weight gain


Well-Known Member
Jul 16, 2005
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My parents came over to Uk to celebrate Xmas with us, and since then, everytime I talk to my mum (on phone, msn...) she keeps on telling me I have put too much weight :(
I have gained 14 kilos, which I believe is 2.2 stones (if I believe google!) and I am 33 weeks.
She says everybody in france she talks to say the same thing, but everytime I have tried to talk about it with my MW, she never care to check my weight, or listen to my concerns!!!
I know I have had cravings for lollipops, and I eat a lot of fruits, but otherwise, i think my diet is quite good!
WHat do you think??? and what are the risks for baby if I am over weight?
I'm feeling down and angry at my mum for repeating the same thing over and over again...and at myself that I could have avoided that, maybe!

what is people experience? am I really too big?

mel xx
From what I've read it's normal to put on around 25-35lbs over the whole pregnancy, so you're in the right range.
Hi there

It's normally said that how much weight you sould gain during pregnancy depends on the weight you were before you were pregnant.
from what I've read if your:-

Underweight - gain should be about 3 stone
average weight - gain should be about 2 stone
over weight - gain should be 1 stone

but that is only a rough guide

I'm normally average weight and with my 1st I gained 1 stone, and with my 2nd I gained 2.5 stone.

for 33 weeks 2.2 stone sounds ok to me really you may have 7 weeks to go but during this time you you'll only gain weight from your baby growing and maybe water retention.

Please try not to listen to what people think about how much weight they think you've gain and the above weight gain stated is a VERY ROUGH guide, you have to take alot into account, the babys size, amniotic fluid, extra uterus weight extra blood supplie and of cause the dreaded water retention (which normally makes up most of the "eccess" wieght you think you've gain)

Think of all that put together and 2 - 3 stone is easily taken up.

I hope all that made sense and hopefully made you feel alittle more reassured.

as long as you eat well and feel heathy and baby is heathy I really can't see a problem.

oh I also forgot to add you also have to remember that your boobs are most likly larger and fuller then before so also add that on to everything else.

I'm loving mine at the mo ( but I think hubby likes them more lol)
Please don't stress about your weight, it is the last thing you need to be worried about during your pregnancy. Enjoy the extra pounds and least you know when bubba is here it will come off, it is only a temporary hinderance.

I have put on 4 stone so imagine how I feel!! He he, all I say is that I have the greatest miracle inside me, and there are plenty of women out there who would love children but can't have them, and being SLIGHTLY overweight is a small price to pay.

Chin up, don't worry

Karrina x
hey mel

let me reassure you, i'm french, am 35 weeks and have put on 17 kilos (approx) which apparently is fine! sorry i cant calculate in pounds...

also i know a fair amount of pregnant women in france and i was delighted to see (sorry to them) that they have gained much more weight than i have :twisted:

i guess people notice when its your whole body that blows up. read an aricle saying up to 25 kilos on average is fine! :)

so dont worry about these french rakes, they are prob just showing off lol
and eat, because its normal to, just as long as you dont overdo it

take care
pip xx

Im sorry to hear your upset but dont worry about what others have ot say as long as you and baby are healthy. Everyone puts on a different amount. And as everyone else has said your amount is in the range soits fine and most of it probably is water.
So take care and talk to you soon.
Katrina :D
Apparently in the old days they used to say that a stone was enough and anymore was a reason for concern. Not anymore thankfully! I am aiming for somewhere between the 25-35 pound mark and I think I am going to be OK by the looks of it. I am at 37 weeks and have gained 27 pounds (1st13) and things look good, but I was completely prepared mentally to gain a lot more than that.

I know how you feel though, my dad commented the other day how my thighs had got bigger. Nice! :evil:
please dont worry as long as you and baby are fine thats the important bit everybody puts on different amounts during my first pregnancy i was 14 stone before i got pregnant and only put on 1 stone 4 pounds this time i was a lot slimmer to start out and have put on over a stone already :(
and im only half way there today at this rate il have put on about 2 and half stone by time baby gets here im not too worried about it as on last pregnancy id lost 2 stone by 4 days after baby was born must have had a lot of water hopefully it will be same this time xxxxx
thanks everyone for your reassurance!

I weighted myself last night, and it got worse!!! 17 kilos! That's true that my whole body has got bigger, esp. my face I think!!!

well, you are right, as long as baby is fine, I don't really mind about myself! it's just that I don't want to have a difficult delivery or a C-section, just because I can't stop eating!! :roll:

I do honestly think I eat healthy, and I drink around 1.5 litre of water, which for me is A LOT, so I hope it is water retention!

I'll let you know what my MW says, I see her on the 17th...I'll be 35 weeks by then.
Thanks again everyone for your support, you did make me feel a lot better :p
Much love and hugs,
Mel xx
I just thought of something else.

Lots of women do blow up a lot more all over when they are expecting a girl, so maybe this is the reason. ?

Don't worry about it. Don't try to fight your body, it will do what it wants regardless.

It sounds like you are pretty normal and healthy to me!
I was more worried about gaining weight, I hadn't gained any up to 28 weeks, and from then to around 36 weeks it didn't stop, now it has stabilised and it is the same every week. The doctor said that the baby should be around 8 pounds. Really all I care about is having a healthy baby, other things matter later.

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