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Unless you provide citable sources for research that has been tested rigorously 1st_time_mummy, no dice. Google is not a source of reliable information and your inferences about other mothers and their parenting on this thread have been idiotic and downright offensive.
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Just FYI

I have been told that if my son as much as comes into contact with chicken pox he will require immediate medical attention, as he could DIE

I don't know about you, but I'm not willing to just wait and see what happens - they can give him whatever drugs they need to to keep him alive.

At the minute he is on a drug that may make him go blind, but as a parent I had to choose between him going blind and getting brain damaged! So it was the best decision I could make. Don't go preaching to people when you actually don't have all the facts!

Since he was born medication has saved his life many times, and I'm sure it will in the future too

Then in September he will be getting surgery to take out his tonsils and adenoids, so that he doesn't stop breathing in his sleep anymore - I suppose this is irresponsible to - and hell yes I will let him have calpol because it will bloody hurt!
Unless you provide citable sources for research that has been tested rigorously 1st_time_mummy, no dice. Google is not a source of reliable information and your inferences about other mothers and their parenting on this thread have been idiotic and downright offensive.

Here here
I have been told that if my son as much as comes into contact with chicken pox he will require immediate medical attention, as he could DIE

Not to be rude or anything, but that means your son isn't naturally 100% healthy and would die without any medical equipment available these days fair enough go and vaccinate him because it probably outweighs the risk of fetching the disease. But OT it is aimed at what should be a healthy child who never required much medical care or isn't likely to need much medical care in future.
I wanted my son to have vit k drops opposed to the injection except if he had to be delived by forceps.. Guess what happened he was delivered by forceps and had the injection only because it can cause head trauma which can causes bleeding in the brain and vit k is supposed to powerboost the ability of the blood being able to clot which is the only reason I consented to the injection and it still bugs me as I havent seen any of it.
Yes because countless tried and tested medical studies are wrong. All the diseases that are dormant due to vaccinations (small pox I think is one?)...

Believe what you want, do your own research - whatever...although I doubt doing a bit of googling will cut it when faced with medical fact.

But, don't you dare call me, or any other of the women on here "irresponsible parents" because we chose to vaccinate our children. Not only does it make you look like a complete and utter idiot, but how can you expect people to take your views seriously if that's what you think of them?!

If you manage to google-up any information supporting your argument from credible sources, I'd be very interested to see them. (And no the daily mail doesn't count, and neither does some random blog entry from a probably extremely misinformed "natural parent")
Sorry i must be a very stupid and ignorant mummy here too!!

i have chosen and will continue to choose to have my children vaccinated my eldest is 11 and they have never caused him any harm! so made the decision for my 5 and 1 year old to have injections too

i would rather protect my child as i know best rather than not vaccinate and risk my child becoming seriously ill and my child knowing i could have prevented illness with a bloody injection, it would be a a far more harsher consequence knowing i could have helped prevent serious illness or death but refused too!! i think the guilt would be to much to contend with

so hope you have a stronger backbone then me when your child one day may say to you if they are seriously ill or close to death "why mummy did i not get the injection that would have saved me from this" i hope you can live with yourself!!!

on the case of chickenpox it is a serious ilness and i have seen the other side to it, my friend little girl contracted chilcken pox and it made her blood thicken which causes a stroke "she was 3 years old" she now suffers with arm movement and issues with walking because her affected side is not growing as quick as the other!! she has been told if she comes into contact with anyone with chicken pox she has to be admitted for medication as a matter of urgency

so yeah my friend has chosen vaccinations for all her children to help prevent major illness for her eldest!! but then again i suppose that is irresponsible in your eyes too
I have been told that if my son as much as comes into contact with chicken pox he will require immediate medical attention, as he could DIE
Not to be rude or anything, but that means your son isn't naturally 100% healthy and would die without any medical equipment available these days fair enough go and vaccinate him because it probably outweighs the risk of fetching the disease. But OT it is aimed at what should be a healthy child who never required much medical care or isn't likely to need much medical care in future.
I wanted my son to have vit k drops opposed to the injection except if he had to be delived by forceps.. Guess what happened he was delivered by forceps and had the injection only because it can cause head trauma which can causes bleeding in the brain and vit k is supposed to powerboost the ability of the blood being able to clot which is the only reason I consented to the injection and it still bugs me as I havent seen any of it.

Firstly: you are being rude, very rude actually.

Secondly: what if you had no medical intervention during labour, what would have happened to your baby if there were no forceps?

As for vaccines I think the recent events in Swansea provide strong evidence for the benefits of vaccinations.
How can you give all this information without backing it up with credible sources?? Have you just googled everything???

I'm in shock! And I hope nobody listens to your 'advice' and they continue to vaccinate their babies and children.

The vaccination rates have dropped- and the illness rates have increased- you do the math!!!
As for this very personal matter. I always get questions from people why we don't vaccinate our children. I do never try to convince anyone to do the same. Although I wish more people would have a close look into the pres and cons of it before getting them.

Many people where I live get them because of fear, I find this wrong. If you have done research and come to the conclusion to get your child vaccinated then that is great. If you are on the other side (like me) you should also be treated with respect.

Oe of e tngs I would like to add is that vaccination does not neccesary mean immunisation. That is one of the thought people have with this that is wrong. They can immunize you but the fact that the same ones are given several times also (and doctors will agree on this) tells you it is not a 100% effective way to get immune. When getting the real desease ypu will get immune (or die perhaps depending on the desease, state of health etc).

Snce vaccines are medication basically there is always a chance on side effects (like with all medication). So yes there is a risk (but so there is with not using them obviously).

Real effective double crossed blind research from the perspective of not vaccinating is hard to find because these tests take up a lot of time, money and you need participants. It has to be one that takes years and you need people dedicated to do so. Most research is funded by the pharmaceutical industry and they are not researching anything that is against vaccination (because this is not t heir point of view). Most people who do not want their children to be vaccinated simply don'thave the money and resources to do such large scale research.

Please stop blaming each other in this thread. My idea with this thread was never to offend anyone.

It is an interesting matter to look into and I always ask parents (to be) to take a close look at this (if they ask me) and then go with your feelings. Only then you made the decision to do the best for your child and that make you a great parent. Xx

Have noticed though, that the only person she hasn't challenged is Hope... a doctor. Why? Because you know dam well she'd wipe the floor with your google contrived theories!

Well, I'm an awful irresponsible parent then, my baby is vaccinated, has calpol, bath products (which according to some can cause cancer), had IV antibiotics at 24 hours old when he had an infection, and if he gets ill again, he'll have more drugs! He'll have all his jabs and I shall do it all safe and secure in the knowledge that I am doing the very best for my little boy.

Do you even have children btw? To be honest your posts have been sooooo long and sooooo full of shit that I have trouble remembering anything of any significance!
Perhaps it would be a nice idea to use this thread as a place to ask people why they have (or haven't) vaccinated their children and keep it openminded and respectfull.

I find it pretty sad that many people try to offend each other here or try to be mean or react in such a emotional way. If someone puts a post here which you find offensive I understand it is not nice at all (for example many people who know I don't vaccinate tell me that if my child dies it is my fault) please don't be mean too because then it keeps on going with big thread pollution.

Can we please listen to each other and be respectfull?
First off you have no idea how lucky people in the first world countries are, as your health care facilities are wonderful.
I am Kenyan, in Africa we are at risk for all those diseases, we watch children die and get crippled because of not being able to get vaccinated.
I wish every mother in my country could have the precious medicines to help with infant mortality! There are mothers who live so far into the interior that even when their children get sick getting to a medical facility takes days of walking. My goodness I really wish you would spend a week in my world and see if you would still feel the same.

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As for this very personal matter. I always get questions from people why we don't vaccinate our children. I do never try to convince anyone to do the same. Although I wish more people would have a close look into the pres and cons of it before getting them.

Many people where I live get them because of fear, I find this wrong. If you have done research and come to the conclusion to get your child vaccinated then that is great. If you are on the other side (like me) you should also be treated with respect.

Oe of e tngs I would like to add is that vaccination does not neccesary mean immunisation. That is one of the thought people have with this that is wrong. They can immunize you but the fact that the same ones are given several times also (and doctors will agree on this) tells you it is not a 100% effective way to get immune. When getting the real desease ypu will get immune (or die perhaps depending on the desease, state of health etc).

Snce vaccines are medication basically there is always a chance on side effects (like with all medication). So yes there is a risk (but so there is with not using them obviously).

Real effective double crossed blind research from the perspective of not vaccinating is hard to find because these tests take up a lot of time, money and you need participants. It has to be one that takes years and you need people dedicated to do so. Most research is funded by the pharmaceutical industry and they are not researching anything that is against vaccination (because this is not t heir point of view). Most people who do not want their children to be vaccinated simply don'thave the money and resources to do such large scale research.

Please stop blaming each other in this thread. My idea with this thread was never to offend anyone.

It is an interesting matter to look into and I always ask parents (to be) to take a close look at this (if they ask me) and then go with your feelings. Only then you made the decision to do the best for your child and that make you a great parent. Xx

Helen - no one is disputing the fact that there are some people who choose not vaccinate based on evidence. Personally I don't agree with that, but at end of day it's your choice.

Yes it's good to hear points of view from both sides of an argument, the level of risk one person is prepared to take is different from everyone else's.

What I think people have a problem with is that a specific poster is claiming that anyone who chooses to vaccinate has done so out of ignorance!! And if they had bothered to research they wouldn't have!!!

I researched the MMR and choose to delay after reading information that it is actually more effective given later than 1yr, as there are a number of our family members who had very very bad cases of measels it was very important to me that not only did DD have the MMR but that it was as effective as possible.

I am aware that vaccines don't give complete immunity, but exposure to natural diseases doesn't always either - many people are under the impression that once you've had chicken pox you can't get it again - actually there are 26 strains of chicken pox and it is perfectly possible to get it more than once - 2 of my healthy cousins (no underlying conditions) have had it 5 and 11 times!!!

The posts above are insulting, immflammatory and spout an absolute load of completely untrue information - which in a debate like this is down right dangerous!!!

On my iPhone - so cant see tickers :(
First off you have no idea how lucky people in the first world countries are, as your health care facilities are wonderful.
I am Kenyan, in Africa we are at risk for all those diseases, we watch children die and get crippled because of not being able to get vaccinated.
I wish every mother in my country could have the precious medicines to help with infant mortality! There are mothers who live so far into the interior that even when their children get sick getting to a medical facility takes days of walking. My goodness I really wish you would spend a week in my world and see if you would still feel the same.

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To whom are you talking now? Or is this in general?
I agree we are so lucky our country offers these vaccinations - look at the other countries that aren't so lucky and compare the rates of illness between our country and those that don't have them. You may say that's because they are malnourished and unhealthy etc, but healthy children can die of these illnesses it is completely incorrect to state only unhealthy children die from these illnesses. There's no way for you to know the health of those 3 babies that died in November from whooping cough anyway so not sure where you got your info from to give you that idea.
Employed by NHS by any chance?

Being an NHS employee has nothing to do with why I vaccinate my child. It has everything to do with common sense and reading all the evidence - from clinical research. My whole job in oncology is about evidence based practice, as is the entire NHS. Yes of course money comes into it - it has to because we don't have unlimited wealth to draw on to offer everything that should be offered. Tough decisions have to be made.

I have my own mind and am perfectly able to understand the clinical information and make an informed decision - are you...?

You said in another post "I find it annoying people don't read proper" - how are we to take any of your comments seriously when your grasp of English grammar is completely non-existent?

1st_time_mummy - I do admire trying to raise your family as naturally as possible, that can be a good thing (I held off giving any kind of pain relief when my LO was teething because she seemed to be coping well). But what do you intend to do if, god forbid, anything serious did happen to your child that required medical intervention? Would you stand back to review the evidence yourself while your child suffered or would you trust that the doctor knew what was best? Sometimes medical decisions have to be made fast - I never wanted a c-section or to be pumped full of things that I had very little idea of what they were, but my life and my baby's life depended on it, so I didn't hesitate.
I work as a medical professional in a paediatric trust.
Healthy children died of measles here, in this hospital in 2012.
Healthy children are now partially sighted and hearing impaired due to measles.
Healthy children are now visually impaired due to chicken pox.
Healthy children die and are injured by childhood illnesses every year in the UK, I have seen it first hand.
I have seen the damage childhood illnesses can cause.
My children are all immunised. I made this decision based on medical peer reviewed evidence - not google.
Perhaps it would be a nice idea to use this thread as a place to ask people why they have (or haven't) vaccinated their children and keep it openminded and respectfull.

That would be good in theory, but I have a feeling it would always descend into the arguments that have already happened. Hopefully when we decide whether or not to vaccinate we base it on the medical evidence. I think whatever a parent does they make that decision in what they believe to be their child's best interests.

My LO has had all the vaccines offered to her since birth. When new ones are introduced, I will look at the evidence and decide whether she should have them. Where my medical knowledge is not sufficient to make that decision I will rely on doctors to offer advice.

It can be very difficult as a parent to decide what's best. There was a scare with the whooping cough vaccine when I was a baby so mum decided I shouldn't have it.

As an adult, I've never had the flu jab as I personally believe healthy adults can fight off influenza, but if I was ever to have my immune system compromised (cancer etc.) I would definitely be first in line to have it.

Occupational health tried to vaccinate me with the MMR when I started work at the hospital. I refused this on the basis that I had already had immunizations as a child (separate at that point). I consented to a blood test to determine if that was the case (which it was) and they then didn't require me to have them.
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