What are you eating?

I never actually ate the toothpaste, I just imagined that it would taste really nice and actually saw myself squirting it into my mouth like you do with squirty cream!! :lol::lol:

My OH is make spag bol tonight (under my supervision of course!) :lol:

I'm just dreading the sickness coz hunger I can handle!!

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Eating is the only thing that is making the sicky feeling go.... sorry girls have let the side down, ordered crispy won tons and special curry, might grate some cheese ontop lol.

Hope everybody is having something tasty for dinner xx
Wonder what it is with Cheese?? Its what ive been wanting as well .. that and Orange Juice and Gingerbread!!!

Isn't ginger a godsend though, really helps me feel less sick and queasy, have 2 bags of the stuff at my desk xx
I really wanted a gingerbread latte yesterday couldnt stop thinking about it in the afternoon - but there not out yet!! booohoooo

That has now got me thinking of Starbucks Frappuccino xx
Ello sweet. I'm constantly thinking of my belly!! Even though I have just puked up my dinner...I've still since managed a chocolate muffin. Just in case baby got no nutrients from dinner of course!!!xx
I have been eating a whole load of crap! I just don't know what to eat, iv taken to soup as my source of veg :rofl:
Ah Kole...soup is a good idea actually...plus it will be easy to bring back up again too!!! Ha!xx
But of course Wish, aww it's that time of the day for you huh, not good but hang onto that muffin. Ordered that chinese earlier and only managed a few mouthfuls, back to being queasy again and that Frapp would of really done the trick..... xx

Lol Kole, nice try hun ha ha xx
Haha!!! Sorry sweet! But if I have to feel sick...you must too! It's the law!!!xx
:) correct answer Hopeful. Gold star for that lady! I think I've actually lost weight so far in this pregnancy from all my sickness...silver lining I spose!xx
Lol, thankfully not got to that stage yet hun but saying that it might of been better as it would maybe get rid of the constant queasiness .....off to bed shortly to dream of more food that I probably won't eat. They do say also that you can lose weight in Tri 1 too, could do with losing some of this cheese weight I have put on in the last fortnight xx
Hmm, interesting to read about all the cheese being eaten in this thread as the first item on my shopping list is a big block of sharp cheddar cheese! <3 If I wasn't feeling so sick right now, I would run to the store to get it. Perhaps I can convince the husband to pick some up on the way home from work....
Iv been sick a whole of 4 times, and I plan no more :lol: there is nothing wrong with my soup plan! I tried a veggie stir fry but it was minging, I caved and ordered some pizza, my baby is going to be soooooo fat, so my soup plan is the best I have :rofl:
yup ive been doing the soup thing too - only veggie thing i can stomach! apart from that its chips, takeaway and mcdonalds thaat i crave 24/7!! And its such a shame cos my OH is the cook in our house and he makes gorgeous healthy food that i usually love, but not anymore x

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