what age would you say is too old and too young....

FoxyMummy you are very new to this forum, let me tell you that posts like this are not acceptable here, it's very simple, arguing silly points with me is something I'm not about to get drawn into.

You have strong views on this, fair enough, I have asked you NOT to post them anymore. Think about what I have said before replying to this thread again.
little*red said:
Foxy mummy, you seem to feel very strongly about it being ok for girls to have children very young, well this is the same as these people feel for having children older.

plus obviously a 10 year old is still a child themselves they havent even grown properly never mind equipped physically or emotionally to have a child.

no i dont agree with young mothers, sayin that my best friend is 15 and just had her 1st child and is doing a great job!

i was just tryin to say if mother nature decides when you stop surely thats her decidin you can start!

Urchin said:
FoxyMummy you are very new to this forum, let me tell you that posts like this are not acceptable here, it's very simple, arguing silly points with me is something I'm not about to get drawn into.

You have strong views on this, fair enough, I have asked you NOT to post them anymore. Think about what I have said before replying to this thread again.

well if you dont like it delete it.
Ok, you have your opinion and so does every one else who has replied, we too are stating our opinions too....

Good luck with completing your family by 30.
FoxyMummy said:
Urchin said:
FoxyMummy you are very new to this forum, let me tell you that posts like this are not acceptable here, it's very simple, arguing silly points with me is something I'm not about to get drawn into.

You have strong views on this, fair enough, I have asked you NOT to post them anymore. Think about what I have said before replying to this thread again.

well if you dont like it delete it.

I'm not going to censor your views, no, unless someone complains directly to me about them.

Keep going with the silly, pedantic, immature replies and I will have to take action though.
FoxyMummy said:
Urchin said:
FoxyMummy you are very new to this forum, let me tell you that posts like this are not acceptable here, it's very simple, arguing silly points with me is something I'm not about to get drawn into.

You have strong views on this, fair enough, I have asked you NOT to post them anymore. Think about what I have said before replying to this thread again.

well if you dont like it delete it.

:shock: Do you not realise that Urchin is one of our many fabulous Mod's that is here to try and stop arguing and the spoiling of a nice forum. :shock:
oops sorry, hadn't read the whole thread and just saw people arguing above me. sorry if i've upset anyone or anything by replying. *deleted my reply now* x
SarahH said:
FoxyMummy said:
Urchin said:
FoxyMummy you are very new to this forum, let me tell you that posts like this are not acceptable here, it's very simple, arguing silly points with me is something I'm not about to get drawn into.

You have strong views on this, fair enough, I have asked you NOT to post them anymore. Think about what I have said before replying to this thread again.

well if you dont like it delete it.

:shock: Do you not realise that Urchin is one of our many fabulous Mod's that is here to try and stop arguing and the spoiling of a nice forum. :shock:

Of course she realises, otherwise she would not have told me to delete her replies :lol:
i had my 1st child at the age of 19 was pregnant at 18, my lovely Daughter is now nearly 11 & looking back we should have waited.
we luckily are still together 12/13 yrs down the line & have 2 gorgeous boys to complete our family, but looking back we really should have waited & experienced being a couple 1st.

my problem was i can't wait for anything, i want it now :roll: my husband already had a son of 19 mths when we got togetther & i wanted a baby with him too :roll: ( my immaturity then!) so when i did fall pregnant i was happy but he wasn't coz he'd been through a break up involving a small child & didn't want to go through it again.

we are very very happy & i wouldn't change anythying & adore being a mum & ache for my babies when theyr're not here, but my sister has just got married & had a lavish wedding & fab honeymoon & will start trying next year for babies, they've been together for 6 years have been on holidays everywhere & enjoy life as a couple, before rushing into having a family.

we never had that, havn't till 2 yrs ago been on holiday & when we did it cost a samll fortune coz we had 3 kids to take too ( hubbys son lives with us too) we didn't have a big wedding coz we had no money, a quickie in a registry office & no honeymoon atall :(

don't get me wrong i'm not complaining, just stating that i think people should really wait until their mid twenties ish to have a family so they've lived some sort of single life as an adult 1st & gone on holidays with friends ETC.

its just my opinion of my situation, so don't anyone jump on me :wink:
I'm finding it VERY hard not to get peed off at this thread....

I will try to refrain from commenting, but I just think perhaps someone should put a little bit more thought into their 'opinion' posts before commenting so freely about age issues.

It really isn't contributing to the 'I'm mature for my age' statement from your opening post.

Just a thought..... xx
foxymum said:
i had my 1st child at the age of 19 was pregnant at 18, my lovely Daughter is now nearly 11 & looking back we should have waited.
we luckily are still together 12/13 yrs down the line & have 2 gorgeous boys to complete our family, but looking back we really should have waited & experienced being a couple 1st.

my problem was i can't wait for anything, i want it now :roll: my husband already had a son of 19 mths when we got togetther & i wanted a baby with him too :roll: ( my immaturity then!) so when i did fall pregnant i was happy but he wasn't coz he'd been through a break up involving a small child & didn't want to go through it again.

we are very very happy & i wouldn't change anythying & adore being a mum & ache for my babies when theyr're not here, but my sister has just got married & had a lavish wedding & fab honeymoon & will start trying next year for babies, they've been together for 6 years have been on holidays everywhere & enjoy life as a couple, before rushing into having a family.

we never had that, havn't till 2 yrs ago been on holiday & when we did it cost a samll fortune coz we had 3 kids to take too ( hubbys son lives with us too) we didn't have a big wedding coz we had no money, a quickie in a registry office & no honeymoon atall :(

don't get me wrong i'm not complaining, just stating that i think people should really wait until their mid twenties ish to have a family so they've lived some sort of single life as an adult 1st & gone on holidays with friends ETC.

its just my opinion of my situation, so don't anyone jump on me :wink:

i agree 100%. Im 21 and my husband is 33, we decided to have children so quickly as my husband wants a little boy before he get 'too old' but now we have Evie and sometimes i wish we had more time to spend with it being just us. however i dont regreat having my little girl and wouldnt change her for the world. Unfortunatley we had to either scarafice our time together or my husband having kids when he was older. :D
FoxyMummy said:
having a child at the age of 40/50 is selfish..... if something was to happen to either or both partent the child is going to be 20 at the most!

I was orphaned when I was 4 and my parents were in there 20's :think: So anyone can die at any time...
FoxyMummy said:
having a child at the age of 40/50 is selfish..... if something was to happen to either or both partent the child is going to be 20 at the most! if my mum had me at 40/50 i wouldnt have thanked her!!

Im 18 and my patrents and grandparents are very happy for me and really excited too.

I never intended to hurt anyone
upset anyone by this post, it is only opinnions!!

Im not sayin at 40/50year old parent will not give the child all it needs as im sure every parent does the best for their child.

someone said that mother nature decides when you stop having children....... well i was 10/11 when i got my period so does that mean that it was ok for me to have a child at 10/11???

i work at a nursing home and i have a resident that is 47 and is very ill she has a 6 year old boy who had to be put in care as she was not able to lok after him and there is no other family to look after him!!
this is not right for a child at all!!

i just think its wrong people having kids at such old ages

Im sorry but its my opinnion and everyone is entitled to their opinion xx

You could also get killed in your teens, 20's or 30's. My Mum had me in her 20's and died when I was 15. Just because you have a child earlier it doesn't mean that nothing will happen to you.
skairdykat said:
FoxyMummy said:
having a child at the age of 40/50 is selfish..... if something was to happen to either or both partent the child is going to be 20 at the most! if my mum had me at 40/50 i wouldnt have thanked her!!

Im 18 and my patrents and grandparents are very happy for me and really excited too.

I never intended to hurt anyone
upset anyone by this post, it is only opinnions!!

Im not sayin at 40/50year old parent will not give the child all it needs as im sure every parent does the best for their child.

someone said that mother nature decides when you stop having children....... well i was 10/11 when i got my period so does that mean that it was ok for me to have a child at 10/11???

i work at a nursing home and i have a resident that is 47 and is very ill she has a 6 year old boy who had to be put in care as she was not able to lok after him and there is no other family to look after him!!
this is not right for a child at all!!

i just think its wrong people having kids at such old ages

Im sorry but its my opinnion and everyone is entitled to their opinion xx

You could also get killed in your teens, 20's or 30's. My Mum had me in her 20's and died when I was 15. Just because you have a child earlier it doesn't mean that nothing will happen to you.

Thats pretty much what I just said :) so obviously I agree!!!
ive always wanted a baby but im 24 now and i think i waited for the right time. i feel im mature enough now to be able to be a good mum
skairdykat said:
LOL Ooops didn't see your post before I replied.

No i wasn't having a go, justs howing you support, lol!!!

Completely agree with you, my mum and dad died of different things within 6 months in their 20's when I was 4. When your numbers up, it's up regardless of age.
LOL I know hun :hug:

I agree you can't say that eveyone will die aged over 40, thats just silly, and if everyone thought about the 'what if's' all the time we'd be extinct before long.

Sorry about you parents hun :hug: :hug:

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