Urgent advice needed!!! OMG UPDATE ON PAGE 4******


Well-Known Member
Jan 14, 2009
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Im currently 5 weeks pregnant, i had some spotting as they call it tuesday, went to the GP's where she examined me, said my cervix was closed etc, so i went home no more blood, then about 1hr ago the same thing again, im scared shitless!!

reasurrance is needed anyone else had this???

I really dont want to loose this baby :(
spotting is quite common hun and as long as you are not getting any pain you should be ok, if your worried ring nhs direct
Spotting is very common especially in the first weeks of pregnancy.

As Mary says if it's painless it's less of a worry, and also if it's browny in colour it's less of a worry than if it's bright red.

I bled at 8 weeks and went on to have a healthy baby girl.

Please try not to worry - I know it's easier said than done! xxx
:hug: As the others have said spotting is very common. I had it on and off for awhile in this pregnancy.

Just monitor it hun and see how you go, if it gets heavier or you are in pain then you need to see a doc or go a+e, unfortunatly at this stage the attitude doctors have is quite crap, try and put your feet up hun and I hope it stops soon :hug:
I called NHS direct and tbh they made me feel like i was 'over reacting', Its not heavy bleeding but its bright in colour and i do have some mild aches.

I am worrying myself silly, i already have 2 boys 4 and 6 so resting isnt easy lol

thanks for all your advice xxx
NHS direct said that?! Cheeky so and sos

It's ALWAYS going to be a worry and aches, pains and cramp, although frightening, are normal during pregnancy (think of all the stretching you have to do!).

Spotting is so much better than 'bleeding'. Try not to worry yourself sick over this (easier said than done I know :() - if it gets any heavier just get straight back to A&E.

A closed cervix is an excellent sign - when it opens it when you have to worry so don't make yourself ill over this until you absolutely have to. Try to reassure yourself and have some massive :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: from over here...

Thinking of you
I never had any spotting of bleeding of any kind with my other 2, maybe its because im getting old :lol:

Now i have a question, how would you describe spotting?

As i need to know whether im spotting or have 'bleeding'
I'm not sure of the 'official' descriptions but I personally would describe spotting as bleeding so light and intermittent that it is not there all the time and not showing in your knickers, only when you wipe.

Bleeding i would class as something more constant and heavy enough to show in you knickers/require a pad.

Like i say, that's just how I personally would class them so please correct me if that's not right.

How are you today? Hopefully a little less worried :hug:
Right so i have spotting then , as its only when i wipe and ive only had it twice, im just a bag or nerves!

Thankyou so much for your advice you dont know how much its reasurring :hug:

Im going to call GP in a mo, see what they say!

I have no spotting today, it was just the once tues morning and lastnight both at 8 oclock
Hey hun,

I had the same thing last saturday. Was it very faint watery pink coloured? sorry for the description!! :lol:
It happened just the once and when I spoke to the nurse she said it was very common. I know it is scary and you are really worried but try and relax and if it gets any worse seek a doctor. In my experience speaking to NHS Direct is not always the best option as they tend to always say go to A&E to cover their backs. :(

I hope everything turns out fine xxxx
right, i have a gp's appointment at 2pm, so wish me luck xxxx
good luck hun but im sure u are fine, i had this with my first pregnancy and i was told it was just like implantaion bleeding, as long as its not heavy or bright red u should be fine....will be checking later to see how u are :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Oooh, It's a scary time when you see that, but it sounds all normal to me!

One of mates rang me crying once when she was bleeding down below when in early pregnancy.....she went to the Doc's and got checked over and the Doc told her everything was fine and she'd actually been wiping one of her piles that had a slight tear! :rotfl:

Good Luck!
I had a couple of days of spotting around the 5 week mark.
It was such a tiny amount but it still freaked me out immensely.
Hope your doctors went ok :hug:
I had a scan today, which clearly showed no baby in the womb! altho they did another preg test and it was still BFP!

so i have had blood tests etc and i have to go back sunday for more tests to see if its elsewhere (ectopic)

gutted isnt the word :(

Edited to say the techinal term they called it is PUL pregnancy of unknown location

I really hope you are not ectopic. I am currently in that position and it really is a scary place to be. I was diagnosed with Ep on the 30th December. I'm still undergoing treatment.

Staying positive though, statistically the chances are your PG is just too little to be seen. I'm sending you loads of positive thoughts and hoping that this is the case.

I don't want to scare you , and hopefully you will never need the information but I strongly recommend that you take a look at the website of the Ectopic Pregnancy Trust. http://www.ectopic.org.uk/. If you find yourself in a position where you need to make a very important decision about how you want to be treated then the more knowledge you have the better. I was terrified of having to have a tube removed, but it *is* possible to treat Ep's medically through a series of injections designed to dissolve the pregnancy. 85% of women who are treated this way are healthily pregnant in 18 months.

When I was diagnosed with EP I completely freaked out - my mind was going crazy , most of us have heard the horror stories, but little is mentioned about all the EP pregnancies that are successfully managed every day .The truth is Ep can be very dangerous and as such should be treated seriously. However the main reason EP pregnancies are considered to be so dangerous is because often the pregnancy is left undiagnosed and untreated. Remember you are being closely monitored and you are in safe hands. :)

It is also important to know that With an early diagnosis and modern medical care most Ep's can be very safely managed with up to 50% of them resolving naturally.

As I say, I hope you never need to use this information. I'd compare it to getting on a plane and having to listen to the safety demonstration - its not likely you will ever need to use that equipment, but all the same it is for the best if to know what to do if necessary.

Of course none of this takes away that fear and sadness at the news that the pregnancy may not be viable. I've not even started to come to terms with that news yet. Right now the most important thing for you and your future family is that you get the best treatment possible whatever the outcome.

Sending you loads of positive thoughts

Im so sorry :hug: :hug:

I had an ectopic in February 2007. I know what you're going through. PM if you need to talk.

Take care :hug: :hug:
Thankyou all so so much for all your advice and well wishes, as soon as i get my results i will share them with you!

Im trying to think positive, but i do fear the worst, again thankyou all xxx

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