what a night last night


Well-Known Member
Apr 13, 2010
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Hi everyone

started feeling sick last night about 6pm and went for a bath, was lying on the couch watching tv and realised I had terrible back pain but thought nothing of it, then I realised that my BH were very regluar about 2 every hour for about 40 seconds but they were coming with period/trapped wind type pains that came from my back round to the front. but me and my OH had sex earlier and I thought that it might just be to do with that. Decided to take some paracetamol and went to bed about 10ish as I was so sore and uncomfortable. Had these pains all night and had about an hours sleep all in, was going to head to the hospital around half 2 but thought that because I had my midwife this morning to leave it

So went to the midwife and told her this am and she said that these were definetly practice contractions not BH as they dont come with pain she also said that I have alot of protein in my urine and high blood pressure and the babys head is fully engaged she also had a wee feel and said that my cervix is starting to open, so she called my consultant who also agreed I could be nearing going into labour. So the out comei is if I have any pain at all from now til Fri when I am next at the hospital I have to head straight to the hospital xx
ooh hope ur ok hun!!

would they let u deliver naturally or are they wanting to induce u on friday?

Wow hope it all settles down hun! Good luck for fri x x
This def sound similar to what I'm having! Hope you're ok! All the best for Friday!
Hope it settles for u certainly doesnt feel lile fun
oooh My first thought as I read your post, was the same as Sexy Amy! If you did go naturally , would they let you continue or section? it wold be nice to have the natural if you can do it?

You take it easy, a few more weeks cooking would be good
Oh hunni - sounds like youre having a tought time of it. Hope you manage to relax a bit tomorrow before you're back in on Friday. Are they thinking about bringing the section date closer, or would they let you go to labour?

Thinking of you. xxx
Hope the pains go away and you at least get to your next appointment without having to go back to hospital.
Hope your okay huni, must have been worrying but just try to relax, rest and just wait to see what happens, fingers crossed you get a good nights sleep tonight xx
keeping fingers crossed for you hun, I've been having the same contraction type pains for weeks so know how uncomfy you must be feeling xx
thanks everyone, the natural delivery is out the window cause everytime I would have a contractions cuts the blood supply to the baby from the placenta and the placenta is the reason she isnt growing and getting enough nutrients as it is. I have an appointment every Mon and Fri for doppler scans and fetal monitoring and seeing the consultant on Fri if my cervix is really soft the section will be brought forward as they dont want the risk of me going into labour as I was only a little over an hour with mia so that would cut it fine to get from my house and set up section if i did go into labour if that makes sense?? xx
Oooo, sending lots of thoughts your way hun, all sounds really stressful! I hope it all slows down for you a bit :)


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