"achy" boob?


Well-Known Member
Oct 26, 2007
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I keep waking in the night with a sore, almost aching boob, it's really wierd, only happens when i fall asleep feeding Tally, but the pain stays even if i roll over and put boob away.

It's almost as if i was wearing really too tight underwiring and it hurts on the inside bit of my boob, i've not been wearing any underwiring recently, and my bras arnt tight so i dont know what it could be.

I really hope it's not related to my milk supply or anything like that cos i really really wanna carry on feeding her :(
I'm exactly the same! Always when i fall asleep with her feeding! Dunno what it is.

Sorry, no help there. Just thought i'd let you know it's not just you. And i'm interested to know other people's responses.
I started getting pains in the boob that I feed Oliver off through the night and it turned into mastitis.. I don't know whether it was because he was falling asleep before finishing his feed so not draining the breast properly, or not latching on right because he was sleepy. Just keep an eye on it in case you get any of the other symtpoms, because the earlier you can spot it the better.

But other than that I have no idea why it might be!
Maybe try massaging it while he is feeding to make sure there is nothing trapped? Otherwise just look out for any signs of mastitis.

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