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It makes me sad that people are so frustrated because of the national health system (of any country that is not only uk as its the same almost everywhere worldwide)
As any organization it has problems in the same way that you are going to find in bank systems etc etc.
You had free care during pregnancy a free labor, free dental care during and after pregnancy, your baby has free care, free check ups and yes as in everything you will find good professionals and bad professionals.

Do you know how much would the cost you with private health care??

If we were in America "you" would have free nth and left to die with no health insurance that costs your soul to have it...
Nowadays when there is a huge economic crisis you are still provided with free healthcare.
Be grateful...

It's easy to blame people and systems but I really thought people get out of this unfruitful phase once out of puberty????

well said!!

i bet half these people whinging and slagging off the NHS and its vaccinations etc! were not complaining when they were recieving 'FREE' consultations, 'FREE' MW care, 'FREE' delivery of your baby, 'FREE' prenatal and postnatal care!! so why not f*** off to private health care and see if you feel the same about the NHS then!!

big love to all the mummies protecting their babies xx
Omg I can not believe this thread. I am a bad mummy who immunized her perfectly healthy children and after having to hold my baby down and force water into my very ill child's mouth (noro virus) to prevent dehydration I will consider the Rota virus vaccine if offered.
I think everyone should be entitled to there own opinion and not judged for decisions we make. I for one thank the nhs, my eldest wouldnt have survived child birth without them.
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First of all , despite its flaws the NHS is great and your bloody lucky there's such a system in place. As I've said before imagine having to worry about being able to pay ambulance call out fees for you child that can't breathe ? Imagine having to FIGHT with the health authority to get an allowance for oxygen delievery so your baby can have a safe sleep at night ?
As for vaccinations I'm so glad they are available and I'm happy for my girls to have them .
You know what does make me laugh though, well, it would if it weren't so serious? Doctors train for years and years, scientists train for years and years. There is hundreds of years of scientific research into medications and the best way to fight things. Years ago tb was killing young, healthy children. Thanks to research and vaccines it's almost been eradicated. Without them, god knows what would have happened. Same goes with other life threatening illnesses. What scares me is that people that have next to no medical background are using doctor google, doing their "research" on sites that may not be entirely orthodox and coming to decisions that could have drastic consequences. I've done some reading into things, and my conclusion was that whilst I have a basic understanding of these things, I have very little medical knowledge. I put my trust into those who have trained and have a better understanding. I could read every piece of research under the sun, I still would not have adequate medical knowledge to fully interpret the findings. There is a reason the process to becoming a doctor/scientist/whatever is so long.

And where do you draw the line? It's all good and well saying that your child's healthy so doesn't need a vaccine as they won't have any problems. How do you know? Healthy people do die from things that can be vaccinated against, it's mr just sickly children. At any point in the future your child could be struck down with a disease that could make them more susceptible to things. At that point they may not be able to have the vaccine. If they then catch something off another child who hasn't been vaccinated, what would you think? Would you still be saying that the vaccines are a money making scam for the pharmaceutical companies, or would you live the rest of your life wondering how different life would have been if you had trusted the highly trained professionals who recommended the vaccines?

You never, ever know what the future holds.
Tweetyfoo, I never said he wasn't 100% Perfect. I said he isn't 100% healthy if he wouldn't survive without any medical care that's not meant to be judgemental. Course your baby is going to be 100% perfect everyone's baby is, doesn't mean they're 100% healthy as in they should be able to fight off most diseases without meds.

Let me also point out, that I don't think EMERGENCY should be the one to fight for. We shouldn't have a system like in the USA where you can go f*** yourself if you can't open your walled. I said I think people who abuse ambulance services putting the ones who really need it in jeopardy should be hit with a bill for abusing NHS services.

But I believe that people should have the right to make decisions for themselves whether that is vaccinating or not. Information on the pro's and cons' should be made available, easier access so people can make up their own minds.

& you can start bashing me with your red pen all you like. I am fluent in 3 languages and grammar is the one part I can fail on in these 3 languages I can make myself understandable in(not to mention I learned English when I was 11 not 0). At the end of the day, I'm making an effort to READ properly and I'm not shy to apologize when I DID read it wrong instead of going on about it and feel like the bigger person!
People who abuse the ambulance service are billed. Call an ambulance when you're in labour and it's not an emergency and you will be billed for it.
What makes me laugh is that you would be much happier to have private healthcare, but the doctors running the private clinics that you so crave are in fact NHS doctors who work 60 hours a week and go on to do extra "private" work for a bit of extra cash. It's exactly the same care, in exactly the same setting. The majority of private care in labour still takes place in NHS hospitals, so again, same people caring for you. How ironic. As a midwife myself I am to give the best possible care I can, physically and emotionally, and it upsets me to see how rude you are about our countries healthcare system, when it is in fact one of the best in the world.
I think all of our children will need medical care at some point healthy or not . like Tweety I rely on other people to vaccinate their children a simple cold usually have ends in an admission to to hospital for us and I dread anything else . personally I'm terrified of sending my child to school with children who haven't had vaccinations
NHS is great whilst not perfect of course. I am glad i had great free (at the point of delivery) care.
My sister in law had horrible problems and she had to pay for everything and then bribe on top.

Healthy children do die, i do hope you never meet a parent who has lost their child to meningitis or similar disease.
Herd immunity is important, with.the MMR scares and people not vaccinating, we have a result - measles outbreak.
My son just had chicken pox and guess what, i will be vaccinating my secons son against it

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I am quite aware of NHS offering private services and that's the only way to buy more 'time' and 'care' it proper proper disgusts me as I'm quite happy to contribute to NHS to receive proper care e.g. dentistry and don't get me started on dentistry because that is just the minimal care you can have over here. Dentists can even charge you the basic fee for doing absolute nothing or refusing treatment when you experience a reaction to the anesthetic great stuff.. 7

As for meningitis, your child only gets vaccinated against the most common strains. If your child is unlucky enough to catch a rare strain the result can just as well be death. I was called to have this vaccination when I was 11, because I was in the age group when there was an outbreak at the time. I was horrified as a child as it was going viral, still i hadn't caught anything nor had anyone in my surroundings now 10 years later its a standard vaccination and it's still quite a big thing in't it? So did this herd immunization really helped that much?
But let me ask this question, now am breastfeeding shouldn't my child be protected against this through me for the time being? For the diseases that are still high risk such as Meningitis I might consider having the vaccination done by the time he's going to school but not while he's a new born baby when hes being breast fed and not going anywhere where there is a high risk of catching any diseases like a hospital. I'm not going to come anywhere near YOUR child that requires MY child to be disease FREE anytime soon and if I was in YOUR shoes i'd do the same as I would do now is avoid being put in that situation. And some diseases that we now vaccinate against, it's very coincidental that death rates have gone down at the same time anti biotics became available just saying.

Oh and before we can any grief again i'm not putting everything on one brush, I'm just pointing out we can do research on individual diseases, look at the history and from there make our minds up when and where vaccination is appropriate.
I think all of our children will need medical care at some point healthy or not . like Tweety I rely on other people to vaccinate their children a simple cold usually have ends in an admission to to hospital for us and I dread anything else . personally I'm terrified of sending my child to school with children who haven't had vaccinations

They shouldn't be allowed at school without imo Xx

Tapatalking :-D Can't see tickers...
Surely being vaccinated against the MOST COMMON strains make complete and utter sense. The probability that you'll catch the most common one is higher than the others.... Surely.

Tapatalking :-D Can't see tickers...
Surely being vaccinated against the MOST COMMON strains make complete and utter sense. The probability that you'll catch the most common one is higher than the others.... Surely.

Tapatalking :-D Can't see tickers...

Of course not, lets vaccinate against rare diseases and let common ones run wild and mutate so they kill us all off. Like flu isnt enough

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Never said it didn't make sense did I? Just pointing out it's not a guarantee and WHAT IF a rare strain is caught...
Surely being vaccinated against the MOST COMMON strains make complete and utter sense. The probability that you'll catch the most common one is higher than the others.... Surely.

Tapatalking :-D Can't see tickers...

Of course not, lets vaccinate against rare diseases and let common ones run wild and mutate so they kill us all off. Like flu isnt enough

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Oh man can I just take a minute to cry because that can be awarded with the most ****** reaction in history. :shock:
Never said it didn't make sense did I? Just pointing out it's not a guarantee and WHAT IF a rare strain is caught...

Then they treat you. With horrible medication.
If they dont, you die or become seriously ill with long lasting effects

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
I think all of our children will need medical care at some point healthy or not . like Tweety I rely on other people to vaccinate their children a simple cold usually have ends in an admission to to hospital for us and I dread anything else . personally I'm terrified of sending my child to school with children who haven't had vaccinations

They shouldn't be allowed at school without imo Xx

Tapatalking :-D Can't see tickers...

I'm so behind you with that xxx
Never said it didn't make sense did I? Just pointing out it's not a guarantee and WHAT IF a rare strain is caught...

Then they treat you. With horrible medication.
If they dont, you die or become seriously ill with long lasting effects

Tapatalking so cant see signatures

No shit.. but that will never happen when you do vaccinate will it -.-"
I did ask in my nursery if they have any unvaccinated kids.
They told me no and if they get one I will be announced and Amelie will be moved from that nursery.
Yes nurseries here get a report if they have any unvaccinated kid and if there are kids with health problems in the groups they can't get the unvaccinated kid because of the risk to the other ones with health problems. Then the child whose parents decided to no vaccinated is just placed in whatever nursery has a place. (There is a waiting list of the nurseries that you apply here)

sounds like favoritism? Yep just right when you dont do what you are advised for the general health you certainly don't expect everything to go smoothly right or with no added complications?
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