Anyone have C-Section problems with Babies lungs?

JJ Mum

Well-Known Member
Jan 10, 2010
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Hi , Just read an older thread about C-sections , and thought I would ask anyone who has already had a baby by C-Section , if they had any baby health problems. I don't want to worry anyone un-nessesary with this thread, especially first timers, but I think it is important to have a good understanding or risks,rather than get a surprise on birth day.

Apparently it was found in studys that Section born babies are 4 x more likely to suffer from respiratory problems at birth. I wish I had known this before hand, just to be aware, and others might when weighing up the options.

This is due in only some planned / elective c-sections or emergency sections where no labour or movment down the birth canal has occured, so that the surfactant in the babies lungs while developing inside you has not been squeesed out during normal birth.So when born they still have wet lungs and you can see the lungs struggling to breathe and really laboured breathing.

I have three kids and I will have to have another section in Sept when 4th due.(all being well!).

My first baby came out at 38 weeks ready, (planned section due to previous ops). He stayed in hospital for two weeks, I came home without him after a week. He went into SCBU straightaway and I had a polaroid to look at!
He had what they call Grunting or "Wet lungs". He had it quite bad, then had drips via plastic pots on his head for a lung infection and was fed my milk by tube, found it all a bit of a shock first time round, and stayed on a ward with no baby , with all other mums having their babies with them.

Second baby was fine in the lung department, just jaundice and some antibodies, he was slightly heavier and a 39 weeks ready, so maybee this helped.

The third baby looked fine, and then after 2 hours in recovery , had wet lungs , so off she went to special care she went for 3 days. Then apparently because she was plucked out before she decided to come out, she had no suck refleax and had to be fed by me via a nose tube for a week to gain enough weight to come home. Strange thing was when she came back down to my ward, we were moved into a ward full of only babies who had this problem, all were slightly light in weight mind as well. (mine was 5lb 15 oz).

Having all your mums on this forum, makes me wonder did anyone else have this type of problem after a section or more?

Thanks for your thoughts on this, and I really don't want to alarm anyone, just asking about.
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I had an emergency section and when Rosie came out she was 'grunting' - they observed her until she was ok, she was fine after a few minutes but they checked on her periodically for a couple of hours. No other probs. I hope it all goes well for your 4th :hug:
Thanks Rosie, glad she was ok after a short time , wonder if it was milder due to the emergency section, were you in labour for long before you ended up with section?

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