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Surely being vaccinated against the MOST COMMON strains make complete and utter sense. The probability that you'll catch the most common one is higher than the others.... Surely.

Tapatalking :-D Can't see tickers...

Of course not, lets vaccinate against rare diseases and let common ones run wild and mutate so they kill us all off. Like flu isnt enough

Tapatalking so cant see signatures

Oh man can I just take a minute to cry because that can be awarded with the most ****** reaction in history. :shock:

How dare you use language like that!! What on earth is wrong with you!!!! Grow up and behave like the 'well informed and well educated' woman you claim to be. Children name call, you should bloody well know better!!!!!!!!
Why not just protect you child wherever possible ?.okay so we can't vaccinate against rare diseases just yet but why leave your child and exposed to common ones ? I'm just baffled . Hope you nursery sounds great !
How dare I? Because I just did. You know there are far more worse & shocking things out there you should be worried about then that I just dared[/d] to say this. & If you feel the need to practice your parenting you have a child for that. You know this thing called freedom of speech? I will take full responsibility for what I say. However not how it's interpreted by others so if I get wound up by how what I say get interpreted by others' Yes I will dare to say things like this. Shocking don't you think..
How dare I? Because I just did. You know there are far more worse & shocking things out there you should be worried about then that I just dared[/d] to say this. & If you feel the need to practice your parenting you have a child for that. You know this thing called freedom of speech? I will take full responsibility for what I say. However not how it's interpreted by others so if I get wound up by how what I say get interpreted by others' Yes I will dare to say things like this. Shocking don't you think..

I don't find it shocking... i find it quite pathetic!

Yes, you are free to say what you wish but why you would choose to use language like that is beyond me. That word can be extremely offensive to some and I'm sure you know that. Its probably why you used it. You are overly defensive because no-one agrees with you and have to resort to cheap insults and name calling! Well done, it will surely help your cause!
Why not just protect you child wherever possible ?.okay so we can't vaccinate against rare diseases just yet but why leave your child and exposed to common ones ? I'm just baffled . Hope you nursery sounds great !

I was baffled about what goes into vaccinations, what risks there are to them and how SIDS linked to vaccinating is covered up. I'd like to make decisions for myself and I never said I will completely refuse all vaccinations available. I want to decide for myself when and which vaccinations are appropriate. Like chickenpox, if the illness hadn't made him immune by a certain age, then yes maybe we can consider having this vaccination done at a later age. But I do not want to take the risk on the side effects of the vaccination on such an early age. I will refuse on Rota because the greatest risk to this disease is that DIARRHEA can cause DEHYDRATION which can kill. Dehydration can be caused by various other things and not just diarrhea or rota virus.
Never said it didn't make sense did I? Just pointing out it's not a guarantee and WHAT IF a rare strain is caught...

Then they treat you. With horrible medication.
If they dont, you die or become seriously ill with long lasting effects

Tapatalking so cant see signatures

No shit.. but that will never happen when you do vaccinate will it -.-"

It significantly reduces chances. Nobody can guarantee you anything. And there is no need to use foul language. English isnt my first language either but i probably have broader vocab because i dont feel the need to swear to get my point across.

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
Just wow! Some people are so ignorant and down right rude!!

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I don't know what's worse, that you called someone a ****** or that you seem to have the view that children with a compromised immune system should be locked away where they can't come into contact with others :shock: I thought we moved away from that a long, long time ago! And fwiw, I don't think you can get the chicken pox vaccine in the UK. As for rotavirus or whatever it was, they wouldn't introduce a vaccine without good reason! I don't know much about it, but if the risk is dehydration - kids can go downhill very, very quickly through dehydration.
Some people just cant recognise sarcasm. I guess you have to be British ;)

Tapatalking so cant see signatures
I don't know what's worse, that you called someone a ****** or that you seem to have the view that children with a compromised immune system should be locked away where they can't come into contact with others :shock: I thought we moved away from that a long, long time ago! And fwiw, I don't think you can get the chicken pox vaccine in the UK. As for rotavirus or whatever it was, they wouldn't introduce a vaccine without good reason! I don't know much about it, but if the risk is dehydration - kids can go downhill very, very quickly through dehydration.

I never said kids should be locked away with a compromised Immune system it is what I personally would do as I would do now with my child that doesn't have a compromised immune system. And I can understand dehydration is a risk to kids, elderly, sick people and so on I am pointing out ROTA isn't the only virus that can cause diarrhea. Do you know what food poisoning can do to you and how easy it is to get that??! Shall I just never take my child to KFC or something when he's old enough for that.

And FYI, the Rota vaccine has been included in the program since yesterday it won't even be in the red book you have for your kiddo. As for chickenpox, yes it is available these days but it's not in the program for children who don't have a compromised immune system. But I very much doubt that if you would want it they would refuse it or would advice you it isn't available at all if you can argue why you would want it.
So basically what you're saying is "there are plenty of things that an kill you, what the point in only protecting against a few".

And please tell me you did not make make a reference between vaccinations and SIDS....
Surely being vaccinated against the MOST COMMON strains make complete and utter sense. The probability that you'll catch the most common one is higher than the others.... Surely.

Tapatalking :-D Can't see tickers...

Of course not, lets vaccinate against rare diseases and let common ones run wild and mutate so they kill us all off. Like flu isnt enough

Tapatalking so cant see signatures

Oh man can I just take a minute to cry because that can be awarded with the most ****** reaction in history. :shock:

I take great offence to the word that you have chosen to se here and I suggest you know your audience!

Well let me just tell you when you have a child with a compimised immune system its impossible to protect them but you cannot keep them locked up in a bubble either . I'm actually really upset that you would think its an option Should I also keep her in a sterile room away from her sister ? No I've had them both vaccinated instead. My child's life is probably going to be short term enough without keeping her locked away from children whose parents refuse to vaccinate them. I'm backing out of this argument now as its hit a nerve and I'm probably taking it too personally
I don't know what's worse, that you called someone a ****** or that you seem to have the view that children with a compromised immune system should be locked away where they can't come into contact with others :shock: I thought we moved away from that a long, long time ago! And fwiw, I don't think you can get the chicken pox vaccine in the UK. As for rotavirus or whatever it was, they wouldn't introduce a vaccine without good reason! I don't know much about it, but if the risk is dehydration - kids can go downhill very, very quickly through dehydration.

I never said kids should be locked away with a compromised Immune system it is what I personally would do as I would do now with my child that doesn't have a compromised immune system. And I can understand dehydration is a risk to kids, elderly, sick people and so on I am pointing out ROTA isn't the only virus that can cause diarrhea. Do you know what food poisoning can do to you and how easy it is to get that??! Shall I just never take my child to KFC or something when he's old enough for that.

And FYI, the Rota vaccine has been included in the program since yesterday it won't even be in the red book you have for your kiddo. As for chickenpox, yes it is available these days but it's not in the program for children who don't have a compromised immune system. But I very much doubt that if you would want it they would refuse it or would advice you it isn't available at all if you can argue why you would want it.

I genuinely can't believe you!

My son has Down Syndrome - this you know as I have mentioned it before! Ye you use the word "******" and tried to justify its use!

You then go in to say that I should keep him indoors because he's not 100% healthy - are you actually kidding me.

I suggest you go and take a long run off a short pier!

Surely being vaccinated against the MOST COMMON strains make complete and utter sense. The probability that you'll catch the most common one is higher than the others.... Surely.

Tapatalking :-D Can't see tickers...

Of course not, lets vaccinate against rare diseases and let common ones run wild and mutate so they kill us all off. Like flu isnt enough

Tapatalking so cant see signatures

Oh man can I just take a minute to cry because that can be awarded with the most ****** reaction in history. :shock:

Vaccination debate or not who the hell do you think you are using words like that??. You should be ashamed of yourself. I really hope the mods give you a good ticking off for using words such as "******". I've said it before and I will say it again. This really does boil my blood. How ignorant can one person be. Im disgusted.

Me thinks Jayne has to come and day hello again as its looking ugly :(
Rude and offensive messages are not acceptable on this forum... I wish people would understand this forum comes with rules. A temp ban has been issued to one member and I think it's best to move on from the tension in this thread therefore I have closed

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