ttc after miscarriage.


Mar 5, 2012
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Hi. im new to the forum.
i am a mum of one, and have recently had a miscarriage at 7weeks pregnant.
I am obviously upset however understand that at this stage it is usually down to abnormalities that you miscarry. i want to now try and conceive again however have read many things from cracking straight on to waiting 1-3-6 months. My doctor said to crack on however when i was in hospital they said to wait three months! im confused!!! has anyone got any advice / can help!!
Sorry for your loss hun

Personally I'd wait one full cycle before TTC again...

I've had three miscarriages.

The last two were the cycle after each other (I had one m/c in late September and another in early November).

Everyone is different and there are some women on here that got preggers the next cycle and have had their babies / are having a healthy pregnancy... However that didn't happen for me.

The reason I say wait one cycle is that it makes it easier for Dr's to date any future pregnancies but also by having a normal period you know your body had fully healed!

Best of luck

three.. im sorry too
Thank you for advice. i am scared it may happen again but everyone is assuring me there was an abnormality and it is (hopefully) unlikely to reoccur. I ride horses and have a physical job aswell as having a 2 year old son - so do feel guilty that i may have done too much.
definitely cutting back on work next time !!
thanks for advice!
three.. im sorry too
Thank you for advice. i am scared it may happen again but everyone is assuring me there was an abnormality and it is (hopefully) unlikely to reoccur. I ride horses and have a physical job aswell as having a 2 year old son - so do feel guilty that i may have done too much.
definitely cutting back on work next time !!
thanks for advice!

Oh sweetie (((hugs))) Statistically having one miscarriage puts you at no more risk of having another one than someone who has never had one!!

Please don't be scared, but do give yourself time to heal.

It wasn't anything you did sweetie, it was your body doing what it is designed to do....

I am sure your next pregnancy will be successful

Hey Lizzie - I'm almost the same as you. I've got a 1 year old and miscarried at 8 weeks in Jan. I'm now onto my 2nd cycle after the mc. We didn't not try straight away but I don't think I ovulated until after first AF.

Goodluck to you! x
Hi. thanks for advice and support.
i haven't had a period yet just the mc so Will wait for cycle to kick back in. i am getting a sharp ovulation type pain on my left though which is weird.
thanks sorry to hear you have both suffered losses
Hey Lizzie , i'm just going through a mc at 6 weeks and i'm going to try straight away . The doctors told me 3 months but i was on medication to help me to ovulate. I'm going to get a few natural cycles in and see if it works x
Hey Lizzie,
I had mc in jan and was told by hospital to wait for af, really just to establish dates, there wasnt any medical reason, sorry for your loss and good luck in future xx
Hi. thank you. how long after your mc did you get a period?
Sorry to hear your news seems to happen to a lot of women
thanks xx
My first AF came exactly 28 days after my mc but it was really light and I had a shorter than normal cycle.
Hi Hun I had a mc in December and tried again straight away. I ovulated 4 weeks after my mc and am now 9 weeks pregnant.
Best of luck ttc xxxx
Sorry for your loss, my cousin is a doc and she told me that they say that for healing reasons, physically and emotionally. I lost my pregnancy in Oct last year at 12weeks i was a reck considering it was at my first scan and i had waited so long with no warning. I got a d&c the next day. after that my cycles were such a mess this cycle has been only a little spotting after my period stopped and it took awhile to get my normal cycles of 32 days before it was 29 to 36 day cycles!! so physically and mentally i feel much better. Everyone is different though but i hope this helped. hugs for you <3
hiya i am sorry for ur loss (((hugs)))

i had a mmc last may at 10 weeks altho bby had died at 5.5 weeks i was devastated wanted to get bk on it asap but i wanted my body to get bk to normal after the dnc,they say to leave at least 1 month so that ur cycles are bk to normal and its easier for them to date a preg if u did fall straight away, gd luck with ur ttc again xxxxxx
Hi honey, so sorry for your loss, I miscarried in December, I waited to have a proper period then started ttc again. Good luck XXXX
Hi thanks you for all your help.
and congratulations for those who have conceived again.!!
i am still waiting for my period. so hopefuly my body will start cycling again soon!!
Hello everyone I'm New to this and feel so lost, I miscarried my baby two weeks ago at 16 weeks.Since then I can't stop crying .I know it's natural but does the pain ever stop? I really don't have much family or friends to support me,would appreciate some advice .
Oh hun.

I'm so very sorry to hear such sad news.

I am currently going through a miscarriage although much earlier on than yourself.

If you don't have many friends or family for support, then maybe see your gp and ask if they can put you in touch with a councillor perhaps.

Big hugs sweetheart. It's such a horrendous experience and I'm very sorry you are going through this.

I'm so sorry xxxxxx

I had a m/c at 14 weeks 4 years ago before I was with my fiance and felt so unsupported by everyone too. It wanna really difficult time but it does get better I promise! You wont ever forget it and due dates are always sad days but it will get better I promise

Counselling is a good idea and has really helped me xxxxxxx
I have had 2 one the end of July at 4 weeks and last week at almost 6 weeks I feel really low but the only thing keeping me going is the trying again they recommended I wait a cycle but in my self I just don't know if I can do it and want to try again straight away. A lot of information I have read says to wait due to dates and to let your self heal psychologically so do whatever you feel is best for you xx
Hey hun, so sorry for your loss.
Ive had 2 miscarriages myself and i was around 11 weeks with both of them. I got pregnant the first time and mc and then 2 years later got pregnant again and miscarried this February just gone. Ive had quite a few periods now and all seems to be back to normal.. Ovulating, AF arriving on time etc so have started trying again (The first two we werent trying) But now we are, so im hoping it wont be long. I would defo at least wait til you get your first normal period out the way, so that your body has healed and gone back to normal, it can cause stress going straight from one to another, plus you need time to relax and start enjoy babymaking again. My second miscarriage was horrendous and i was bleeding for 5 weeks altogether and was in and out of A and E. Then four weeks later, my AF arrived and all has been pretty much normal since. The second MC was bad due to the sac coming out in pieces (The first it come out as a whole). Also your body will still be procuding HcG and if you do a test to soon will show your pregnant still.. My worst fear was i saw baby on screen with no heartbeat (Baby only measured 8 weeks and should of been 11)
Goodluck and lots of babydust xx

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