We're are absolutely Devastated - RIP Our Rebecca

Thinking of you today.

I have to work today, so can't light a candle but I'll take a quiet moment to think of your beautiful baby girl and the other angels she's joined

Thinking of you today. You'll be in my prayers. Stay strong and may God bless you all sweetie.xxxx
Just a quick message to say I hope it went as well as it could today. I was thinking of you. xxxx
Thinking of you and your oh today Vicky xx
Hi everyone, Rebecca's funeral was beautiful (if that's the right way to describe a funeral)? Paul and I carried Becky's coffin to the graveside. Reverend Jayne Adams did the funeral for us (from Russell's Hall Hospital in Dudley) and she was fantastic. It was so heartbreaking to see all the other baby graves there with teddy bears and windmills, it's such a cruel waste of lives. We asked Jayne to try and keep the service short and sweet (which she very kindly did for us) We both lowered Rebecca into her final resting place. We feel so proud of ourselves for being so strong. Both our parents and Paul's brother and sister attended (I'm an only child)

We are relieved that it's all over. The crematorium is a stone's throw from our house so we will be able to visit her whenever we wish (we will be going this evening, though I'm not sure what their opening hours are yet - so it might be closed when we go)

Reverend Jayne has also given us a little lantern with tea lights so that we can light a candle for Becky, which I think's a lovely idea (will will be doing that for her tonight)

Thank you all again for your lovely messages. They mean so much to me and they have helped me get through such a tragic time.

Love and Hugs to you all

Vicky x x
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Pleased to hear it went as you had planned sweetie. What a lovely gesture with the lantern xx :hugs:
You are so brave and strong. It sounds like it was a beautiful goodbye. Take care of yourself hun xxxxxx
Was thinking of you today, glad it went well. xxx

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