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here are some news stories in favour of parents re MMR and other injections, there are countless others but you have to find them - and they are a mere ripple in the pool of parents who are unable to go through the court system or have lost similar cases.

in America recently a group of people all sued because of the MMR and won their settlement with the court agreeing it was the MMR which caused the autism in their children.
the DoH agree that they greatly increase the chances of being asthmatic and having excema, there is also a high risk of MS and ME...


Plus, my issue with the MMR is not its link to autism, its that it is overkill. If you are a girl, mumps is no threat to you EVER, if you are a boy, Rubella is no threat to you EVER, if you are a boy in puberty that has never had mumps, thats the time to be vaccinated, same with rubella for girls

a blanket vaccine at a very early age is total and utter overkill and counter productive, if you suffer from these (fairly harmless) childhood dieases in childhood, you are immune for life - if you are vaccinated you have a high chance of loosing your immunity in later life which puts you at great risk.

I completely agree with you on these points. Im spacing my LOs vaccines out more than the 'recommended' schedule for these reasons. I dont think bombarding the immune system in this way is a good idea.

I also think its really wrong that parents arent able to choose to have vaccines separately anymore. I wasnt immune to rubella during my pregnancy and had to have the MMR when I only wanted a rubella vaccine :roll: overkill is definately the right word.
I will def be wating until my baby is much older for MMR injection the only one that is very important to me is meningitis, I realise that measles can have complications too but the risk of injection outweighs the risk of complications there, its a personal thing though!
The cases in America where they won compensation for the MMR giving their child autism, I am sure this was because of an additive (think mercury or maybe aluminium) in the actual vaccine as a preservative?
I will be getting Seb immunised. I have a problem with facts that state that 'such-and-such is 40% more likely to cause such-and-such'. How do they prove this? Who's to say that the same children who got asthma after immunisations wouldn't still have got asthma if they hadn't been immunised and vice versa. I also do not believe in the 'link' of Mmr and autism. As rosa said I read in several research pieces that those cases in the USA were caused by something in the vaccine, not the mmr itself. I agree you should be as informed as you can be but you have to look at both sides of the argument, putting aside any preference or preconceptions one way or another. I have researched pros and cons for and against immunisations and not only am I shocked at the lack of balanced, well reasoned, unemotional research out there but also the misleading information on both sides!
i dont think its fair to suggest everyone who doesnt immunise has only heard one side of an argument, i have made it a mission to hear every side possible, look at all facts possible (like trends of things like asthma and excema) and take into account what doctors, DoH, WHO and also mothers have to say on the matter

i have absolutely made it my business to know every side.

just happen to have come to the conclusion that delaying vaccinations and being selective is the safest for my family...
Er, where exactly did I 'suggest' that everyone who decides not immunise hasn't looked at both sides? I was saying that people from both sides only look at their side! Not once did I say what you've taken from it which kind of proves my point.
if your looking for reasonable, well rounded information i would read whatever possible in The Lancet which is a medical journal and available online, and also 'The Truth About Vaccines' which is a book by an English doctor

both have very interesting facts about vaccines

i dont quite see what you mean by me 'proving your point' as i have said, i believe in vaccination but not when a child is so young and vunerable... so what 'side of the fence' (as if its that black and white) am i sat on?
We have decided to delay any vacs until atleast 1 year old, as I dont currently feel that I have sufficient information to make an informed choice. I have read 'the truth about vaccines' and it does make compelling reading.

I would prefer to not do the MMR atall, but go abroad (not currently available in UK) for single jabs IF we decide she should have them atall. There is just so much mis-information and scare tactics on both sides of the argument, until I am able to make some sense of it then she wont be having any :)
I did a lot of research before allowing Cahal to have his injections, and even afterwards, it was with a heavy heart that I signed the papers. We still ran into problems that I hadn't anticipated though. I knew that there were chances of a reaction but kidded myself - it only happens to others. Next thing I know Cahal has a non blanching rash over the lower half of his body, is rushed to A&E and then spends 3 days in hospital having tests and being pumped full of drugs in case he has meningitis, not nice. Worst of it was, we didn't know which vaccine it was that caused the reaction, because he was given so many in one go.

Because of this we have decided not to go ahead with the MMR. Regardless of the autism claims and counterclaims, I realise now that it's better to go one at a time so you can isolate any problems that occur and ensure you don't make the same mistakes twice. If we do it at all, we will be going private and paying for separate Measles, Mumps and Rubella vaccines.

My REALLY big beef though was the health visitor who gave his first injections. Research almost certainly raises questions, and I had a few, nothing unreasonable in my view, I simply wanted to see the 'ingredients list' of the vaccines and see the vaccines being drawn out. When I first went into the room there were two syringes, already drawn up, on a tray on the bed. They could have had ANYTHING in them for all I knew, I hadn't seen them being drawn. I also had some questions about the preservatives used in the vaccine, and how it is stored. Anyways, I must have taken up an extra 5 minutes of their time max. There were two health visitors in the room, and they both very audibly huffed and puffed, tried to fob me off at every opportunity and made it absolutely clear that they thought I was a time-wasting, irrational mother who was merely taking up their precious time. This absolutely infuriated me, and had I not been so surprised by their reaction at the time would have complained about their attitude, in hindsight I wish I had, but too late now I guess.

Well, that was a waffle wasn't it? Sorry!
It was with a very heavy heart that I took my boy for his jabs last week.

I'd researched and passed it onto my husband to read who researched himself and counteracted everything I said (with legitimate stuff). I really didn't want him to have any but my husband insisted. He told my mum who had words, as did my sister and her GP friend. I was really backed into a corner but with no time to get the books and present my case it was time to get him immunised.

He has two parents of course and on this occasion his father won the battle.

MMR I really really don't want him to have though and am already bookmarking Internet pages and reading as much as I can to back up my case.
without intending to offend.

I am a naturalist I study the natural immune system and how it heals the body, (without chemicals)

to put it simple (meaning it really is common sense in the system we live in) vaccines are PROFIT

after extreme research and writing many letters under the freedom of information act, we decided we would most defiantly not be getting our precious baby injected with these man made synthetic cocktails.

first of all the core of the NHS is a dispensing point for the billionaire companies that are the pharmaceutical giants of the world. (those who actually produce the vaccines)

in a baby's first couple of years in the uk the profit made under the child immunisation programme for pharmaceutical companies from just 1 child is £592 , that is the pharmaceutical price to fully vaccinate 1 child. NOW take that number and multiply this by the number of children born in the uk who's parents "chose" to have them fully Vaccinated. The number you come up with in £s is the core reason the child immunisation programme exists, it has nothing to do with health. This is also why the propaganda involved with vaccines is so strong, pharmaceutical companies are well aware most mothers will listen to GP's (whose holidays are paid for by the Profit) rather than research deep enough to discover the truth themselves.

This doesn't only happen with childhood vaccines neither.. you ever see adverts and propaganda for flue vaccines in autumn posters stuck up on GPs windows as if they are selling a brand... well that's exactly what they are doing.. pharmaceutical companies pay GP surgeries a grant of a certain sum in order they meet a specific number of babies to be vaccinated.. if they do not make up this number the next year the grant is reduced....this is why a GP is dominant to keep vaccine numbers up (again nothing to do with health.) people take for granted we live in a capitalist system where the public make profit for the big companies in everything they do from being born to catching cancer and die.. its ignorant to not recognise this.

Now for the chemical cocktails themselves... vaccines have (freedom of information) been connected to millions of cases of illness in babies and even deaths. and the whole information that vaccines do any good in the slightest is hugely exaggerated. The exaggerations come in the form of statistics of the last 100 years n numbers in Virus cases falling then claim vaccines are responsible for this which is utter nonsense. The real truth is the reduction in poverty and improved nutritional lifestyle and sanitation IE improved natural immune systems.. also the claimed statistics of deaths due to the deceases vaccines are supposed to prevent are never explained. For example they never explain most these cases were kids with underlying health issues or kids from the poorest undernourished poverty struck parts of the uk, or the simple fact a good percentage of those who have died had actually be vaccinated..
worst of all they completely cover up the cases where kids have died directly due to vaccines, and they have the power to keep it quiet. but as said this is all available under the freedom of information act. there is even cases where ingredients have suddenly been discovered to cause serious health issues and the vaccines have been removed from the program over night, (only after hundreds of kids have been vaccinated with these and the parents are left unaware).

a naturally healthy child can fight of any illness it contracts that the so called vaccines are ment to prevent not only that after the body fights these naturally it produces a natural immunity to that illness which will then continue in its genes and pass on to their kids. injecting a chemical cocktail of synthetic/organic viruses made from chicken cells, dead feotus blood and a whole load of toxic man made chemicals in an attempt to coax the babies natural immune system into making antibodies is insane to somebody who understands the natural immune system and how it works. this in return will slow the child's natural immune system developing also their brain from producing cells in the natural form it should, leaving a baby open to far more conditions and illnesses. Also vaccines are only so long lasting so by the time this child is an adult it has a useless undeveloped immune system hampered by the destruction of so many natural parts of it at such a critical young age, meaning as an adult they will be at far more risk to decease.

none of this is theory its natural facts. the immune system is taken for granted. even when you catch a simple cold or flu your immune system attacks immediately it knows the virus enters your spores in saliva glands so it automatically makes these run in an attempt to expel the virus, it knows the virus can only survive at body temperature so it raises the body temperature to try n kill it of...when you go to the gp with these "symptoms" the gp prescribes chemical durgs which kill of all these symptoms in turn disabling your immune system leaving the virus to thrive in your system far longer n leave you to potentially catch more viruses and put your immune system under far more strain, resulting in you being sick for far longer....n why does the gp do this.....PROFIT.. its all about pharmaceutical profit.

the unaware parent makes pharmaceutical companies and baby product companies an absolute fortune these companies do not give a flying monkey about your babies health. and they know that using your babies health as a selling point works a treat. it really is down to the individual parent to research hard to find this out for themselves.

and off course many mothers simply don't want to believe any of this but usually they have a moral reason simply because they have already chose to do all the above and it would be simply to hard to accept that they could have made a decision like this without properly researching and possibly fell for a pharmaceutical selling point... but thats not who av really wrote this for.... the ultimate point.. reading an NHS website or booklet is nowhere near enough information about vaccines.. its it is highly irresponsible for a new parent to allow several hyperaemic syringes of cocktails to be injected into their precious young baby without researching EVERY LAST BIT of information they can get their hands on...and i have no doubt whatsoever that those who do choose to vaccinate just haven't dug deep enough.

without intending to offend.

I am a naturalist I study the natural immune system and how it heals the body, (without chemicals)

to put it simple (meaning it really is common sense in the system we live in) vaccines are PROFIT

after extreme research and writing many letters under the freedom of information act, we decided we would most defiantly not be getting our precious baby injected with these man made synthetic cocktails.

first of all the core of the NHS is a dispensing point for the billionaire companies that are the pharmaceutical giants of the world. (those who actually produce the vaccines)

in a baby's first couple of years in the uk the profit made under the child immunisation programme for pharmaceutical companies from just 1 child is £592 , that is the pharmaceutical price to fully vaccinate 1 child. NOW take that number and multiply this by the number of children born in the uk who's parents "chose" to have them fully Vaccinated. The number you come up with in £s is the core reason the child immunisation programme exists, it has nothing to do with health. This is also why the propaganda involved with vaccines is so strong, pharmaceutical companies are well aware most mothers will listen to GP's (whose holidays are paid for by the Profit) rather than research deep enough to discover the truth themselves.

This doesn't only happen with childhood vaccines neither.. you ever see adverts and propaganda for flue vaccines in autumn posters stuck up on GPs windows as if they are selling a brand... well that's exactly what they are doing.. pharmaceutical companies pay GP surgeries a grant of a certain sum in order they meet a specific number of babies to be vaccinated.. if they do not make up this number the next year the grant is reduced....this is why a GP is dominant to keep vaccine numbers up (again nothing to do with health.) people take for granted we live in a capitalist system where the public make profit for the big companies in everything they do from being born to catching cancer and die.. its ignorant to not recognise this.

Now for the chemical cocktails themselves... vaccines have (freedom of information) been connected to millions of cases of illness in babies and even deaths. and the whole information that vaccines do any good in the slightest is hugely exaggerated. The exaggerations come in the form of statistics of the last 100 years n numbers in Virus cases falling then claim vaccines are responsible for this which is utter nonsense. The real truth is the reduction in poverty and improved nutritional lifestyle and sanitation IE improved natural immune systems.. also the claimed statistics of deaths due to the deceases vaccines are supposed to prevent are never explained. For example they never explain most these cases were kids with underlying health issues or kids from the poorest undernourished poverty struck parts of the uk, or the simple fact a good percentage of those who have died had actually be vaccinated..
worst of all they completely cover up the cases where kids have died directly due to vaccines, and they have the power to keep it quiet. but as said this is all available under the freedom of information act. there is even cases where ingredients have suddenly been discovered to cause serious health issues and the vaccines have been removed from the program over night, (only after hundreds of kids have been vaccinated with these and the parents are left unaware).

a naturally healthy child can fight of any illness it contracts that the so called vaccines are ment to prevent not only that after the body fights these naturally it produces a natural immunity to that illness which will then continue in its genes and pass on to their kids. injecting a chemical cocktail of synthetic/organic viruses made from chicken cells, dead feotus blood and a whole load of toxic man made chemicals in an attempt to coax the babies natural immune system into making antibodies is insane to somebody who understands the natural immune system and how it works. this in return will slow the child's natural immune system developing also their brain from producing cells in the natural form it should, leaving a baby open to far more conditions and illnesses. Also vaccines are only so long lasting so by the time this child is an adult it has a useless undeveloped immune system hampered by the destruction of so many natural parts of it at such a critical young age, meaning as an adult they will be at far more risk to decease.

none of this is theory its natural facts. the immune system is taken for granted. even when you catch a simple cold or flu your immune system attacks immediately it knows the virus enters your spores in saliva glands so it automatically makes these run in an attempt to expel the virus, it knows the virus can only survive at body temperature so it raises the body temperature to try n kill it of...when you go to the gp with these "symptoms" the gp prescribes chemical durgs which kill of all these symptoms in turn disabling your immune system leaving the virus to thrive in your system far longer n leave you to potentially catch more viruses and put your immune system under far more strain, resulting in you being sick for far longer....n why does the gp do this.....PROFIT.. its all about pharmaceutical profit.

the unaware parent makes pharmaceutical companies and baby product companies an absolute fortune these companies do not give a flying monkey about your babies health. and they know that using your babies health as a selling point works a treat. it really is down to the individual parent to research hard to find this out for themselves.

and off course many mothers simply don't want to believe any of this but usually they have a moral reason simply because they have already chose to do all the above and it would be simply to hard to accept that they could have made a decision like this without properly researching and possibly fell for a pharmaceutical selling point... but thats not who av really wrote this for.... the ultimate point.. reading an NHS website or booklet is nowhere near enough information about vaccines.. its it is highly irresponsible for a new parent to allow several hyperaemic syringes of cocktails to be injected into their precious young baby without researching EVERY LAST BIT of information they can get their hands on...and i have no doubt whatsoever that those who do choose to vaccinate just haven't dug deep enough.


I completely respect your opinions and the compassion you show for such a controversial subject. The research you have done is obviously very substantial. However I feel I need to respond to your point that new parents are irresponsible if they allow their babies to have vaccinations. All new parents (hopefully) want only the best for their babies and they vaccinate their children based upon information given to them by medical professionals. To suggest that by not doing research into the vaccinations is somehow irresponsible I think is a little harsh. You some how give the impression that parents who choose to vaccinate are doing something wrong and do not want the best for their babies, which of course is utter rubbish.

By taking the information they have to hand and from personal knowledge and experience people choose to vaccinate as they believe this is the best for their child. I understand that the vast majority of GP's are not on board with alternative therapies but I do believe they have our best interests at heart (why on earth would they train in the medical profession if they didn't?) and that they are not in the game to make money for pharmaceutical companies!

I do believe very strongly that our bodies are capable of wonderful things but there are times when medical intervention is needed and chemical drugs must be used. I do believe in vaccinations but I feel the way in which they are given is incorrect. The way I felt after reading your post made me feel as though the decision I made was the wrong one and I can only speak for myself but you seemed to give the impression that parents who vaccinate are 'bad' parents! I hope this wasn't your intention!
did you just say that i am a bad parent for vaccinating my baby? bad and irresponsible?

i am actually glad that you said that as i was prepared to put all of my ''propaganda medical experience'' and respond to you point by point, thanks God is not needed as by the time i got to the end of the post and saw that i am a bad and irresponsible parent for wanting the best for my baby i realised that people reading your speech there they have more than enough information to make the right decision that accidentally may not the one intended by you..

not nice playing me thinks...
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without intending to offend.

I am a naturalist I study the natural immune system and how it heals the body, (without chemicals)

to put it simple (meaning it really is common sense in the system we live in) vaccines are PROFIT

after extreme research and writing many letters under the freedom of information act, we decided we would most defiantly not be getting our precious baby injected with these man made synthetic cocktails.

first of all the core of the NHS is a dispensing point for the billionaire companies that are the pharmaceutical giants of the world. (those who actually produce the vaccines)

in a baby's first couple of years in the uk the profit made under the child immunisation programme for pharmaceutical companies from just 1 child is £592 , that is the pharmaceutical price to fully vaccinate 1 child. NOW take that number and multiply this by the number of children born in the uk who's parents "chose" to have them fully Vaccinated. The number you come up with in £s is the core reason the child immunisation programme exists, it has nothing to do with health. This is also why the propaganda involved with vaccines is so strong, pharmaceutical companies are well aware most mothers will listen to GP's (whose holidays are paid for by the Profit) rather than research deep enough to discover the truth themselves.

This doesn't only happen with childhood vaccines neither.. you ever see adverts and propaganda for flue vaccines in autumn posters stuck up on GPs windows as if they are selling a brand... well that's exactly what they are doing.. pharmaceutical companies pay GP surgeries a grant of a certain sum in order they meet a specific number of babies to be vaccinated.. if they do not make up this number the next year the grant is reduced....this is why a GP is dominant to keep vaccine numbers up (again nothing to do with health.) people take for granted we live in a capitalist system where the public make profit for the big companies in everything they do from being born to catching cancer and die.. its ignorant to not recognise this.

Now for the chemical cocktails themselves... vaccines have (freedom of information) been connected to millions of cases of illness in babies and even deaths. and the whole information that vaccines do any good in the slightest is hugely exaggerated. The exaggerations come in the form of statistics of the last 100 years n numbers in Virus cases falling then claim vaccines are responsible for this which is utter nonsense. The real truth is the reduction in poverty and improved nutritional lifestyle and sanitation IE improved natural immune systems.. also the claimed statistics of deaths due to the deceases vaccines are supposed to prevent are never explained. For example they never explain most these cases were kids with underlying health issues or kids from the poorest undernourished poverty struck parts of the uk, or the simple fact a good percentage of those who have died had actually be vaccinated..
worst of all they completely cover up the cases where kids have died directly due to vaccines, and they have the power to keep it quiet. but as said this is all available under the freedom of information act. there is even cases where ingredients have suddenly been discovered to cause serious health issues and the vaccines have been removed from the program over night, (only after hundreds of kids have been vaccinated with these and the parents are left unaware).

a naturally healthy child can fight of any illness it contracts that the so called vaccines are ment to prevent not only that after the body fights these naturally it produces a natural immunity to that illness which will then continue in its genes and pass on to their kids. injecting a chemical cocktail of synthetic/organic viruses made from chicken cells, dead feotus blood and a whole load of toxic man made chemicals in an attempt to coax the babies natural immune system into making antibodies is insane to somebody who understands the natural immune system and how it works. this in return will slow the child's natural immune system developing also their brain from producing cells in the natural form it should, leaving a baby open to far more conditions and illnesses. Also vaccines are only so long lasting so by the time this child is an adult it has a useless undeveloped immune system hampered by the destruction of so many natural parts of it at such a critical young age, meaning as an adult they will be at far more risk to decease.

none of this is theory its natural facts. the immune system is taken for granted. even when you catch a simple cold or flu your immune system attacks immediately it knows the virus enters your spores in saliva glands so it automatically makes these run in an attempt to expel the virus, it knows the virus can only survive at body temperature so it raises the body temperature to try n kill it of...when you go to the gp with these "symptoms" the gp prescribes chemical durgs which kill of all these symptoms in turn disabling your immune system leaving the virus to thrive in your system far longer n leave you to potentially catch more viruses and put your immune system under far more strain, resulting in you being sick for far longer....n why does the gp do this.....PROFIT.. its all about pharmaceutical profit.

the unaware parent makes pharmaceutical companies and baby product companies an absolute fortune these companies do not give a flying monkey about your babies health. and they know that using your babies health as a selling point works a treat. it really is down to the individual parent to research hard to find this out for themselves.

and off course many mothers simply don't want to believe any of this but usually they have a moral reason simply because they have already chose to do all the above and it would be simply to hard to accept that they could have made a decision like this without properly researching and possibly fell for a pharmaceutical selling point... but thats not who av really wrote this for.... the ultimate point.. reading an NHS website or booklet is nowhere near enough information about vaccines.. its it is highly irresponsible for a new parent to allow several hyperaemic syringes of cocktails to be injected into their precious young baby without researching EVERY LAST BIT of information they can get their hands on...and i have no doubt whatsoever that those who do choose to vaccinate just haven't dug deep enough.


I have a sick baby who NEEDS medication - no I'm not going to wait and see if her can fight it off himself while he has many many seizures a day which isn't just distressing - it's DAMAGING his brain!!!!

So yes I will take the chemicals and drugs that allow my baby to be healthy and develop - and be a happy healthy baby!

Being a mum is hard enough without having people tell you that your shite because you give your sick baby medicine!
This thread makes me so angry!

As a healthcare professional it saddens me that anyone would think we're here to make a profit. We're not. We're here to make people well again and to prevent disease. GPs only make profit from childhood imms because the government makes it a target rewarded by pay because of its importance to public health.

As a mum it makes me cross that parents choose not to immunize their children against illnesses which in the past - and actually still to this day - cause serious health issues and even death. How would you explain to your child, made deaf by contracting measles, that you didn't get them protected against it, even though you had the opportunity to do so?

It is completely ridiculous to suggest that a perfectly healthy child can fight any illness it contracts. Oh really?! Did you even hear of the cases of whooping cough last year that killed some babies or do you think that was just PR ploy to get more parents to get their children vaccinated???

1st_time_mummy - I hate it when people begin with "without intending to offend"... Your comments are offensive and you know it. Modern medicine is incredible. I wouldn't be alive now without it and neither would my baby. I take everything I'm offered and my child is given everything that is offered because for me it is the right thing to do. Otherwise I might as well be living in the 15th century.

Completely intending to offend, 1st_time_mummy - you are irresponsible for opening your child up to a multitude of very serious, life-threatening illnesses and I hope to goodness that your child doesn't suffer for your stupidity.
This thread makes me so angry!

As a healthcare professional ...

Employed by NHS by any chance? It is like being employed by the council or Jobcentre plus and teaching people to grass anyone up without knowing their background story as why they are doing it wrong. Quite sure in most 'health professional' careers and education it's the teachers job to teach you this information. It's actually making up your own mind by doing your own independent research that can come to a conclusion whatever that may be.

Like this Rota virus vac that is being introduced from tomorrow. No chance my Davi is having any of that! And I'm strongly leaning towards prosponing if not declining even though mercury is removed from vaccines it has been replaced with a synthetic which contains the most minimal amount. Bare in mind mercury is the second most poisonous substance known to mankind. I refused whooping cough vaccine in pregnancy and I regret getting the flu vac.

1rst time mummy could you send me some more information where I can find about the natural immune system, me interested!
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