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I read through this thread to seek opinions because our third baby had a reaction on the day she had her second lot of immunisations. Yes there is no concrete evidence it was definitely the jabs but hey pretty big coincidence. Story goes (and sorry if anyone has already read it) 5 hours after her jabs she cried in her pushchair so got her out. She went white,floppy, unresponsive, eyes rolling and we weren't sure she was breathing. On arriving at A&E her SATS were 80%. It scared the life of us and it's been difficult coming to a decision about what to about her 3rdlrd lot. My older two are fully immunised and third now only partially immunised. I feel I can't win either way! Xxx
I read through this thread to seek opinions because our third baby had a reaction on the day she had her second lot of immunisations. Yes there is no concrete evidence it was definitely the jabs but hey pretty big coincidence. Story goes (and sorry if anyone has already read it) 5 hours after her jabs she cried in her pushchair so got her out. She went white,floppy, unresponsive, eyes rolling and we weren't sure she was breathing. On arriving at A&E her SATS were 80%. It scared the life of us and it's been difficult coming to a decision about what to about her 3rdlrd lot. My older two are fully immunised and third now only partially immunised. I feel I can't win either way! Xxx

Sorry to hear your LO had a reaction, I don't envy the position you are in.

It's a really difficult one.

I do believe in vaccinating kids, not just for them but for everyone else too, e.g Aaron has a weaker immune system so things like measles etc are more likely to make him seriously ill or kill him. If he contracted it off another kid because they weren't vaccinated it would make me mad.

I think reactions like what your LO had are rare and very unfortunate. Have you spoken to your GP about it? Is there something they can do (testing etc) to get to the bottom of what happened. Can they give a different vaccine? They may have research that one part of the vaccine has caused this reaction before etc?

That would be my first point of contact if I were you. Definitely try to get to the bottom of what happened. It must have been so scary for you :hug:

My post was more aimed at being told that I was irresponsible for medicating my sick son, who would likely die without medication! I think it's very ignorant to think like that!
my point was more along the lines of placing a general case of ignorance or some may say an extreme case of vulnerability on parents who make such a vast decision on the say so of somebody who is "EMPLOYED" to advice the benefits of "profitable Vaccines" despite knowing very little about it.. in a day and age where any individual parent has the world of knowledge far bigger and more informative than the words of some government health organisation , at their feet in the form of the internet... and as previously said if the sentence was read correctly I strongly believe that any individual who did choose to look deeper than the so called NHS trusted opinion WOULD learn there is far more sinister facts to the child immunisation programme that would enormously effect your decision. i also stated its a hard fact to talk about to parents who have already made these decisions. Its not morally natural for them to accept anything I have to say or understand that im not in some way making them out to have done the WRONG thing.
And true it may sound ignorant for me to say this and as if im placing some kind of blame, how ever I feel rather disappointed that if I my self can go to a much deeper level of research for the sake of a life changing decision for my child then i am for ever left with the question of why so many individuals settle with what the NHS and some Doctors say and have no further need to look into it.. this bothers me as a naturalist with so many other things to do with baby care as well and the only conclusion i can ever see is "lack of research" and to much of "do what everybody else does" .
For example when somebody told me they intended to put several Syringes in my child I wanted to know what was in there, (telling me it’s an immunisation for measles etc.) Was nowhere near enough I wanted ingredients, exact lists of substances, and it took me around 4 letters under the FOI act before I got them, that effort alone telling me they didn’t want me to have easy access, and rightly so when I received this information I was first put off learning they contain organic cells from infected chimps, chicken embryo, dead human foetus,,, but when I started research the big chemical words I was disgusted with the toxic filth they contained substances vastly poisonous to brain cells and organic cells of the human body… now most folk I have spoke to who chose to vaccinate.. Knew absolutely nothing about the contents of these syringes and worse still had no question about it before deciding to vaccinate…. (this is basically my point, why would more parents not be interested in these details, why is the NHS employed GPs word enough, (even they don’t have a clue about the ingredients) how can it be so regular practice for parents to allow this without first wanting to find this out.

and Ella1979... you got it in one.. the bbc is propaganda.. kids do die of whooping cough....if they have underline problems or if they have poor immune systems due to poor nutrition and I can ask you to do your own research and you will learn the death tolls of any kid in the uk who has died of whooping cough matches the above lifestyle (underlined problems poor nutrition weak immune system). Whooping Cough along with all the others are "natural Childhood Diseases" and if a strong healthy kid contracts it their immune system in time will produce LIFE LONG antibodies to this virus which will then be passed on to their kids..... if however a chemical synthetic vaccine is introduced to their system as a child then runs dormant by the time they are an adult as an adult they will then be at risk to whooping cough. Childhood diseases are much more dangerous to adults...(adults who have been refused the right while they were young to develop natural antibodies to the illness) due to manmade vaccines.. If you look at research ella you will see in this day and age adults are now contracting these diseases which at one time were childhood diseases... you can thank the childhood immunisation programme for this... and guess what it gets worse... the whooping cough vaccine DOES NOT PREVENT whooping cough, in fact the virus can appear in a mutated form in vaccinated kids which is harder to diagnose. and YES vaccinated kids HAVE died from whooping cough...
And off course BBC news will put propaganda rubbish prompting support for vaccines, the exact same way they prompt support for war, or any other scam that profits the big overheads. Clinical rich men and the government believe in eradicating disease by heard immunisation over several generations of time they dont care how many working class babies contract illness due to vaccines its all research and big bucks in their eyes... they also dont realise if the childhood immunisation programme never existed to start with the population of modern society would have developed natural immunity to these illnesses decades ago....but then this would not have produced the annual several billions of pound the present immunisation system does.

as I already said knowledge is power everybody has the ability to find it now a days, off course I understand every mother makes what she sees as the best decisions for her child.. my point has always been as a heard population living in a capitalist system most decisions the average person makes relate to "what everybody else does" or what is socially expected or socially acceptable with ignorance to the fact everything they do in life is producing money for brand names, its a sad fact but true, and people who don't realise this will happily do whatever a doctor says coz they strongly believe the doctor can be trusted. somebody also wondered why a doctor would have anything other than a person’s best interests at heart...well thats the point a doc is doing what the doc that taught them and the doc that taught that doc done, the clinical system is massively ignorant to anything other than that which pays for it "pharmaceutical profit" so no the GP isnt to blame but their limited education and ignorance is on the subject of anything other than clinical pharmi research is. ( its a job to them a qualified set of walls they don’t need or choose to look beyond).

the lack of understanding , that we are objects.. cattle to make profit.... is why we live in a society were chemical vaccines are seen as compulsive but breast feeding is optional (can yi tell which one makes profit??)... why we wash delicate baby skin with bi products of petrol and synthetic chemicals that are toxic to the immune system because brand names like Johnson etc have been on tv and in family names for years.. why we use a whole range of baby foods and products with chemical ingredients we can’t even pronounce.. (forgetting in a natural world u should only ever put substances on the outside of a baby that are safe to consume on the inside) its also why we are encouraged as soon as we reach the age of thinking to indulge in a consumer ship cancerous life style make a fortune for brand names within that time then an even bigger fortune when we contract a terminal illness and reap in thousands again for pharmaceutical companies coz yet again the "NHS" is apparently the only help homing in on our vulnerability and lack of knowledge who we reach for. .. true clinical help and the NHS is vital some times but should only ever be in life saving events, ( vaccines deffo don’t fall within this, pumping chemical cocktails into a baby is nowhere near an acceptable method of the so called prevention of a natural childhood disease they MIGHT one day contract)
Having a baby is all profit in the capitalist systems eyes…(this is why its an offence not to register your child’s birth ) because from the day they are born it’s the start of a life of generating profit for some company or system. (Vaccines being that first lump sum)

I know this is not what people want to hear but it happens to be how it is, and it disappoints me that in a day and age of so much info available so little people can reach beyond the boundaries of ignorance and common sense and luck the burning lust to become aware of everything effecting their life and family. all I am basically preaching is people when it comes to a precious baby IGNORE what everybody else does or what is popular, and never take the NHS or GPs word as the final answer. as said we have the world of information at our hands use it. once again im not here to criticize or telling you to make a decision, im making points people might not morally want to accept so off course i can’t help it coming across as if i am offending. All i can say is research enough and you WILL learn for yourself what i am saying here.

i get offended when called irrisponsible for vaccinating my child when i chose to do it beacuse it is a fact that those diseases kill, it is a fact that they are still around, it is a fact that vaccination is likely to prevent my child catching them or if she does it is most likely to halp her fight it off and it is a fact that by vaccinating my child i am helping to protect you child from these diseases if you choose not to vaccinate.

any evidence to the contrary is propaganda put out by scaremongering ppl to cause controversy, yes vaccines contain some mild chemicals that occur naturally anyway in food and other things that my child will come into contact with during their life i venture that NOT vaccinating at all is irresponsible and puts all our children at risk who are too young to have had their jabs or were too sick to be vaccinated!

lets see you be so worried about who is profiting from it when your lo contracts measels at 6 weeks or mumps and becomes sterile from it and cant have their own children later in life. vaccinations are so routine now that their cost is marginal to the drug companies as they make more off weight loss aids and cancer treatments. the NHS is not funded by these companies and dosent profit from them and so has no reason to promote something that is pointless let alone expens so much money and effort giving out these vaccinations to ppl every day by the millions
have poor immune systems due to poor nutrition and I can ask you to do your own research and you will learn the death tolls of any kid in the uk who has died of whooping cough matches the above lifestyle (underlined problems poor nutrition weak immune system). Whooping Cough along with all the others are "natural Childhood Diseases" and if a strong healthy kid contracts it their immune system in time will produce LIFE LONG antibodies to this virus which will then be passed on to their kids..... if however a chemical synthetic vaccine is introduced to their system as a child then runs dormant by the time they are an adult as an adult they will then be at risk to whooping cough. Childhood diseases are much more dangerous to adults...(adults who have been refused the right while they were young to develop natural antibodies to the illness) due to manmade vaccines.. If you look at research ella you will see in this day and age adults are now contracting these diseases which at one time were childhood diseases... you can thank the childhood immunisation programme for this... and guess what it gets worse... the whooping cough vaccine DOES NOT PREVENT whooping cough, in fact the virus can appear in a mutated form in vaccinated kids which is harder to diagnose. and YES vaccinated kids HAVE died from whooping cough...
And off course BBC news will put propaganda rubbish prompting support for vaccines, the exact same way they prompt support for war, or any other scam that profits the big overheads. Clinical rich men and the government believe in eradicating disease by heard immunisation over several generations of time they dont care how many working class babies contract illness due to vaccines its all research and big bucks in their eyes... they also dont realise if the childhood immunisation programme never existed to start with the population of modern society would have developed natural immunity to these illnesses decades ago....but then this would not have produced the annual several billions of pound the present immunisation system does.

as I already said knowledge is power everybody has the ability to find it now a days, off course I understand every mother makes what she sees as the best decisions for her child.. my point has always been as a heard population living in a capitalist system most decisions the average person makes relate to "what everybody else does" or what is socially expected or socially acceptable with ignorance to the fact everything they do in life is producing money for brand names, its a sad fact but true, and people who don't realise this will happily do whatever a doctor says coz they strongly believe the doctor can be trusted. somebody also wondered why a doctor would have anything other than a person
Why would anyone assume that his personal research (of all of his/hers 23 years old brain -random number) often with no academical background at all will even compare to years of medical research is beyond my understanding.

There is a lot out there about how to make airplanes if you think that all of the research of the world will make me able to create one "you" are being naive. It's going to crash and kill loads....

Thanks God there are specialists that make airplanes and I am not.
I am a doctor though and there isn't bigger mistake than someone that can understand only 1:2 the truth. Dangerous to the end of the world...

I could tell you about natural immune systems too and there is a good staring point.
Did you hear about natural selection??
The healthy and the fit and the powerful will go ahead to continue our kind the rest will perish. This is our natural immune system as designed.
You are good you make it, you are not then sorry...
While you are gambling your children's life risking my child's life too I will make sure that I will offer her everything possible to make sure she can fight against those diseases.
You can try that with natural remedies but yeah we saw that many years ago how ended...
without intending to offend.

none of this is theory its natural facts. the immune system is taken for granted. even when you catch a simple cold or flu your immune system attacks immediately it knows the virus enters your spores in saliva glands so it automatically makes these run in an attempt to expel the virus, it knows the virus can only survive at body temperature so it raises the body temperature to try n kill it of...when you go to the gp with these "symptoms" the gp prescribes chemical durgs which kill of all these symptoms in turn disabling your immune system leaving the virus to thrive in your system far longer n leave you to potentially catch more viruses and put your immune system under far more strain, resulting in you being sick for far longer....n why does the gp do this.....PROFIT.. its all about pharmaceutical profit.

the unaware parent makes pharmaceutical companies and baby product companies an absolute fortune these companies do not give a flying monkey about your babies health. and they know that using your babies health as a selling point works a treat. it really is down to the individual parent to research hard to find this out for themselves.

and off course many mothers simply don't want to believe any of this but usually they have a moral reason simply because they have already chose to do all the above and it would be simply to hard to accept that they could have made a decision like this without properly researching and possibly fell for a pharmaceutical selling point... but thats not who av really wrote this for.... the ultimate point.. reading an NHS website or booklet is nowhere near enough information about vaccines.. its it is highly irresponsible for a new parent to allow several hyperaemic syringes of cocktails to be injected into their precious young baby without researching EVERY LAST BIT of information they can get their hands on...and i have no doubt whatsoever that those who do choose to vaccinate just haven't dug deep enough.


the body raises the temperature to kill off the bacteria but small children and babies cannot regualte or release body heat fast enough or in an adequate manner to combat this and at temperatures above 40 degrees they start to experience febrile convulsions and can become brain damaged or seriously ill. vaccinations dont fight the virus for them but just give them the pattern for their own immune system to develop antibodies to combat the disease.

i for one would rather give my child some calpol and a vaccination to help them fight a virus that sit and watch them suffer and possibly die from a serious disease
i get offended when called irrisponsible for vaccinating my child when i chose to do it beacuse it is a fact that those diseases kill, it is a fact that they are still around, it is a fact that vaccination is likely to prevent my child catching them or if she does it is most likely to halp her fight it off and it is a fact that by vaccinating my child i am helping to protect you child from these diseases if you choose not to vaccinate.

any evidence to the contrary is propaganda put out by scaremongering ppl to cause controversy, yes vaccines contain some mild chemicals that occur naturally anyway in food and other things that my child will come into contact with during their life i venture that NOT vaccinating at all is irresponsible and puts all our children at risk who are too young to have had their jabs or were too sick to be vaccinated!

lets see you be so worried about who is profiting from it when your lo contracts measels at 6 weeks or mumps and becomes sterile from it and cant have their own children later in life. vaccinations are so routine now that their cost is marginal to the drug companies as they make more off weight loss aids and cancer treatments. the NHS is not funded by these companies and dosent profit from them and so has no reason to promote something that is pointless let alone expens so much money and effort giving out these vaccinations to ppl every day by the millions

hi there i can understand your mssunderstanding

first of all all of those facts you stated are under explained facts, healthy kids DO NOT DIE from childhood viruses.. kids of poverty and poor health or underline problems die of these illnesses... Second it is NOT a fact that vaccines prevent these conditions, they apparently reduce the risk and also prolong the immune system developing, they also run out so as an adult you can then catch childhood diseases.. THIS IS WHEN MUMPS CAN MAKE YOU STERILE... and adults only catch mumps when they have had thire immune system hampered by an MMR as a child.

and as for the word propaganda and scare mongering the very words you said implying babiess DIE from natural childhood diseases (not mentioning only babies with specific underline conditions) is the exact scare mongering the NHS uses prompting folk to vaccinate..

and sorry but its a fact you can ask them yourself under the freedom of information act
GP surgeries receive a government grant relating to a specific number of people they have to vaccinate. if the number reduces so does the grant, look up the companies that produce vaccines they are some of the richest companies on the planet. this is the soul purpose of vaccination £592 for each baby.. do the math
without intending to offend.

none of this is theory its natural facts. the immune system is taken for granted. even when you catch a simple cold or flu your immune system attacks immediately it knows the virus enters your spores in saliva glands so it automatically makes these run in an attempt to expel the virus, it knows the virus can only survive at body temperature so it raises the body temperature to try n kill it of...when you go to the gp with these "symptoms" the gp prescribes chemical durgs which kill of all these symptoms in turn disabling your immune system leaving the virus to thrive in your system far longer n leave you to potentially catch more viruses and put your immune system under far more strain, resulting in you being sick for far longer....n why does the gp do this.....PROFIT.. its all about pharmaceutical profit.

the unaware parent makes pharmaceutical companies and baby product companies an absolute fortune these companies do not give a flying monkey about your babies health. and they know that using your babies health as a selling point works a treat. it really is down to the individual parent to research hard to find this out for themselves.

and off course many mothers simply don't want to believe any of this but usually they have a moral reason simply because they have already chose to do all the above and it would be simply to hard to accept that they could have made a decision like this without properly researching and possibly fell for a pharmaceutical selling point... but thats not who av really wrote this for.... the ultimate point.. reading an NHS website or booklet is nowhere near enough information about vaccines.. its it is highly irresponsible for a new parent to allow several hyperaemic syringes of cocktails to be injected into their precious young baby without researching EVERY LAST BIT of information they can get their hands on...and i have no doubt whatsoever that those who do choose to vaccinate just haven't dug deep enough.


the body raises the temperature to kill off the bacteria but small children and babies cannot regualte or release body heat fast enough or in an adequate manner to combat this and at temperatures above 40 degrees they start to experience febrile convulsions and can become brain damaged or seriously ill. vaccinations dont fight the virus for them but just give them the pattern for their own immune system to develop antibodies to combat the disease.

i for one would rather give my child some calpol and a vaccination to help them fight a virus that sit and watch them suffer and possibly die from a serious disease

again lack of research go google health effects of of the biggest causes of childhood asthma.. also contains colourings and e numbers shocking for childs immune system... but guess what calpol company makes millions... your child will also suffer far longer if you reduce its natural fighting symptoms and give it calpol... as said all out there look it up
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i get offended when called irrisponsible for vaccinating my child when i chose to do it beacuse it is a fact that those diseases kill, it is a fact that they are still around, it is a fact that vaccination is likely to prevent my child catching them or if she does it is most likely to help her fight it off and it is a fact that by vaccinating my child i am helping to protect you child from these diseases if you choose not to vaccinate.

any evidence to the contrary is propaganda put out by scaremongering ppl to cause controversy, yes vaccines contain some mild chemicals that occur naturally anyway in food and other things that my child will come into contact with during their life i venture that NOT vaccinating at all is irresponsible and puts all our children at risk who are too young to have had their jabs or were too sick to be vaccinated!

lets see you be so worried about who is profiting from it when your lo contracts measels at 6 weeks or mumps and becomes sterile from it and cant have their own children later in life. vaccinations are so routine now that their cost is marginal to the drug companies as they make more off weight loss aids and cancer treatments. the NHS is not funded by these companies and dosent profit from them and so has no reason to promote something that is pointless let alone expens so much money and effort giving out these vaccinations to ppl every day by the millions

hi there i can understand your mssunderstanding

first of all all of those facts you stated are under explained facts, healthy kids DO NOT DIE from childhood viruses.. kids of poverty and poor health or underline problems die of these illnesses... Second it is NOT a fact that vaccines prevent these conditions, they apparently reduce the risk and also prolong the immune system developing, they also run out so as an adult you can then catch childhood diseases.. THIS IS WHEN MUMPS CAN MAKE YOU STERILE... and adults only catch mumps when they have had thire immune system hampered by an MMR as a child.

and as for the word propaganda and scare mongering the very words you said implying babiess DIE from natural childhood diseases (not mentioning only babies with specific underline conditions) is the exact scare mongering the NHS uses prompting folk to vaccinate..

and sorry but its a fact you can ask them yourself under the freedom of information act
GP surgeries receive a government grant relating to a specific number of people they have to vaccinate. if the number reduces so does the grant, look up the companies that produce vaccines they are some of the richest companies on the planet. this is the soul purpose of vaccination £592 for each baby.. do the math

i find it laughable that your arguing that a perfectly healthy child cannot die from measels or rubella, tell that to a few parents recently since measels has killed perfectly healthy ADULTS. and to say that mumps is only caught by adults that have had the MMR is ridiculous too. your information is skewed to your viewpoint and im not debating a closed mind here. the fact that you couldnt even read my simple facts means your not actually paying attention just repeating yourself.

i for one believe that childhood asthma is 1, overdiagnosed and not always actually there and 2, mainly linked to smoking, pollution and actual air quality and atmosphere that the baby is exposed to before birth and during early childhood
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What an absolute load of nonsense!!!! Healthy babies, children and healthy ADULTS die from 'natural diseases' all the time!!!! This is absolutely not dependant on purely lifestyle or underlying conditions!!!

And to suggest that anyone who does 'research' into vaccines will automatically decide not to have them is absolutely ludicrous!!!!

I'm well aware that the vaccines (as with any medication!) pose a risk, but it is about weighing up the risks of the vaccine vs the risks of the illness!! - and for every parent and child that is completely different!!!

Your posts are down right insulting, inflammatory and praying on the fears of parents who want to do their best for their children!!!

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
I never saw so much misinformation in one post that I dont even know from where to start.
I should probably contact an moderator as this is getting dangerous for people that just read through and they are impressed from big fancy words with no facts.
My cousin died of chicken pox age 4. Young and fit and healthy until then.
You go tell to my auntie that healthy kids don't die.
Amelie is getting the chicken pox vaccine too.
Paracetamol is not going to give your child asthma and don't even try to tell me any different because I could twist you around in my fingers with medical terminology they you can't even pronounce.
High fever in children is dangerous and must of all what kind of mum are you having your baby crying its eyes out sick and not offer it some comfort ?????,????????????,

I am leaving this thread now...
i get offended when called irrisponsible for vaccinating my child when i chose to do it beacuse it is a fact that those diseases kill, it is a fact that they are still around, it is a fact that vaccination is likely to prevent my child catching them or if she does it is most likely to help her fight it off and it is a fact that by vaccinating my child i am helping to protect you child from these diseases if you choose not to vaccinate.

any evidence to the contrary is propaganda put out by scaremongering ppl to cause controversy, yes vaccines contain some mild chemicals that occur naturally anyway in food and other things that my child will come into contact with during their life i venture that NOT vaccinating at all is irresponsible and puts all our children at risk who are too young to have had their jabs or were too sick to be vaccinated!

lets see you be so worried about who is profiting from it when your lo contracts measels at 6 weeks or mumps and becomes sterile from it and cant have their own children later in life. vaccinations are so routine now that their cost is marginal to the drug companies as they make more off weight loss aids and cancer treatments. the NHS is not funded by these companies and dosent profit from them and so has no reason to promote something that is pointless let alone expens so much money and effort giving out these vaccinations to ppl every day by the millions

hi there i can understand your mssunderstanding

first of all all of those facts you stated are under explained facts, healthy kids DO NOT DIE from childhood viruses.. kids of poverty and poor health or underline problems die of these illnesses... Second it is NOT a fact that vaccines prevent these conditions, they apparently reduce the risk and also prolong the immune system developing, they also run out so as an adult you can then catch childhood diseases.. THIS IS WHEN MUMPS CAN MAKE YOU STERILE... and adults only catch mumps when they have had thire immune system hampered by an MMR as a child.

and as for the word propaganda and scare mongering the very words you said implying babiess DIE from natural childhood diseases (not mentioning only babies with specific underline conditions) is the exact scare mongering the NHS uses prompting folk to vaccinate..

and sorry but its a fact you can ask them yourself under the freedom of information act
GP surgeries receive a government grant relating to a specific number of people they have to vaccinate. if the number reduces so does the grant, look up the companies that produce vaccines they are some of the richest companies on the planet. this is the soul purpose of vaccination £592 for each baby.. do the math

i find it laughable that your arguing that a perfectly healthy child cannot die from measels or rubella, tell that to a few parents recently since measels has killed perfectly healthy ADULTS. and to say that mumps is only caught by adults that have had the MMR is ridiculous too. your information is skewed to your viewpoint and im not debating a closed mind here. the fact that you couldnt even read my simple facts means your not actually paying attention just repeating yourself.

i for one believe that childhood asthma is 1, overdiagnosed and not always actually there and 2, mainly linked to smoking, pollution and actual air quality and atmosphere that the baby is exposed to before birth and during early childhood

I find it annoying people don't read proper. :wall2:
i get offended when called irrisponsible for vaccinating my child when i chose to do it beacuse it is a fact that those diseases kill, it is a fact that they are still around, it is a fact that vaccination is likely to prevent my child catching them or if she does it is most likely to help her fight it off and it is a fact that by vaccinating my child i am helping to protect you child from these diseases if you choose not to vaccinate.

any evidence to the contrary is propaganda put out by scaremongering ppl to cause controversy, yes vaccines contain some mild chemicals that occur naturally anyway in food and other things that my child will come into contact with during their life i venture that NOT vaccinating at all is irresponsible and puts all our children at risk who are too young to have had their jabs or were too sick to be vaccinated!

lets see you be so worried about who is profiting from it when your lo contracts measels at 6 weeks or mumps and becomes sterile from it and cant have their own children later in life. vaccinations are so routine now that their cost is marginal to the drug companies as they make more off weight loss aids and cancer treatments. the NHS is not funded by these companies and dosent profit from them and so has no reason to promote something that is pointless let alone expens so much money and effort giving out these vaccinations to ppl every day by the millions

hi there i can understand your mssunderstanding

first of all all of those facts you stated are under explained facts, healthy kids DO NOT DIE from childhood viruses.. kids of poverty and poor health or underline problems die of these illnesses... Second it is NOT a fact that vaccines prevent these conditions, they apparently reduce the risk and also prolong the immune system developing, they also run out so as an adult you can then catch childhood diseases.. THIS IS WHEN MUMPS CAN MAKE YOU STERILE... and adults only catch mumps when they have had thire immune system hampered by an MMR as a child.

and as for the word propaganda and scare mongering the very words you said implying babiess DIE from natural childhood diseases (not mentioning only babies with specific underline conditions) is the exact scare mongering the NHS uses prompting folk to vaccinate..

and sorry but its a fact you can ask them yourself under the freedom of information act
GP surgeries receive a government grant relating to a specific number of people they have to vaccinate. if the number reduces so does the grant, look up the companies that produce vaccines they are some of the richest companies on the planet. this is the soul purpose of vaccination £592 for each baby.. do the math

i find it laughable that your arguing that a perfectly healthy child cannot die from measels or rubella, tell that to a few parents recently since measels has killed perfectly healthy ADULTS. and to say that mumps is only caught by adults that have had the MMR is ridiculous too. your information is skewed to your viewpoint and im not debating a closed mind here. the fact that you couldnt even read my simple facts means your not actually paying attention just repeating yourself.

i for one believe that childhood asthma is 1, overdiagnosed and not always actually there and 2, mainly linked to smoking, pollution and actual air quality and atmosphere that the baby is exposed to before birth and during early childhood

as said dont be ignorant, go look it up for yourself.. this was my point if your happy to give your child calpol then surely you'd want to find out about it...LOOK IT UP and how it effects health.. the answers are there, same the way you talk about measles and mumps etc its all hear say from a medical point of view you have not investigated exactly what these are or how they effect the body, this is bluntly obvious by what you say.. and ill bet you dont know the ingredients to any the vaccines you allowed to be pumped into your kids or indeed the ingredients to calpol.

there is no point in me commenting on posts confirming the ignorance exactly of what i was explaining

nor is there any point in me talking to parents who accepted vaccines without even knowing what was in them... after making that decision its impossible to accept that it is wrong.. and thats mother will ever admit or even accept they are making un researched dicisions. if everything i explain (which is well researched) people who have done the complete opposite will off course go insane and begin to reject what i say as this is their moral way of reminding themselves they haven't made a mistake..

this was not the purpose of my posts as constantly said in the posts GO LOOK IT UP. you have the power dont be ignorant LOOK IT UP FOR YOURSELF, if you need to investigate anything i have said do what i am complaining nobody does...LOOK IT UP YOURSELF RESEARCH IT every mother ows their child the right to research a substance before shoving it in their gob or vein...

and before claiming i am wrong research what i say then you will find it is all perfectly documented facts... THAT YOU ALSO HAVE THE ABILITY to find out...

as said the main problem here is nobody is interested in finding out, we liv in a do what everybody else does society do what yur ma did, if everybody else does it it must be right...n all that... RESEARCH FOR YOUR SELF AND YOU WILL GET ANSWERS.
i get offended when called irrisponsible for vaccinating my child when i chose to do it beacuse it is a fact that those diseases kill, it is a fact that they are still around, it is a fact that vaccination is likely to prevent my child catching them or if she does it is most likely to help her fight it off and it is a fact that by vaccinating my child i am helping to protect you child from these diseases if you choose not to vaccinate.

any evidence to the contrary is propaganda put out by scaremongering ppl to cause controversy, yes vaccines contain some mild chemicals that occur naturally anyway in food and other things that my child will come into contact with during their life i venture that NOT vaccinating at all is irresponsible and puts all our children at risk who are too young to have had their jabs or were too sick to be vaccinated!

lets see you be so worried about who is profiting from it when your lo contracts measels at 6 weeks or mumps and becomes sterile from it and cant have their own children later in life. vaccinations are so routine now that their cost is marginal to the drug companies as they make more off weight loss aids and cancer treatments. the NHS is not funded by these companies and dosent profit from them and so has no reason to promote something that is pointless let alone expens so much money and effort giving out these vaccinations to ppl every day by the millions

hi there i can understand your mssunderstanding

first of all all of those facts you stated are under explained facts, healthy kids DO NOT DIE from childhood viruses.. kids of poverty and poor health or underline problems die of these illnesses... Second it is NOT a fact that vaccines prevent these conditions, they apparently reduce the risk and also prolong the immune system developing, they also run out so as an adult you can then catch childhood diseases.. THIS IS WHEN MUMPS CAN MAKE YOU STERILE... and adults only catch mumps when they have had thire immune system hampered by an MMR as a child.

and as for the word propaganda and scare mongering the very words you said implying babiess DIE from natural childhood diseases (not mentioning only babies with specific underline conditions) is the exact scare mongering the NHS uses prompting folk to vaccinate..

and sorry but its a fact you can ask them yourself under the freedom of information act
GP surgeries receive a government grant relating to a specific number of people they have to vaccinate. if the number reduces so does the grant, look up the companies that produce vaccines they are some of the richest companies on the planet. this is the soul purpose of vaccination £592 for each baby.. do the math

i find it laughable that your arguing that a perfectly healthy child cannot die from measels or rubella, tell that to a few parents recently since measels has killed perfectly healthy ADULTS. and to say that mumps is only caught by adults that have had the MMR is ridiculous too. your information is skewed to your viewpoint and im not debating a closed mind here. the fact that you couldnt even read my simple facts means your not actually paying attention just repeating yourself.

i for one believe that childhood asthma is 1, overdiagnosed and not always actually there and 2, mainly linked to smoking, pollution and actual air quality and atmosphere that the baby is exposed to before birth and during early childhood

I find it annoying people don't read proper. :wall2:
gee minivoid, i too find it annoying when people cant read something properly. i did not debate that they only become sterile when it is caught as an adult
What exactly makes you think that those of us who accepted vaccines have no idea of what is in them??!!

I am more than aware of what was injected into my daughter,

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
When I was little no one died of chicken pox! It was favorable to get it young around 4-6 years of age as this builds life long immune to the disease! What did surprise me is that it seems that the disease has become more visible under younger children (1-3). No one healthy got vaccinated against chickenpox when I was little. It's like the rota vaccine it 'prevents' them from getting severe diarrhea that MAY dehydrate your child which means they can become hospitalized. I'm very very sure this specefic virus isn't the only thing that can cause diarrhea and give same result. Let's also point out that vaccinations only 'protect' against the most common strains. If LO contracts a strain that is (very) rare the result can be death too. Not to mention they can choke to death as well. I ended up in hospital as a child with 11% oxygen left in my blood because my health professional failed to spot the shell of a pistachio nut stuck in my WINDPIPE almost immediately after the accident! It's a matter of bad luck I think.
CALPOL Infant Suspension contains 120mg Paracetamol in each 5ml. Excipients: sucrose (contains 2.2 g of sucrose per 5 ml), sorbitol liquid (E420), methyl parahydroxybenzoate (E218), ethyl parahydroxybenzoate (E214), propyl parahydroxybenzoate (E216) and carmoisine (E122). See section 4.4 for further information.
sugar colouring preservatives and paracetamol, simples
o and this is paracetamol - It is the active metabolite of the coal tar–derived phenacetin, once popular as an analgesic and antipyretic in its own right, anyone can google anything nowdays, dosent mean that they understand what it is, since ive studied a bit of medicine and ive done a fair amount of anatomy, physiology and biology and im not biased against chemicals id say your preaching is falling on deaf ears here.

i do not medicate if its not necessary, my immune system is rather robust and i breastfed to pass this on to my daughter til she was just over 1, in that year i barely had to give her anything medication wise to support her immune system as it develops, she got that from me but i gave the jabs for extra backup. if you want to rik your childs health by refusing the available boosts then that is your choice and your child but it is wrong to sit there and say that if your child is healthy it cannot be damaged or killed by these diseases because that is simply untrue
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