Twins chat 2016/17!

These are the buggies we went through:

1. iCandy peach blossom twin - it was great for the first year. Having the single width and able to put carrycots on, was great for meeting mum friends in cafes etc. As the girls got older and they moved into seats it wasn;t long before the one in the rear started kicking the one in the front. It was great to be able to pop 2 car seats on to the buggy for quick trips out of the car.

2. Out n about double nipper 360 - we originally bought one of these from ebay and it was the version 1 so didn't quite fit through our front door, so we rapidly bought a v2 and this is the best buggy we have had, it fits through our front door, is the width of a wheelchair so it should fit through all shops with ease. We still use it now as we run with our twins (the girls are only just tolerating going in the buggy now though as they normally walk everywhere). They have tyres which can puncture but you can put in "slime" into the wheels which heals small punctures - you can get that in bike shops. I will probably get the single version of this buggy for this baby if all goes well.

3. A lot of friends had the bugaboo donkey. I am not a fan but they have really liked it, but have all complained about its width. It can be a struggle in shops/cafes etc. You can get good deals second hand on these (look out for local twin groups etc as there are quite often sale posts).

4. Mountain buggy duet - this is definitely the most popular buggy at my twin group, it is the narrowest side by side. The reason we chose the out n about over this was that we liked the 3-wheeler-ness of the out n about from a manouverability point of view.

5. City jogger - there are two types a side by side and tandem. The tandem looks better than the icandy i had as there is more space between the seats and so kicks between twins are less likely - unless they are long-legged!

There are lots of other newer things on the market now - I think obaby has released one for example, but i don't know much about these newer ones.

Definitely get stuff second hand if you can - being our "first (and second!)" I wanted to buy everything new and rapidly realised we'd get broke very quickly if we did that! SO many friends loaned us bouncy chairs - we had two downstairs and two upstairs and these were so helpful. We had a nappy changing zone upstairs and downstairs (you don't want to be carrying two babies up and down the stairs all day!). The other thing we found really helpful were morrck blankets for the car seats which meant we didn't have to battle with snow suits on and off the kids each time we wanted to go out.

From a local twins group we ended up with a deal with another twin mum that had twins daughters exactly a year older than ours that we would buy a bundle of clothes from her every 6 months. This was great for the basics and it meant we could then afford to get a few nice clothes for them as we weren't spending a fortune on the essentials.
I have bought the bugaboo donkey :) got it on offer and it still cost a fortune. I'm personally not into the tandem ones I wanted side by side.

Yes I knew it was boys, but to be fair considering the gender comes from the dads side, my husband side are 95% boys if not more lol it was always going to be boys lol.

In regards to what I have bought, I pretty much have one of everything from my little boy so I had to buy one of things again, although people have been very generous and donated stuff too :) plus we already had a lot of clothes that we had saved. I have bought a fair amount of smaller grows and vests as little guy was a chunk and I know these two will be smaller so I have prepared for that :). I have 2 cots, although if you are worried about buying 2 to begin with, ours will be sharing one to begin with.

And to the other part, I personally don't/won't share a room, in our old house the bedroom wasn't big enough to have little guy share with us not that he was more than 10 steps away, so we are doing the same this time, they will be in the next room so not far away at all, I worry that my husbands snoring would keep them awake all night lol x
Yay a twinnie thread :) offical DD for me is 9th Jan but they'll be December babies as won't go past 38 weeks with non ID twinnies

Going from my 16 week scan looks like a c-section as twin 1's placenta is across my cervix but still has time to move!

Mrs B when did you feel the boys ? I'm sure you said on the other thread, I'm 17+2 & still waiting for some wriggles! Maybe because I'm a 14/16 & always had a chubber belly it might take longer ? I'm so impatient lol
I'm currently booked in for a section 4 weeks today which is 38+1 which the dr wants bringing forward, I hope your placenta moves, my work colleagues (sonographers), told me about the chances of them moving as t1 placenta wasn't covering the cervix at 20 weeks but was about 2cm from it so they had to keep an eye on it. They told me they have to document any placentas 3cm or less away from the cervix, chances are if they are 1cm or more away they will most definitely move as the bump grows and the chances reduce the closer to the cervix the placenta is, it can move but not guaranteed.

On the movements side I did feel them early at about 12 weeks give or take but it isn't my first pregnancy, your size doesn't necessarily stop you feeling movements, placenta placement and position of babies will also play a part on when you feel them have some patience though when it happens it's amazing x
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Thanks MrsB I think it was completely over but not 100% sure. I work with a couple of gynae doctors so I'm hoping they will be happy to have a check on things inbetween my offical scans to see how things are going! As I had a little clot Sunday I'm resting this week & ive put myself on pelvic rest ! X

I've heard that with your first it's later to feel than your second, I think it'll be very reassuring & amazing to feel them wriggling around

How comes the doctor wants to bring it forward ?

Secret thanks so much for the buggy advice!! We've been looking at the mountain buggy due to its size & price & also because we want them to be side by side rather than on top of each other but I've not heard of the out n about so I'll have a look thanks :)

Your right about being our firsts I want new things lol like the buggy but I'm wondering whether it's worth a look on eBay too? My mum is going to buy our buggy/pram & my mil wants to buy our cotbeds which is fab and very much appreciated !

Laura I've been a little cautious so the only thing I've bought for them is a matching baby grow which I loved & my sisters friend had a playpen that was really good condition for £40 & I know when my sister had her twins she found a playpen a godsend as they got older. My mum & dad & sister have made some little purchases for them which is lovely

I'm going to have them in Moses baskets with us for a few months and then they will go into their own room which they will share.

As we have a dog and he's very inquisitive and will be 2 and a bit when they come rather than having them in Moses baskets to nap in the day I'm going to get a travel cot, that way it's sturdy & the pooch will be able to see them through the mesh & not get the urge to jump up against a Moses basket to see what's going on as I'm worried hell knock it over !!

Love the tip to have changing stations downstairs too!

What's everyone's thoughts on breast/express/formula? Tbh breast feeding has always freaked me out a little but I've always said I'll give it a try. Know we know there's two in there I know it will be a lot harder & personally I'm not a fan of demand feeding (my SIL dos & it was non stop!) & even though it's great that you can breast feed anywhere my individually has never been comfortable with the idea of feeding in front of anyone other than my husband. So I'm going to try to BF & express as then hubby can help with the feeds too

My sisters tip after she had twins was always get a routine going as soon as you and babies can & also if one baby wakes for a feed wake the other so they end up syncing their feeding times X
Lots of twin mummies great! I'll change the thread name. Thanks for the pram advice Secret, I'll check out some of those!
I haven't bought anything for them yet, may do after the 20 week scan. We need to get our upstairs converted too, gulp!
I'd like Moses baskets too, our friend has one with a lovely rocking frame which I want to get!
I'm going to try to breastfeed and see how it goes and how long I can keep it up! And express so DH can help! I've heard you have to be careful with bottle teats though as they can sometimes prefer them and its then difficult to get them back on the breast.
It's handy working with Drs isn't it :)

A good tip for the dog ... Get your other half to take the first vests/hats home and leave them near the dog over night, that way when babies come home your dog will know their scent.

We have changing mats that will live either under or behind the couch and will have nappies and wipes in a drawer too, it does make life a lot easier, I learned that with my son:)

I'm not personally into breastfeeding, it isn't my thing plus my husband really wants to help. It is all down to personal choice. You are probably best researching them all and deciding that way, having said that, with twins you will probably have no energy left after all the feeding.

And routine is amazing even with one baby :)

I bought our changing bag - a pink lining twin one - I bought it from a website called precious little ones. I saved £25 than I was willing to pay elsewhere, so check out that site x
Lots of twin mummies great! I'll change the thread name. Thanks for the pram advice Secret, I'll check out some of those!
I haven't bought anything for them yet, may do after the 20 week scan. We need to get our upstairs converted too, gulp!
I'd like Moses baskets too, our friend has one with a lovely rocking frame which I want to get!
I'm going to try to breastfeed and see how it goes and how long I can keep it up! And express so DH can help! I've heard you have to be careful with bottle teats though as they can sometimes prefer them and its then difficult to get them back on the breast.

I can't remember which ones but if you do a quick Google search there are some teats that are supposed to be like nipples? Maybe that's where you could start x
It's handy working with Drs isn't it :)

A good tip for the dog ... Get your other half to take the first vests/hats home and leave them near the dog over night, that way when babies come home your dog will know their scent.

We have changing mats that will live either under or behind the couch and will have nappies and wipes in a drawer too, it does make life a lot easier, I learned that with my son:)

I'm not personally into breastfeeding, it isn't my thing plus my husband really wants to help. It is all down to personal choice. You are probably best researching them all and deciding that way, having said that, with twins you will probably have no energy left after all the feeding.

And routine is amazing even with one baby :)

I bought our changing bag - a pink lining twin one - I bought it from a website called precious little ones. I saved £25 than I was willing to pay elsewhere, so check out that site x

It is very handy indeed :)

Ah thanks for the doggie tip that's a great idea! I've also been making small changes for him now so that I'm not introducing new things when they come so he doesn't resent their arrival!

Thanks for the tip on that website I'll have a look :)
Blueflower I had heard that too about nipple confusion will have a look for those teats MrsB as I've always said after a journey getting to this point I really want hubby to be involved and be able to bond with feeding them as well
But I'm not going to beat myself up with anything if BF works then fab if I don't get on with it I'll just crack on with express/formula as long as we are all happy. X
:) I never really wanted to do it, wish I could give it a go but the whole thought of it freaks me out a little, then my husband told me he didn't want me to do it as a friend of ours did and we basically watched as her husband never got a look in on baby and he never wanted that x
MrsB I'm the same the thought has always freaked me out but I said to hubby I'd like them to have the initial good stuff so I'll give it a go but he's so supportive & if I can't get on with it he really said its completely ok & your right my SIL is slightly too much with her Lo & no one got a look in for a very long time !
Plus I've seen lots of friends do it & the babies feed on demand and they are never off the boob!
It can be off putting can't it, maybe just do it whilst in the hospital and switch to formula when you are home? A midwife told me that although the first initial bits from breastfeeding are good, a lot of the other 'benefits' don't actually make a difference. I didn't breastfeed our son and he is a little smarty pants and as healthy as can be :) x
Yikes lots to catch up on here!

Re feeding.. I always thought I would bf, and my mum is a major advocate of on demand bf. I would never hear the end of it if I didn't, I don't think, not that I should let her rule my decisions. I will definitely try, but so long as they're being fed, I don't think it's the end of the world either way. I'm massively daunted by the idea of solely feeding two babies around the clock, and no one else being able to help (unless I'm able to express loads).
You can freeze breast milk can't you? So maybe express if you can so you have plenty and then your other half could help with feeds when he isn't at work, some people do a combination of feeding too so you could breastfeed as well as formula feed that way everyone could help :) .... Like you said as long as they are fed what is the issue? X
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My one tip is don't put yourself under too much pressure re: feeding. My girls were born early at 34+1, and they had no suck reflex so were tube fed in SCBU for 2 weeks and 2 weeks at home. I expressed until they were 10 weeks and topped up with formula as my milk never properly "came in". I was devastated and really felt I had let me babies down. In truth, i was a much better mother to them when i stopped trying to express and just accepted that so long as my babies were fed and loved that was much more important than worrying about where their milk came from.

Some people get on brilliantly with bf, others don't.

It was great that my husband could do some of the night feeds for me (ours were on a 3 hour routine from their time in SCBU so he would do the midnight feed and I did the 3am feed and he did the 6am feed, and it worked really well.
You can freeze breast milk can't you? So maybe express if you can so you have plenty and then your other half could help with feeds when he isn't at work, some people do a combination of feeding too so you could breastfeed as well as formula feed that way everyone could help :) .... Like you said as long as they are fed what is the issue? X

Yeah, I'm just wondering when I'll have time to express lots of milk when feeding two babies every 2-4 hours. I don't know how people do it!
There is that, you will be drained and you will need your energy for your babies, you never know, your mum might understand your wishes

I have a friend who only had a singleton, he was so hungry she was worn out and after breastfeeding for 2 weeks her MiL came round with bottles, steriliser and formula and sent her to bed for a few hours, she never looked back

And secret is right, you don't want to put pressure on yourself you need to do what is right for you and your babies so that you all get the best out of everything. :) x

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