What are you eating?

Mint choc chip cornetto...... feel I need to nip to the garage to grab one xx
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OH YES!!! Mint choc chip cornetto!!! Hopeful you are my new food guru!!!Xx
I'll get us a box of 4 then, might do us till lunch xx
Perfect...I could do with that! My tummy is soooo bloated today...it looks like I'm 5 months gone already!xx
That is good in a way though isn't it, makes you feel even more pregnant?
Now my bloating has gone down I have no excuse but having a budda belly xx
Yes, I feel totally pregnant today, but I know it's probably only wind and water making me that way!!! I am looking forward to having a real belly...can't really do my top button up on my jeans today...maybe it's all that cheese???xx
Lol was hoping to wake up this morning without my cheese belly but alas reality hit when I got dressed......
I know maybe we should cut back on cheese for a bit huh xx
Are you kidding??? Cut back on the cheese??? That's one of my few pleasures in life at the moment!! You're talking madness Hopeful...MADNESS!!!xx
Ummmmm (shuffles her feet looking in the opposite direction) obviously lol xx
Less of the young lol I am one of the oldest on here ha ha me and my zimmer xx Right anyone for cheesy balls? xx
A mere whipper snapper of 37.. what about you?

No next question, cheese balls or wotsits? Or do I get bacon rashers too?

Choices choices xx
I'm 31! Hmmm...wotsits are amazing, but cheese balls have more substance! How about this...some cheese balls, frazzles and skips??? Oh, and some salt and vinegar french fries (the crisps) as well. And the cornetto. And some mash. And some fizzy cola bottles!!!xx
Oh and white mice...

Well that garage is USELESS I tell you, USELESS!!!!!!!!!! Strawberry cornetto's only, so have to make do, was a hard choice between that and the Big Feast I can tell you....

Oooh a mint feast might be a good compromise!!! I HATE white chocolate so you can have all those. Perhaps some of those jelly snake things aswell? And some licorice allsorts???xx
Shall I just pick up the whole pick n mix display and see if they notice lol

Just slipped in the warehouse, 2 metre skid heal mark but saved myself from falling by the racking, few twinges going on down there eccckkk xx
Oh god! Scary! The twinges are probably from where you tensed your stomach muscles, don't worry. I actually fell over the other day and had a few twinges after but they soon passed.

I'd love to see you with the pick n mix display shoved up your jumper!!!xx
Yeah we can use that as my boob extension lol keep on staring at them now and still NOTHING! Thought all the cheese may of helped x x

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