Weight Gain


Jan 27, 2005
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Hello, I hardly put on any weight (only 3 kilos!) til week 22( I was eating very healithy as well, I wasnt on a diet) and now I'm 28 weeks and cant seem to stop stuffing my face!!. I am under alot of stress atm (living in a city where i dont know anyone and about to move interstate again) and I have now put on 9 kilos, 6 kilos in the last 6 weeks!. I know Its not just my baby, I'm getting quite fat:( Anyone else experiencing this or is it just me? I cant afford to put any more excess weight on as I was already about 10 kilos heavier than what I would have liked when I fell pregnant and I'm getting married 18 weeks after the baby is born and want to be 20 kilos lighter than I am now...let along what I will weigh in the next 12 weeks! My due date is 29th April. Has anyone got any tips that will limit my weight gain between now and then without harming the nuitritional needs of my baby?
If you feel you need to stuff, stuff things that are good for you like fruit and veg! Have a bigish dinner with a lot of potato, it will bloat you out and you will feel full up. Do gentle exercise as well, like going for a light walk 3 times a day. It's all good for you and you shouldn't put on any excess weight. You will still put weight on now you are getting further into the pregnancy though.
I don't work in kilos so I'm not sure how much weight it is that you've put on but I know for me, I hardly gained at all until weeks 18/20 ish and then Wham in 10 weeks I have put on 201bs (about a stone and a half). I wasn't showing at all then suddenly there was this huge baby bump all at the front. I was totally paranoid because I put on weight easily when not pregnant and don't want to have to struggle loosing a load of excess once the baby is born! But my midwife says the baby feels like a big one and pregnant ladies who were within normal weight range before falling pregnant can expect to put on between 25-35lbs! Remeber you should be puting on 1 lb to a 1 1/2lb each week of yourt third trimester....

I agree about the gentle excersie- nothing worse that a preganant couch potatoe. I do aqua natal once a week and talk the dog for an hours walk evryday (nice an slow). Also its worth noting that even in the third trimester the amount of extra calories you need is the equivalent to two peices of extra toast a day ....... but hey, everynow and again i do like to indulge !
Thanks girls, I kinda know what I should be doing but sometimes you just need someone to tell you! I have put on about 18.7 pounds, a kilo is 2.2 pounds. My fiance has offered to buy me a gym membership. We live in the city so walking the streets isnt very appealing (pollution,heavy traffic and waiting for traffic lights...most unpleasant!) I will be trying to go each day and do some swimming,gentle walking on the walking machine and maybe some stationary bike riding as well. Hopefully if I start doing that and be a little stricter with my diet I should slow my weight gain down abit and feel alot healthier!
Hi there,

My due date is 30 April so I'm in week 29. I lost 2 kilos in my first 3 months and went down to 56 kilos - I wasn't trying to lose weight at all either. At the moment I'm 64 kilos which means I've put on about 8 kilos, so 9 kilos sounds about right. But I know what you mean - my thighs are getting massive, and they weren't skinny to start with! I may be naive, but I'm hoping to lose a bit of the weight during breastfeeding...
During this whole pregnancy I thought I was doing really good with the weight gain. My first 7 months you could not even tell I was pregnant. The eighth month I really popped out, but still only gaining less then a pound a week. So I was excitied when I reached my nineth month, because in almost every book I read it said most likely weight gain would stop or slow down. But of coarse that was not my case. Every week I have gained anywhere from 1 lb. to 4lbs!!! :cry: I am actually due today. It is time to get this baby out into the world, and for me to lose all the weight I have gained :!:

So ready for D-Day!!
hi my due date is the 24th of april for the past couple of weeks now i cant stop eatin ive put on quite a bit of weight aswel but if im hungry then i just eat cant help it
My advice would be not to worry too much about weight gain... if you listen to your body, it will tell you what to eat.

I gained very little at first, and have slowly and steadily put on about 25 pounds and am at 34 weeks now. I am 5'8", and though strangers think I have a huge tum, I see and feel that I'm still me with a baby and his support system on my front.

I read that a 7.5 pound baby needs pounds and pounds worth of placenta, amniotic fluid, etc. to support him. Allowing for 7 pounds of fat, a woman is looking at 30ish pound gain. It's normal and natural.

There is a light at the end of the tunnel! Although I get hungry at intervals, I feel my stomach all squished up under my ribs, and find that I am unable to stuff my face at this point. You've heard it before, but "little and often" is the key.

Don't fret, drink lots of water, and just don't have cookies before a check-up, they will make glucose show up in your urine.

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