ingredients.

You don't eat the fish eyes silly... the head and tail are for decoration lol
leckershell said:
That recipe makes about 4 big rolls so if you want more just multiply ingredients.

You don't eat the fish eyes silly... the head and tail are for decoration lol

Bet your christmas tree's smell gorgeous :rotfl:

It was really well presented shell, very professional looking :) even with its eyes :wink:
lou said:
leckershell said:
That recipe makes about 4 big rolls so if you want more just multiply ingredients.

You don't eat the fish eyes silly... the head and tail are for decoration lol

Bet your christmas tree's smell gorgeous :rotfl:

It was really well presented shell, very professional looking :) even with its eyes :wink:


its going on the photo wall at college with the best food photos :cheer: if you had seen me a few months ago you'd never have thought i could do that
leckershell said:
lou said:
leckershell said:
That recipe makes about 4 big rolls so if you want more just multiply ingredients.

You don't eat the fish eyes silly... the head and tail are for decoration lol

Bet your christmas tree's smell gorgeous :rotfl:

It was really well presented shell, very professional looking :) even with its eyes :wink:


its going on the photo wall at college with the best food photos :cheer: if you had seen me a few months ago you'd never have thought i could do that

Big up yourself :clap:

Is it great going to college? any cool college boys? :think:
lmao no...

theres about 8 of us and i'm the youngest. the others are middle age women, 3 old blokes, and the chef has gotta be in his 40's/50's...

so no, no hot college "boys" lmao :rotfl:
bump -

heres my dinner:



Carrot and coriander soup and crusty bread.. mmmmm.... made loads, so its also my lunch tomorrow! my colleagues are going to be jealous! :lol:
I just went through this entire thread! Looking at the pictures have made me sooo hungry... and feeling a tad guilty. I convinced my OH to go out and get a boneless bucket from KFC for our dinner! :lol:
Whee does everyone get there ideas from, Im in need of something new to cook cause im sick of cooking the same stuff!!!
Here's my dinner from tonight - and it was so scrummy I made it my Facebook pic :lol:


It's smash (because we're lazy!) carrots, peas, quorn cheese and leek sausages, blob of pesto and gravy mmmm all on my new square plate £2.99 from Sainsburys :cheer:
HappyAlice said:
It's smash (because we're lazy!) carrots, peas, quorn cheese and leek sausages, blob of pesto and gravy mmmm all on my new square plate £2.99 from Sainsburys :cheer:

pesto and gravy :lol:
Glad my food thread survived! :cheer:

lovely meals! I will try and get back to it... :D
paradysso said:
HappyAlice said:
It's smash (because we're lazy!) carrots, peas, quorn cheese and leek sausages, blob of pesto and gravy mmmm all on my new square plate £2.99 from Sainsburys :cheer:

pesto and gravy :lol:

I wasn't keen on trying it but honestly it works! It's like an alternative to mint sauce
can't believe this thread is nearly a year old! Doesnt seem 5 mins since me, leckershell, adele, princessh, keeley amongst others all had big bumps!
HappyAlice I have those leek and cheese quorn sausages. They are really yummy!
.................oh this thread is making me hungry! :lol:

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