Very Demanded Of, At The Boob


Well-Known Member
Dec 10, 2010
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My eldest is 4 this august, she was bottlefed as my milk didn't come in til after the first week, there were probs, I was stressed etc.

Daisy is 12 days old and I'm demand breastfeeding. I'm so proud of myself for doing it, and getting it 'right' so quick.

I feel overwhelmed by how demanding she is.

But it's a little early to express for a bottle though we've tried, she isn't interested (nor with a dummy, so she also sucks for comfort).

I've got a sling and want to learn how to feed her while she's in it, as I am an impatient person who hates staying still and is getting more and more weepy with the amount of things she's restricting me from.

I've wished so hard that I would have another baby, and that I would be able to breastfeed, and bearing in mind her birth didn't go as naturally as originally planned (needed early inducing for my and her health, and needed an epidural due to chronically unbearable 0-10cm dilation in an hour), it'd be nice for this to go right for me and for Daisy to have the benefits.

I am happy to express if the need arises, but she even had her tongue-tie fixed the day she was born, to help her feed from me. Seems a shame to have had that done (not that she even noticed) for me to put her on bottles, even if it is expressed milk.

But I feel drained in the boob, from lack of sleep, and very very down from having to sit there for hours, feeding. I'm lucky she's having a solid sleep now, or I'd not be able to write this - not that it's easy to get online, my OH has been glued to it since his paternity started, we haven't got a wireless router.

Does or has anyone else felt like this? Does anyone have any advice re the sling-feeding or anything else? I may not be able to check this again til tomorrow, but please do say something if you can help!

Yours empty-boobedly,

Purplehippy :shock:
I know it's not much help, but it does get easier I promise.

The first few weeks baby needs to get your supply going and also get stretching their little tummy. Just remember that a newborns belly is the size of a marble, therefore fills and empties quickly.

I know it seems like it's draining you, been there, but it will get easier. The length between feeds will get longer and baby will get more efficient and fill up quicker too.

Oscar likes to use me for comfort too and it's a hard habit to break to be honest, but I'm just enjoying having him close to me because it won't be long before he's not my baby anymore and running around all over the place.

Have you got a good feeding pillow that leaves both arms free so you can read, or sit comfortably to watch films etc?

Sorry I'm not much help other than to say once you get the feeding established it does become a really enjoyable experience, even though it is draining in the first few weeks.

Not sure what else I can say that Maria hasn't already said! It does get easier, the first few weeks are the hardest. Especially growth spurts. I can only reassure you that we have been there and come out the other side!

Keep at it, try and rest when you can, and drink loads of water. That will keep your supply up.

Well done though and don't feel guilty if you find you have to go on to a bottle. Happy mummy happy baby xxx
I'm so glad I'm not the only one feeling like this. I don't know how I would have coped without having a full sky+ box to sit and watch during feeds. I've been keeping a note and at the moment I am spending over 7 hours a day feeding and my boobs constantly feel like deflated balloons. I also think I'm getting a crack in one nipple and I'm worried about it getting worse,

I don't have any advice I'm afraid I'm just looking forward to the time when feedings get a bit shorter and less frequent especially the night ones. From what everyone says it's worth persevering with.

Good luck x
No additional advice but I promise after a couple of weeks it honestly does get easier. Your nipples will toughen up and your supply will settle, your lo will also hopefully accept a dummy for the comfort sucking. Lansinoh lanolin saved my nipples and I would definitely recommend it. Well done for sticking with it hun xxx
Cheers everyone.
Last week my nipples were past cracked - the skin on the right one had come completely off! The hospital and midwife and lady on the end of the La Leche League helpline all said Lansinoh and it was a miracle, I quickly learnt to latch properly and now I have no problem.
I'm glad to hear the gaps inbetween will lengthen. Will she feed for longer, then? With my first, as the gaps increased, so did the amount she took every feed.
I'm so bloody emotional, snappy, withdrawn at the moment. I'm reasonably unhappy, down, pessimistic. I know part is because I had to reduce right down on my antidepressants during pregnancy, also so I could breastfeed. But I am also not happy about everything around me at the moment - there's too much stress. My anxiety is a *******. And I'm lonely, but cannot stand having people at home, in my space.
Tuesday is breastfeeding group, so I will go again and see if I manage to talk to anyone this week.
I don't want to start crying about everything at the moment, which almost happens frequently when I feed her. This afternoon, I was disturbed repeatedly, as was she, so she was constantly on my boob, whether she was feeding, sucking or just keeping hold of it in her mouth as she slept (try to pull away and the grip tightens, I'm not great at the 'quick release' corner of the mouth with a finger thing).
I wish I loved the feeding more, I'm just angry and upset at everything and over everything, right now.
And I can't wait for monday so I can try get hold of my CPN. Whoever he or she is, I usually just see the shrink. I don't want them to see me at my current worst as they have tried to make me go back up a dose or two of my pills, saying breastfeeding isn't everything. I'll feel worse if I stop and I don't want to stop. I just want to feel better about it.
I do feel a bit better thanks to all your comments. Thank you. I'm gonna take an early night I think, hopefully I'll be back here tomorrow if baby etc lets me!
Hun you are so brave sticking with it, I used to cry every time ella needed feeding and I haven't been on anti depressants! Well done! Xxx
your doing a wonderfull job Hun! i also struggled for the first couple of weeks But it defiantly gets easier! i managed 4 months in the end x
Hang in there hun, your doing great.

I'm a first time breastfeeding mum on my 4th child, and sooo recomend even with this bit of draining and being solely you for feeding, it's still a thousand times easier and better than bottle feeding, so please do carry on, it's soo worth it.

Devon is 4 months now and having 6 feeds a day, he has got quicker to drink , so the time sitting down has got less. He does use me as a dummy after, sok I did have to get good at the finger thing you mention to release him. We tried a dummy to replace me, but he didn't really want it.

I have got a feeding cushion like the girls said, and it's soo worth it. Devon feeds every mealtime, and this cushion means you can have tea as normal, and also use your laptop!! So make your feeding times Preg forum time from the sofa , and have laptop on the arm of sofa next to you. I do my banking and lan meals etc at the same time.

It soo does get easier , and esp when on solids too - hang in there
Well done for sticking with it because it is soooo draining in the start, but once you come out that other side it's an amazing experience.

Oscar is 5 months now and he feeds fairly regularly still buuuuuuut can take like 5 mins to fill himself up then he flings himself off like he's trying to launch himself lol and I know he's done. It's so quick now.

Actually one thing that helped me when Oz was really young was to wind him regularly, I think if they get alot of wind it makes them feel hungrier too so try and get as much up as possible.

You might just have a case of the baby blues too. When Oz was born I was on a mega high for about a week then I just went down so fast. My OH warned me but I didn't believe it, it started with happy tears then I just felt so down and cried over anything. I think when BF it's emphasised because the HV told me BF mums take longer for their hormones to regulate.

I found I was very snappy when Isla was tiny. All I did was feed her, and it felt like every hour. Definitely the hormones stick around for longer.

Make yourself comfy with the remote, a magazine etc (I use my iPad all the time when feeding) and over time you will notice feeds are shorter and less frequent. I fed Isla yesterday at 8:30, 2:30 and then cluster feed from 6.

Emma xx

hey all,

got daisy on the other arm to hold her to the boob, so excuse typing.

i wind her every ten to fifteen mins, depending on whether she is dozing off or not - means ive a better idea of whether she wants more or not.

i think i may have some baby blues, hv comes tomorrow so i'll talk to her about it.

no wireless so i can only use the net up here from an uncomfy chair. ive got a widgey pillow but with the way i sit, it gets her too high up for my saggy boobs! if i sat on a proper sofa, in the position everyone else does, i think the widgey would work. but i sit cross legged on my futon, my hips n knees n back are funny and i sit in particular ways to feel comfortable.

was hoping to make it to a year with breastfeeding, will still be trying to - specially if its meant to get better!

ive got to put her down now shes dozing, this is killing my back.

thanks everyone for your support xxx

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