what a night


Well-Known Member
Jan 25, 2010
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well had pains all day so my sister came over about 9:30 pm last night to sit with the kids just to get checked over at the hospital as with dolly my full blown pains only came 40 mins before she was born.
Anyway got the and babies heart rate was very high so put me on monitor for an hour still didnt really go down so they went and got the register how wanted me to stay on a little longer thankfully heart rate came down and they checked me and I was still only 3 cm I was gutted.
Came home and the wore off in bed last night but are back this morning and are hurting cant believe my 3rd labour up to now is being more painful then my 2nd just my bloody luck.
and to top it off I'm bad as a dog full of cold so Im happy for things to stop over the next few day so I can get better.
will keep you's updated
Aw no! x hugs x hope things pick up for you x
oh no...hope things pick up for you!! xx
all the best lovely hope things start moving really soon x
Don't forget forest me!! Rubbish about the cold thing though! Xx
awww lanny thats a shame i feel so sorry for you chick hope things stop for you and give you alittle rest

all the best xxxxx:hugs::hugs:
Oh Lanny, sorry you're feeling rough but really hope things progress quickly for you now. Good luck!!

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