i get offended when called irrisponsible for vaccinating my child when i chose to do it beacuse it is a fact that those diseases kill, it is a fact that they are still around, it is a fact that vaccination is likely to prevent my child catching them or if she does it is most likely to help her fight it off and it is a fact that by vaccinating my child i am helping to protect you child from these diseases if you choose not to vaccinate.
any evidence to the contrary is propaganda put out by scaremongering ppl to cause controversy, yes vaccines contain some mild chemicals that occur naturally anyway in food and other things that my child will come into contact with during their life i venture that NOT vaccinating at all is irresponsible and puts all our children at risk who are too young to have had their jabs or were too sick to be vaccinated!
lets see you be so worried about who is profiting from it when your lo contracts measels at 6 weeks or mumps and becomes sterile from it and cant have their own children later in life. vaccinations are so routine now that their cost is marginal to the drug companies as they make more off weight loss aids and cancer treatments. the NHS is not funded by these companies and dosent profit from them and so has no reason to promote something that is pointless let alone expens so much money and effort giving out these vaccinations to ppl every day by the millions
hi there i can understand your mssunderstanding
first of all all of those facts you stated are under explained facts, healthy kids DO NOT DIE from childhood viruses.. kids of poverty and poor health or underline problems die of these illnesses... Second it is NOT a fact that vaccines prevent these conditions, they apparently reduce the risk and also prolong the immune system developing, they also run out so as an adult you can then catch childhood diseases..
THIS IS WHEN MUMPS CAN MAKE YOU STERILE... and adults only catch mumps when they have had thire immune system hampered by an MMR as a child.
and as for the word propaganda and scare mongering the very words you said implying babiess DIE from natural childhood diseases (not mentioning only babies with specific underline conditions) is the exact scare mongering the NHS uses prompting folk to vaccinate..
and sorry but its a fact you can ask them yourself under the freedom of information act
GP surgeries receive a government grant relating to a specific number of people they have to vaccinate. if the number reduces so does the grant, look up the companies that produce vaccines they are some of the richest companies on the planet. this is the soul purpose of vaccination £592 for each baby.. do the math