Were any of you mums terrified of birth?

I am getting really anxious now Zoe, but I think it's because I have no idea what to expect. I am also worried about things that could go wrong at the last minute - I know I am in the safest hands, but still I'm one of those people who like to be in control of everything!! As for pooing during labour - I have told my OH NEVER to tell anyone if I do!!
zoe c said:
What if I cant do it? What if I poo myself? What if I make a show of myself....... :cry:

you CAN do it. midwives are used to poo and it doesn't bother them. Most women in labour make a show of themselves. :lol:

put it this way im willing to do it again and im going to try not to think about it too much till near the end (it's pointless to worry all the time about what could or might happen). Try and enjoy your pregnancy cos when you look back you'll think 'i wish i had enjoyed it more instead of worrying'

yes it is painful but you get through it and it's pain you forget once your baby is here! x
Jade89 said:
I really really don't want to tear though, or have to be cut :(

I was scared of this, and pooing in labour. As it turned out I had to have an episiotomy and had such an upset tummy I pooed constantly (tmi, sorry! :oops:)

Honestly Jade, at the time you're so focused on meeting your LO, you don't care WHAT'S going on. I was glad I was stitched downstairs rather than C-section, because at least I couldn't see the scar.

I look into Stanley's little face and know I'd do it again a thousand times over to get him here safely :D
Minxy said:
Jade89 said:
I really really don't want to tear though, or have to be cut :(

I was scared of this, and pooing in labour. As it turned out I had to have an episiotomy and had such an upset tummy I pooed constantly (tmi, sorry! :oops:)

Honestly Jade, at the time you're so focused on meeting your LO, you don't care WHAT'S going on. I was glad I was stitched downstairs rather than C-section, because at least I couldn't see the scar.

I look into Stanley's little face and know I'd do it again a thousand times over to get him here safely :D

Minxy did you have upset tum due to the contractions? Only i get very bad gripe pains when on my period which in turn often make me run to the toilet a few times :oops: and with contractions being stonger and alot more painful i just wondered if they would affect me the same
No, I'd been in 3 days already and hospital food had bunged me up :oops: After crouching over a bed pan in delivery (dignity left at the door, I kid you not!) I just couldn't really control it and was pooping for hours!

Sounds worse than it was. The midwives really don't care and even OH has never mentioned it! :rotfl:
Gosh that was a bit of an experience...I'm not too fussed about the Midwife seeing it, its my OH :oops: lol
I was really scared hun but honestly you don't have to be. When the time comes you just go with it. I had a relatively quick labour and did it all without any pain relief. Holding your LO at the end of it makes it all worth while, I can't wait to do it all again :)
Good Luck !

I had my wee boy 2 weeks ago, He is my first baby. I have been married for 10years and kept putting it off as i was terrified of the thought of giving birth. I had a long labour, well was in hospital for 19 hours, only the last 7 were really painful, I had gas and air and eventually morphine and managed to go without an epidural which i had a huge fear off.

I didnt tear and didnt poo myself. i made my hubby promise he would tell me if i did!! and the whole experience was no where near as bad as i thought it would be. Your body just takes over eventually and does it for you.

The best piece of advice i got was dont fight the contractions. Instead of tensing up when they arrive and clenching your fists, try and relax and breathe very slowly and deeply through it.

You will be fine

I wouldnt know if I had pooed myslef, no-one said and OH sayed away from the 'business end' anyway. And pesides they really arnt going to tell you anyway 'oh bloody hell, you just shit yourself hun!' :lol:

I didnt like the idea of being manhandled and semi naked with people staring at my bits, ut on the day in the end I had 7 doctors/consultants/midwives in the room and I didnt give a damn, and I imediatly wanted to rip my gown off in front of everyone and stick the baby on my chest. You really dont care at the time.

This time im just slightly more worried about the pain think, as due to complications last time, I will only be allowed gas & air, so I hope ot dosn't last to long this time!
Cat&Noah said:
I wouldnt know if I had pooed myslef, no-one said and OH sayed away from the 'business end' anyway. And pesides they really arnt going to tell you anyway 'oh bloody hell, you just sh*t yourself hun!' :lol:

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA oh gosh, that made me chuckle!

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