

Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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Hi guys !
I just thought I'd give you all an update as to where I am.
Well, my AF should be due tomorrow but I've had no signs or aches or pains to suggest the witch is on her way..
Well I did a cheapie HPT late last night just out of curiosity and expectantly got a BFN.
I've had absolutely no symptoms of pregnancy nor have I got symptoms of AF either.
I have checked my cervix and it is very high and out of reach at the moment and I also have very thick CM.
I'm not expecting my good news this month to be honest and although I will be disappointed if AF comes , I not be as down as usual due to the Xmas season cheering me up and I have lots of girlie nights planned ahead so I can crack open the wine!!
Lots of baby dust for everybody xxx
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Your not out till the witch gets you so my FX its just your BFP hiding
It's good that you haven't had any symptoms - you never know :)

Hopefully AF doesn't show but i guess like you said, it isn't as big a deal before the party season starts ;)
Good luck louize

FX for you, hope its another BFP! its been a lucky month so far :)
How are you getting on with other tests?
Goodluck hunny, my fingers and toes are crossed for you x x
Hey sorry for not keeping you all updated!
Mega busy in work!! It's driving me mad! I just wanna sit here and do nothing lol.
Anyhow.. I tested yesterday morning using FR and FMU .. absolutely nothing! BFN!
Last night I did Asdas own OPK at about 6pm .. It was quite a dark line .. Half the line was darker than the control panel and the other half was a tad bit lighter but not faint! I'm so confused!
I felt my cervix today and it feels low and closed.
I'm not to sure what my cervical position should be if I'm pregnant or if I'm about to start AF though!
i think the cervix varies from woman to woman and it deffinatly differs throughout your cycle i dont hink cervical possition is a great indicator of pregnancy of approaching af
but fingers crossed huny bih :hug: and lots of baby dust :dust:
You're well late now for AF eh? Ooohhh fingers crossed you have a shy BFP hiding around the corner. Positive OPKs also can show pregnancy but FR normally would now too hmmmmm
I know!! To be honest I'm just thinking I'm having a dodgy cycle! It has been known to happen before! I think judging from the OPK's actually being quite dark that maybe I'm just ovulating a hell of a lot later than I expected!
I need some advice! I'm 6 days late now and did an opk yesterday which showed positive for ovulation ( I think ) and now I've done one tonight and it's negative ... I havnt BD much this week due to me not realising apart from once last night.. Do you think it's to late??
I'd upload the pics of opk for you guys but I can't from my iPhone :(
did you do them at the same time each night? i think that can effect result too .....
i dont really know much bout opk reall hun but didnt wanna read n run,
Depends on how concentrated your urine is. No AF so your well in still! xx
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