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I would never criticize any parenting choice BUT unfortunately "your" choices affect "my baby".
Now people that know 1/2 the truth or actually don't have the access to the whole truth because lets face it unless you are an immunologist and epidemiologist and biologist and I could go on and on, all that together you can't see the whole picture, they will come and tell me but if your baby is vaccinated why do you care if my baby gets measles?
Really?? I would need a whole book to explain you why is that important and simply I don't have the time for things like that.
I hope that you like disaster movies like those that a virus mutates and everyone eventually dies?
I suppose though as my epidemiology professor back at university was saying "we are too many people on this planet already and the universe will find a way to correct this one, it will not be a Third World War that will kill us it will be people's ignorance, stupidity and a deadly virus"

"You" go ahead and don't immunize your kids BUT don't come here to not only make propaganda but also call me irresponsible parent for doing what I think is my best for my baby and also assume that I didn't research the subject or that if I google search it I will come to the same decision as you did.

when you will come here and you will present me medical research with good and credible statistics (oh wait probably you don't have any training in that to judge if the statistics of a study are valid or not...) then we can have maybe an equal and fair debate.

But as moderators said endlessly in this forum this is not a debate forum it a support forum and when you come and say that I am a bad parent because I want her to be healthy and if she is poorly I give her calpol so she feels better then you are far away from making your point here as you loose credibility from the start.
This is a typical childish behavior or of people that they want to cause trouble in a "subtle" way.

A word of concern as last and not least I am a doctor and I care about your baby if she ever gets poorly don't deny her (sorry if she is not a girl?) medical attention, it takes a lot to confront people it takes even more to accept help...
Oh people purely wind me up. When I see everyone SHOULD vaccinate, it also states along the lines " MY BABY WOULD DIE" without meds and vacs. Now am not going to be all pro natural selection because that would purely wind some people up(And I think that would be proper disrespectful) in all fairness I am not asking my choices to be respected when I couldn't give others the respect that it's a personal choice as to how medicated/vaccinated you want your child to have them stay alive but so is vaccinating healthy children!

As well as mentioning what is going on in Africa as most countries in Africa are third world countries without the medical facilities available and where these diseases are common and they may benefit from some anti biotics and vaccinations but the millions sent by western countries are spent to different things by the corrupt politicians up there
of which we can do very little about.

I am convinced us as a society is becoming more ill again and less resistant against even something like flu because we get unnecessary vaccinations. It is scare mongering but for example I refused the whooping cough vaccine as it's in my opinion propaganized to have it done all of a sudden millions of babys have survived without it and the actual numbers may have gone up but they are not so high that it in my opinion is a high risk when not to vaccinate. It would just be really unlucky like me ending up in hospital almost choking to death I was either the first or the second child in that hospital who was unlucky to have that overcome but we're not putting health warnings on pistachio nut bags all of a sudden are we?

As well I am not calling anyone irresponsible as I believe whatever you do is a personal choice BUT I'll just leave that
at that before I wind anyone up.

As to come back on What would've happened without forceps. Who knows NHS didn't bother to explain to my why standard procedure was followed as it did all I know is, when you don't progress quick enough you'll end up in hospital anyway in my case I made that decision as I didn't want anyone else to make that for me. I do also know that if baby is not out after an hours' pushing standard procedure will follow again in most cases. What makes me furious is the fact that I wasn't able to feed my baby straight away, had to wait 40 minutes before going in theater had to SIGN consent forms for something I did not want as I felt backed into a corner and was only allowed to feed my baby after I was drugged up with diamorhpine (more or less smack) and a spinal block!!!

I genuinely DISLIKE the NHS with a passion.
I genuinely DISLIKE the NHS with a passion.
While they are flawed, we are much better off with them than without them.

There is always private health care if you do not wish to use the service

I'm aware of that and I'm very leaning towards private care if only I was a rich m***. But yes me and OH have discussed and would like to go private next time. Can I also note in Holland where I grew up there is no NHS and I can see a significant difference in e.g dentistry between both countries and each have there own cons to it. Whooping cough vaccine for e.g. is available to pregnant women but they will have to pay and request this themselves opposed to NHS trying to force it down your throat after you've been pretty clear the answer is NO. Also a lot of NHS practitioners offer private care but again this is to squeeze alot of money out of people who can afford it. Real life threatening occurrences will be treated the same way on NHS or private. Private care would only be helpful if your own knowledge is great enough to know some times waiting can deteriorate the condition you're waiting for on NHS and for the sake of your own health having to spend a bit more money could mean it doesn't cost as much as prosponing treatment and costing e.g. part of your health for having to wait when NHS has time for you.
What makes me furious is the fact that I wasn't able to feed my baby straight away, had to wait 40 minutes before going in theater had to SIGN consent forms for something I did not want as I felt backed into a corner and was only allowed to feed my baby after I was drugged up with diamorhpine (more or less smack) and a spinal block!!!

That's a horrible experience, I won't deny that. I had to wait 3 days to even see my baby because I was so ill. I didn't get to hold her because I was hooked up to stuff that was stopping me from having seizures and my baby had a feeding tube to ensure she was ok. Not everything works out the way we would like - and it's not always the NHS's fault that it doesn't. I felt really aggrieved that the midwives never remembered to give my blood pressure medication on time, resulting in me feeling really unwell. As a result I was in hospital for well over a week while they faffed about with medication I could have easily given myself at the correct times. I personally think my treatment was appalling, but this is not true of the entire system.

I genuinely DISLIKE the NHS with a passion.

The institution or all the people working within it? This comment makes me really sad. I trained in radiotherapy to help people battling cancer and really love my job, providing help and support and treatment to those who need it.

There's a lot of things that are wrong with the NHS as an institution, but the majority of us that work within it are here to help people.
Omg I can't remember the last time I read so much bollocks on one thread :rofl: I don't even know where to begin!

Minivoid: you dislike the NHS with a passion? Are you aware there aren't any private A&Es in the UK? (as far as I'm aware, someone correct me if needs be) So if you have an accident are you going to just say "fuck it, I don't like the NHS, leave me here in the street?"

Vaccines don't just protect the child that is vaccinated, there are children out there that can't be vaccinated as it's medically unsafe. Herd immunity helps to protect them too. For me, the benefits greatly outweigh any potential risks. Not only could I not live with myself if my children caught something I'd not vaccinated them against, but also, they go to a school that has a number of children with significant health issues - I personally don't know the ins and outs, I don't know if they can be vaccinated. But imagine learning that a child who couldn't be vaccinated had died because they caught something off your child that could have been prevented?

Your child may be fit and healthy now, but you never know when this could change! And on that note, I'm actually really glad we have the NHS, yes there are flaws, but my god it's a good resource and I'm so grateful that we have that kind of access to health care! Last week I saw 2 different doctors for two different reasons, both potentially deadly. I myself have been referred for further testing and will be seen within 10 days, my daughter was sent for further tests too and will have the results within a week of first being seen. I hate to think what could happen if we lived in a country where medical care wasn't free at the point of use, as I sure as hell couldn't afford to pay out for all the testing and potential treatments!
I'm from a country where there is a different health care system instead of paying council tax you'd pay that amount on mandatory health insurance. It's a bit like private health care but made affordable for the 'poorer' and working class. And am very sure they offer something for the rich too who'll get the same as what private care is over here. As patients you still contribute to NHS but I believe due to the state the country is in and the amount of people who fail to contribute anything at all it suffers on the care being available. It's immediately offensive if you feel like you're made a number or not cared about because " It's free" so you should be grateful. You watch programs like that 999 on channel 4 and see how many d***heads abuse the ambulance services ect. which jeopardizes other people's right to NHS emergency services. In all respect I find having to open my walled very annoying but sometimes there could be some changes done to give some more faith and appreciate NHS. The way I have been treated by various doctors, nurses and dentist is upright appalling so yes generally my opinion on NHS isn't brilliant doesn't necessarily mean that I haven't seen the bright sparks who I would gladly see a nice bonus going to but as the system is it has yet failed me to see these people again when requested.
Council tax doesn't pay for the NHS, that's national insurance. There are people in all walks of life that are shit at their jobs, you can't tar all healthcare professionals with the same brush. And tbh, the vast majority of consultants in an NHS hospital would be the same you'd see privately! I've seen some shockingly bad healthcare professionals, but I'm guessing the difference between you and I is, I made official complaints so that the wheels could be put into motion to change things for the better, whereas I'm guessing you just sat bitching on the Internet about it and expecting the trust to be psychic.
Council tax doesn't pay for the NHS, that's national insurance. There are people in all walks of life that are shit at their jobs, you can't tar all healthcare professionals with the same brush. And tbh, the vast majority of consultants in an NHS hospital would be the same you'd see privately! I've seen some shockingly bad healthcare professionals, but I'm guessing the difference between you and I is, I made official complaints so that the wheels could be put into motion to change things for the better, whereas I'm guessing you just sat bitching on the Internet about it and expecting the trust to be psychic.

I was just about to say exactly this. Im a very proud and hard working nhs employee and take great offence at your comments. I work in a team who look into causes and prevention of infection. We work dam hard in treating very very sick people who yes, can ultimately die but the majority of patients are treated with the most amazing drugs which in my opinion saves lives. You say your not from here? Do you live here now? Forgive me if your having to repeat yourself but I literally cant be bothered to trail back through the crap thats been said.

I just turned down my mmr vaccination today as I have already been vaccinated as a child. Our trust are working hard to give people the right to chose to recieve this in order to help control these horrible diseases due to recent rise in cases. If I had not have had it then of course I would have been there today. As my daughter will be in 3 months time. Im not a bad parent or irresponsible, infact-just like all the other mums on here-simply doing whats best for our babies in OUR opinion. This thread makes my blood boil.

Take up your complaints with people who will listen and who will do something about your experiences instead if tarring us all with the same brush. Thats just ignorant if you ask me.
Oh and I dont mean you, MMGI....obviously ;)

You really don't read do you. And don't get me started on council tax as I'm a council tax representative and some of that is spend on local heath services ect NHS not private so NHS is not solely funded on NI contributions I was giving the example to compare it to. And the difference between me and you I don't make the assumption that you do anything or not. How the F*** do you know I don't complain. And I didn't brush every healthcare professional you do that for me.
And what I forgot to point out as I get wound up by this and am looking after after a 12 day old baby, It's the people who are in charge, the people who come up with the protocol I dislike and the jobsworth who blindly follows that and clearly don't use their own brain!!
*Giggles at first sentence* *reads rest of post* *sits on fingers to stop the red pen coming out*
Wow, what a thread! I shall try to keep my response impartial....everyone makes their choices on what they think is best. What is irresponsible is trying to encourage new mum's to make decisions about babies health based on "googling it".
I've got my eye on this thread, I think it's dangerous. I can't say I expect it to remain open long....
Still practicing on the new phone.....
Reading this thread with an open mouth because I am just so stunned that some seemingly educated people can actually be so thick. It is people who refuse to have their children vaccinated that actually put my children at risk so I am just hoping that the majority who read this thread do not believe the bullshit that is being spouted by a few individuals. Vaccinations exist for a reason and that reason is that they save lives, simple as.

I have been told that if my son as much as comes into contact with chicken pox he will require immediate medical attention, as he could DIE

Not to be rude or anything, but that means your son isn't naturally 100% healthy and would die without any medical equipment available these days fair enough go and vaccinate him because it probably outweighs the risk of fetching the disease.

And wow, just wow. You cannot start a sentence with the old chestnut "not to be rude or anything"and then go on to be EXTREMELY rude. How dare you, seriously, who do you think you are? I hope you are disgusted with yourself. That comment was vile.

It makes me sad that people are so frustrated because of the national health system (of any country that is not only uk as its the same almost everywhere worldwide)
As any organization it has problems in the same way that you are going to find in bank systems etc etc.
You had free care during pregnancy a free labor, free dental care during and after pregnancy, your baby has free care, free check ups and yes as in everything you will find good professionals and bad professionals.

Do you know how much would the cost you with private health care??

If we were in America "you" would have free nth and left to die with no health insurance that costs your soul to have it...
Nowadays when there is a huge economic crisis you are still provided with free healthcare.
Be grateful...

It's easy to blame people and systems but I really thought people get out of this unfruitful phase once out of puberty????
Clap clap Hope! You talk so much sense! I am so shocked by this thread I cannot find the words to comment.... Saddens me to read such shocking things... Google can cause a lot of problems! I just hope these babies/children/adults/elderly never need the help of this shit NHS - but unfortunately at some point in life they will.... Then they can eat their words! We are so fortunate to live in a country that we can access vaccinations, if we didn't we would have the same health problems as a 3rd world country...
again lack of research go google health effects of calpol..

Lol! You're a grade A qualified google researcher. Congrats.

Some conspiracy theories (available on google!) say elvis isn't dead. Just saying...

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I have been told that if my son as much as comes into contact with chicken pox he will require immediate medical attention, as he could DIE

Not to be rude or anything, but that means your son isn't naturally 100% healthy and would die without any medical equipment available these days fair enough go and vaccinate him because it probably outweighs the risk of fetching the disease.

And wow, just wow. You cannot start a sentence with the old chestnut "not to be rude or anything"and then go on to be EXTREMELY rude. How dare you, seriously, who do you think you are? I hope you are disgusted with yourself. That comment was vile.


I have been told that if my son as much as comes into contact with chicken pox he will require immediate medical attention, as he could DIE

Not to be rude or anything, but that means your son isn't naturally 100% healthy and would die without any medical equipment available these days fair enough go and vaccinate him because it probably outweighs the risk of fetching the disease. But OT it is aimed at what should be a healthy child who never required much medical care or isn't likely to need much medical care in future.
I wanted my son to have vit k drops opposed to the injection except if he had to be delived by forceps.. Guess what happened he was delivered by forceps and had the injection only because it can cause head trauma which can causes bleeding in the brain and vit k is supposed to powerboost the ability of the blood being able to clot which is the only reason I consented to the injection and it still bugs me as I havent seen any of it.

My son is 100% perfect thank you - but yes he can die through catching these diseases so I rely on other parents vaccinating their kids to keep him alive!

Something for you to think about

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