infection after m,/c can anyone help ?


Well-Known Member
Feb 28, 2007
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Hi guys
I had a m/c last Sunday so it will be nearly two weeks, I stopped bleeding a few days ago and now it has stopped completely. A couple of days the discharge was a wee bit smelly and i felt unwell but now all has gone discharge, blood and feel fine ? Very strange aye
After hearing about the lady in the news die of a womb infection i am freaking, mainly because the hospital never noticed I had not passed the placenta, it took two days to come out and was grusome and awful, bleeding stopped not long after. I see the doc tommorow night, is this too long to wait, have I left it too long and may have rotten bits left inside me.....freaking as thinking worse and that my fertility maybe affected
Any advice on infection after m/c would be appreciated xxx
oh hun :hug: :hug: Im sorry hun i cant be of much help but im sure someone else can help more.

I wouldnt worry to much hun but def speak to your doc when you see them tommorrow they will put your mind at rest and do some tests to make sure.

Im sorry im of no help but hope your ok :hug: :hug:
I missed this last night hun.

Im sure you will be fine seeing your doc this evening. When i thought i had an infection I had to have a swab taken and this took 4 days to come back, they didnt seem to concerned about thing and there was no rush to get swab back.

They may put you on antibiotics just to be sure, they did with me even though they didnt find an infection.

Hope your ok hun :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: xxxxxxx
Just want to say sorry you're going through a rough time and really good luck. I'm sure everything will be fine.

Becs :hug: :hug:
Hiya, I had a m/c on sunday too :hug:

I've also been worried about the idea of infection. I'm scared incase there could be anything left in there because I haven't been checked over or anything!! I'm getting a blood test on monday but I still thought I would have been checked to see if there is anything there. Did they check you out??

Hi ladies try not to panic, I know that lady died but that is very rare. if you had such a serious infection you would know about it. there are many symptoms that take quite a long time to develop into something that needs medical attention.
Infection is not mistakable, you would feel very unwell and tired, you would also have a high temperature if it was at the dangerous stages, but as you have a GP appointment soon I wouldn't worry too much. you will get antibiotics that will make you feel better almost straight away, and will definitely kill any infection.
I lost one of my twins, over 17years ago now at 16week pg, I carried her until the birth of her brother, then i got a manual removal of the afterbirth, But stupidly they didn't take her away. 6 weeks later I had an infection and was still bleeding, I got took into hospital for a D&C and some antibiotics. When you have any medical management the hospital gives you antibiotic in the drip. P{lease try not to worry, if i can go that long and be fine I am sure you will be fine too :hug: take care lv Yvonne xx
Hi guys

well I got antibiotics but off the most awful doc I didn't trust, i told him about my laporscopy and said a tube was blocked and he insisted I had Chalymidia (sp??) which ive had checked out and been very careful with my sexual health esp been with same guy for 7 years ! I was so offended, all the same the discharge has gone and I feel well so I am risking not taking them.....I don't trust what he gave me, he was a a german locum doc who never looked at me and prodded me in the tummy so hard I nearly cried !!!!
He even had audacity to ask how I knew I had m/c, I said considering I had a scan, saw heart beat and then traumatically buired my baby this would be knowledge enough grrr some gp's .
Thanks for you advice tho....i feel reassured, I think you are right you would feel v unwell, tori - you could get a scan to see if everything has passed ?
wow, he sounds like a right pig. poor you :hug:
Glad you got some antibiotics though, are you feeling any better?

I agree what a swine! Report him to the surgery manager and he won't get back....Terrible bedside manner...shouldn't be allowed to get away with that... I often wonder if some of these GP even have an ounce of respect for woman? Do you think he would have spoken to you in such a manner if your partner was in the room with you? I think not...he would have got what he deserved i believe! GGGGRrrrrrrrr :twisted: :x makes me so mad...sorry.... Hope you continue to get better.... Lv Yvonne xx :hug:

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