+ve result six weeks after m/c


Well-Known Member
Jan 5, 2014
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Hi. Sorry if there is already a thread about this, but I'm kind of freaking out. For those who saw my earlier posts, you'll know that my o/h has fertility issues and it was a long time before our first pregnancy, which ended at only nine weeks.

I did a pregnancy test a few weeks ago to make sure my hormone levels were back to zero. They were. All fine.

Did a test this morning and it was a clear positive. I'm going to re-test tomorrow, and I have spoken to the doctor. But still freaking out a bit. Has anyone else had a similar thing happen? How did it play out?
I have no experience so can't really help sorry but really want to wish you good luck. X
It is possible to have positives for quite a while after a MC but if you got a negative and now a clear positive it sounds like you are pregnant again, congratulations!

I got pregnant soon after my loss and tested positive 4 weeks after, although it was a very early loss. How many weeks were you? Pregnancy after a loss was hard on my nerves and I admit that I didn't fully enjoy tri 1 but it resulted in a beautiful, healthy baby girl who is 14 months old and I am now 13 weeks pregnant again.
Thanks for the encouragement. I took a second test and got another positive. I'm seeing the doctor today and they are going to book me in for an early scan after what happened before. I was nine weeks the first time. I think I'm about four or five weeks now. Still really nervous and my o/h doesn't want me to tell anyone, even my mum or sister. It's hard, because normally I would talk to them about this straight away. He doesn't seem to mind me talking to people online at least. :/
I got a positive 6 weeks after miscarriage too. Was sent for scan and sure enough I was pregnant again.

Good luck
Sounds like you're pregnant again to me. I hope so, and all goes well with this pregnancy. Fingers crossed and keep us posted!
Hey hun, 6 weeks is a long while (e.g. it took mine 2 weeks to hit negative after a late MMC) and if the tests went negative and now are positive again, then I reckon you're pregnant!

Good luck with everything xx
Thanks for all your support everyone. I had a blood test at the doctor on Tuesday and have another one tomorrow to see if my hCG is rising. I'll get those results on Monday. Fingers crossed, then I will have an early scan in two or three weeks. I'll keep you updated.
Still not ready to believe it. It would be too disappointing if it went wrong. Trying to remain thinking of it as theoretical, not factual.
Hoping it's good news with the blood tests hun

Hope the blood test goes well, when do you get the results.
First test was at 7,900 ish hCG! Wow, that is high. I'll get the second results on Tuesday (hopefully). If it's so high it could be molar or twins. I guess I will have to wait and se. Thanks again for all of the support.
I fell pregnant 4 weeks after a mc also. Like above i didn't enjoy it for a good few months as i expected the worst again! I now have a 22 month old and a 7 month old. X
Thanks dollface79, it does help me to feel a bit more confident to know it has worked out for others. I told my husband, I won't even believe it's there until I see the heart beat. I can't risk my already damaged feelings on something that might not be there again next week. I'm not trying to be negative, but it just seems so unlikely right now.

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