i know they always say "its always in the last place you look" but it will turn up.
the pictures are so thin, it could have gotten hidden between a magazine, papers, down the side of somewhere?
If you had dropped it, someone would have handed it in. Id be tempted to phone the police and just ask if anything has been handed in??? or any shops you visted en route with it?
Does the hospital keep the results andthe pics on their computers??? maybe ask the midwife if she could get you another print? At mylast scan, they took so many stills of all teh limbs and the heart etc ect, and thoe must have been for records, so im sure they still have the full profile screen shots on the comps.
it is so upseting though eh, I do feel for you.
ive taken photos of all of mine and printed them out. afterall, the computer prints from a photo ive taken will last, the actual scan themselves wont after a while.
i hope you find it