

Well-Known Member
Jun 30, 2010
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Hi ladies,

Sorry i haven't been on in a while. How are you all? Any new BFPs since I was last here?

Well I ended up in hospital at the weekend,was in severe pain. Was admitted to the gynae ward. I have a cyst on each ovary. There wasn't much they could do at the time. I got a scan and the consultant was really nice, he thinks both cysts are benign, he said they're quite small and have blood in them which he told me would absorb into my body like blood under a bruise does. He said it was quite unusual that I have one on each ovary. I'm still in quite alot of pain and my GP has given me some stong pain meds. I have to go back in just under 4 weeks for another scan, he didn't mention anything about surgery but I'm guessing if they don't go away themselves (considering I've been in pain for 5 weeks) they might have to remove them. But you never know they might disappear :eh:

Af came 7 days early this month. I have my sperm donor set up and if we don't get it done this month we'll have to wait till October as he is away on training and then back to work offshore. I'm not sure what my chances are of concieving if I have 2 cysts. I did ask about fertility and got vague answers that things should be ok. I didn'tmention I was going to be AI thismonth though. Do you guys think its worth going ahead and doing it anyway? Couldit be dangerous if I did concieve a baby? Any advice would be welcome. I think AF is finished I've just had some brown discharge today. Will start testing OV in a couple of days anyway.

Sorry again that I haven't been around, will go and try and do some catching up

Love Pinkymum

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Hey so sorry to hear youve had a hard time and in hospital how horrible for you. No advice hun just hope you feel better soon and the pain goes xxx
Hiya Pinky :)

Sorry you've had a bit of a crap time recently - good news that the cysts are benign anyway so you won't have to have your ovaries removed asap.

Can't you still meet your donor now and in October?

They can effect fertility. They can imply that you are not ovulating.

It's an awful situation to be in, but i feel that you should just go for it anyway because you don't know how it might turn out.

It shouldn't effect the baby in any way if you do conceive :)
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oK Thank you both. I'm just going to go for it anyway. If I had AF would that not mean that I'm defo ovulating? Is that a dumb question lol? Also would the cysts stop ov showing up on ovpk?

Thanks Ladies ;)

x x x x
Hi hun, so sorry to hear what you have been through. I had a bleed into a cyst in 2002 and omg the pain was incredibly bad I also ended up in hospital. It did disappear of it's own accord though and was dosed up on some wonderful painkillers.

I hope they disappear very soon and dont put your chances of conceiving on hold. I cant really comment as back then a baby was not on the agenda so I didnt ask any questions about fertility.

Might be worth speaking to your Dr and explaining the situation and see what he says.
Sorry to hear about your hospital visit. I too would go ahead and be positive - there is a lot of truth about thinking positive thoughts, and I hope you get a BFP really soon. x
If I had AF would that not mean that I'm defo ovulating? Also would the cysts stop ov showing up on ovpk?

No AF doesn't mean you are ovulating. AF and ovulation are typically synchronised by our hormones but are actually seperate elements to our reproductive cycle.

It really depends on which type of cysts you have. It gets pretty complex (makes my head hurt) but basically the egg is actually released from a cyst but other cysts can form in addition without an egg and this is normal.

If your problem involves the cysts that contain the eggs, then you probably won't be ovulating, but it might involve the cysts that don't contain the eggs so then you might still ovulate.

The OPK detects a hormone that causes the egg to be released but that hormone can't force the egg to be relased, so the hormone might be there to give you a positive reading but the egg might be stuck in the cyst.

Like Mrs_B said it is always best to speak to your doctor. I am basically just regurgitating what i have read or been told about it to the extent i understand it.

This cyst stuff is hard on the noggin :shock:
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If I had AF would that not mean that I'm defo ovulating? Also would the cysts stop ov showing up on ovpk?

No AF doesn't mean you are ovulating. AF and ovulation are typically synchronised by our hormones but are actually seperate elements to our reproductive cycle.

It really depends on which type of cysts you have. It gets pretty complex (makes my head hurt) but basically the egg is actually released from a cyst but other cysts can form in addition without an egg and this is normal.

If your problem involves the cysts that contain the eggs, then you probably won't be ovulating, but it might involve the cysts that don't contain the eggs so then you might still ovulate.

The OPK detects a hormone that causes the egg to be released but that hormone can't force the egg to be relased, so the hormone might be there to give you a positive reading but the egg might be stuck in the cyst.

Like Mrs_B said it is always best to speak to your doctor. I am basically just regurgitating what i have read or been told about it to the extent i understand it.

This cyst stuff is hard on the noggin :shock:

Ah ok thank you,

Yeah it is a rather comples huh? The consultant didn't say there were eggs in the cysts just blood. Gutted i have one on each ovary! This is just typical when I'm wanting TTC now. Maybe its sign,or maybe I should just go for it incasethings get more complicated :(

Thanks for your help guys

x x x x
Ps my spacebar isn't working properly....sorry bout that

x x x x
I would find out asap with a doctor, how awful if you got pg and then they said you must have an op? Cover all your bases! Dont take risks with something so important. I am v glad for you they were benign but a friend had to lose an overy to have a cyst removed, so find out everything you can now xxx
Hiya pinkymum, really sorry to hear that you have been in hospital with this. I was curious with what you where saying about the cysts as im having an ultrasound next week to check mine, the doc thinks i may not even have ever ovulated and is a bit concerned as have been having unpretected sex for two years and nothing so far..
so you never knew u had them untill you got pain? does that mean they irrupted? Does anyone in your family have them? (mum?nan)
Sorry for 101 questions!..

oo and whats benigin? i couldnt find it properly on google?
Hope you dont mind me asking,
Hiya Hun,
I would wait until after my next scan and definately speak to my doctor before I tried to get pregnant just incase I needed an operation.
Also did the consultant say they were definately benign or do you have to have a biopsy?

Hope all goes well but in the mean time get an appointment with your gp to ask all the questions as they are the only people able to give you proper medical advise x x x
Hi all

thanks for the replies,

I'm not getting email notifications for some reason and I haven't bee on. I did start AI last Thursday with my donor, had fourth donation today and then last one will be this Thursday and then he's away for ages.

I asked my GP yesterday if the cysts would effect my fertilty and she said no. I told her I was trying for a baby.

Gonna do a quick update
x x x x

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