Very early miscarrige :-(

Gizzy Kelly

Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2011
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Hi girls

I have never posted in here before as I live in the LTTC section of PF. After nearly 3 years of TTC with my Husband (we have unexplained infertility) I got my BFP last Thursday (on a FRER, normal test and a Digi which said pregnant 1-2).

Unfortunately I started bleeding yesterday and I went to the EPU this morning to be told that I am having an early miscarriage. My ECG levels were too low for there to be a pregnancy anymore and that nature will have to takes it course. I am of course very upset by this and cannot beleive we have gone from so sad to so happy in such a short space of time.

We were due to have our first fertility appointment at Barts on Wednesday. I am glad I did not cancel that now and they told me to go ahead with the appointment.

Has anyone ever had this before as such an early stage?? is there anything I can do to to stop this next time?

Gizzy xxxx
oh hun i am so sorry! :hugs:

i would go for tests to see maybeif its a clotting problem, having not suffered such an early loss myself i am not super clued up ( mine was 14 weeks ) but i know many girls here including Carnat22 had very early losses. HOwever it CAN just be one of those things hun, a very cruel thing :-(

my heart goes out to you really it does, i know you have been trying a long time
Oh Gizzy,

You poor thing.

Like you fertility issues are not enough, now this as well.

Life really is unfair sometimes.

I know this may be classed as an early miscarriage but for women in your position it is all that much harder.

My earliest loss was at 5 weeks, so about 8 days after our BFP. As it occured over the weekend I didn't even get to see anyone and was told jsut to make sure I got a negative test 2 weeks later :shock: My others were at 6w and 8w. All three were classed as miscarriages though and not chemical pregnancies....

I know this is of little consulation but at least you know it can happen???

Is your treatment private? I am not sure how getting a BFP effects NHS treatment you see. I would speak to your consultant when you have your appoimtment though.

I assume you've had a fair amount of testing over the years so any hormone deficiency (that may have affected the pregnancy) would have shown up. I think sadly this is just one of those examples of God awful luck... Next time round though make sure you are on the phone ASAP and see if they can offer anything. Some women swear by baby asprin and I took very high dose folic acid this time around.

I am sorry to hear this hun, as I say it is hard for anyone TTC to suffer a loss, let alone a LTTC'er.

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Sounds like a chemical prenancy, I've had two this year alone. I didn't know how common they were tbh either. I'm sorry you are going through this, take some time to be with your partner xxxx
Sounds like a chemical prenancy, I've had two this year alone. I didn't know how common they were tbh either. I'm sorry you are going through this, take some time to be with your partner xxxx

Gizzy I'd be cautious about classing this as a chemical.

Please make sure you get Dr's to note it as a miscarriage.

CP's - in essence - occur when someone tests very early, gets a positive yet had a bleed around time period is due (this is why I would never advocate testing early). The pregnancy never takes and your period arrives pretty much as normal?

What happened with you is different hun

I'm so sorry Gizzy, miscarriage is an awful thing for any woman to go through no matter what stage of the pregnancy they are in, my thoughts are with you x
I'm so sorry Gizzy xxx

It might be worth asking about low progesterone levels at early pg, ladies are given progesterone which can help prevent misscarriage.

Big hugs xxx
i am realy sorry life is so cruel at times , i had mc at 5.5 weeks no reason y just one of those things probably my age im told (39) next one was 10 weeks baby stopped at 8 weeks again was told probably age,i would echo wat carnat said chemicals are usualy ladies getting bfp days b4 af due and then af comes as normal on time or a little late have them put it down as an mc not a chemical xx hope all goes well at ur appointment xx
So sorry to hear your news.

I had an early miscarriage last month at 5 1/2 weeks. It was my first pregnancy and I was devastated. I didn't stop crying for days. I was told it was just one of these things. Mother nature sucks sometimes.

I was starting to get over the loss when I received an appointment letter from the hospital for my 12 week scan. I was so upset that the hospital sent me out the letter even though they knew we had been for an early scan and told that we had lost the pregnancy. Stupid admin people. How insensitive.
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No advice to add honey, just wanted to say I'm really so sorry :hugs:
Really sorry for your loss I've had 3 early mc's each one very emotional take time to get over what's happened and take care of yourself x x
Oh Gizzy Im absolutely sick to read this honey! I come in and out of here as I had a mc last Feb. My mc was at 6 weeks and I passed everythibg naturally. I had 2 weeks knowing that I was pregnant! Its truely hearbreaking! Im glad that you hadnt cancelled your appointment at St Barts!
Sorry you had to go through this it is such a horrible act of nature. Both mine we're further a long but my doc has said there is never anything anyone can do to prevent it once it starts. They can do tests related to MC but they don't usually start doing those until after your 3rd MC. The not knowing why is the worst feeling later.

Good luck with your fertility tests I hope you get some answers.

Rest up and :hugs:
So sorry hun to read this .
Just incase it helps. I mc at 4 weeks in April day after bfp on digi etx. Went a and e and they said to let nature take its cause as pregnancy hormone level was so low.
I too didn't cancel fertility appointment as advised my doctor at hospital . Fertile clinic were on about it and still going ahead with treatment. Anything I can help with just say Hun x
I'm so sorry for your loss hun. It does sound like a chemical pregnancy - I hate the term myself, sort of demotes it.

I've had one, as well as miscarriages at other points, most within a week or two of getting our bfp. The general rule for the chemical pregnancy is that it's just bum luck, chromosomal issues when the sperm met the egg - It can happen to anyone.

The good news is that it doesn't really indicate a problem with you and your body (I know you're probably not seeing positives in this situation right now but it is a bitter sweet one) and you should be perfectly able to carry another baby to term - Your chances are really high in fact.

Again I'm really sorry you're going through this after so long ttc, please take time to rest and I'm wishing you so much in the future - I really hope you conceive quickly when you're ready to try again xx
Hi hun,

I am so sorry for your loss, I recently suffered a bio chemical pregnancy (what my dr called it)!! I knew I was pg for 1 week and then it was all over, this was my 4th.

I am pleased that you didn't cancel your appointment with St Barts and I hope you get some answers.

All my love xx

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