Mel update :) *another update*

ahh good luck for wednesday! Not long to go now, and at least you have a date in mind :yay:
Sounds good Melio x Glad your okay and hope that you don't really get chance to rest and contractions pick up hehe x Fingers are tightly crossed for a natural labour before wed xxxx
Ive actually got wednesday all planned out :blush: so got myself excited about it all now. Cant believe its 2 days!!! I said to FOB today while we were waiting 'your going to be a dad in 2 days!' and he just sat there looking a bit petrified lol. Bless him.

Id like a labour watch tomorrow please :) Evajo, tiny, kiwi, RM, tasha...........anyone?!?!?! I dont think Ill be home until thursday (just a feeling) so I want someone to pop before wednesday morning :D x
Well i'm off for hopefully a sweep tomorrow and was awake with strong bh's last night til 2 but still reacon this babe is way to comfy and have predicted 6 th aug right from start so don't think i'm gonna pop til then! RM been on tonight? She was having sweep today but has not updated!
oooo good luck melio hun! so excited to meet your new babi via PF! hehe. i'm baby obsessed since Riley!! lots of :dust: hun xxxxxx
Good luck for Wednesday!!!! I can't believe how long you've been waiting!!!!!! Hope you have a great birth!
Hehe! I'll try my best. Been having dull pains through the night and this morning i've a weird ache. Sorta mix between period pain and the feeling you get when you've an upset tummy. Probably wishful thinking though but I sat bouncing on my ball for a good few hours last night! Haha! Wed tomorrow! Dead excited for ya! Any signs she's gonna come on her own? X
so today is definitely your last full day of being pregnant - assuming your LO doesn't decide to come of her own accord of course! Enjoy your last day! xx
Hi Melio, just seen this sorry - Im quite happy to update for you, I dont have a sweep til Thursday now and nothing is happening at the moment from yesterday's sweep. If things do kick off then I can pass it to someone else. If you like Pm me your number xx
Been having dull pains through the night and this morning i've a weird ache. Sorta mix between period pain and the feeling you get when you've an upset tummy.

this is exactly the same pain I was having with my on off, start stop contractions. I think you might be starting to have contractions :yay: When you feelthe pain prod your bump to see if its gone hard, thats what I do anyway :oooo:

Very exciting, and Evajo, sounds like things are gearing up, you never know yourbaby might surprise you!:dance:

Myself, Ive had a very long nights sleep, actually fell asleep by 11 and woke up at 7.30 having had 1 pee break in the night :shock: I also woke up with a headache and not feeling 100%, but fortunately no contractions this morning so sorry Melio but Im kinda hoping today in NOT my labour day!!
Ahhh tiny! Dont say that! Squishing one of my hopes.

I dont feel like there are any signs baby will be making her way out today so Ill be swishing around today enjoying my last day with bump :D I was paranoid about sleeping on my back last night (As that was why they think the heart rate dropped) but managed a full night on my left! Safe to say my left side was numb when I woke up :shock:

They also saw when I was there that her heart rate dropped during a contraction....I really want a natural birth....but I keep having a niggling feeling Ill end up with a csection, so today Im going to pack a teenie extra bag to keep at home for my parents to pick up just incase I have to stay in a bit longer. Lots to do today!

Thank you for the offer RM but Ive got Meeah on the job. Ive kept her waiting for this job for weeks now :blush: I feel bad. Yesterday was a dry run for her :) And Tasha and Evajo,....looks like your my last hope!!!! Although....has kiwi been on contact?!
I thought the heartrate was supposed to drop during contractions :confused:
Here I am....unfortunately! Have had irregular contractions throughout the night following my sweep but they don't seem to developping into any sort of regular pattern so think I'm still on track for the induction on Saturday. Only one day to go Mel - you must be so excited and relieved! xx
I thought the heartrate was supposed to drop during contractions :confused:

No idea lol...But they wrote it down in my notes and after that one at the beginning her heart rate stayed the same during the other contractions. I dont understand it all to be honest. They never explain!
And kiwi - Noooo! I was hoping you would have sneakily had your baby in the night! Theres sill hope've got 4 days still!!!! :D
good luck Kiwi, I hope youre contractions pick up a nice rhythym before the weekend! :yay:
Hey no worries! I probably read that post the wrong way :wall: wishing you every bit of luck xx
Well - the pains I was having this morning lasted a good 2 hours, I managed to get to sleep thinking i'd need the rest if anything kicked off and now i've gotten up...they're gone! :wall:

I was half expecting to pull myself out of bed and there be a big GUSH of water!! Haha! Told Jamie to keep his phone on him at all times from today as well as been having pains on and off since Sun now.

Sooooo excited for you Mel! I bet you cant wait to meet your daughter! Really hope everything goes to plan! What time are you in tomorrow? x

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