conception after miscarriage


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2012
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Hi as you'll see from my previous thread I have just suffered a miscarriage (has now been confirmed). We are both heartbroken, this may sound inappropriate to some but when can we try to conceive again just we tried for 2 years for this baby (were due to start fertility treatment) but now that I conceived naturally my fertility doctor won't see me. I have hear that some women are more fertile straight after a miscarriage and I don't want to miss my chance where others have said wait 3-4 months. It was a huge shock I fell as I am low in progesterone. Has anyone got any advice or been through something similar?

So sorry to read this Hun, life can be so cruel :(

I had a mc in sept which took 3 months to get all clear ( I had a few problems) but on the 12th dec I was told all clear, I started my period on 17th dec and I had a positive test result on 23rd jan where I was 5 weeks pregnant, so it is possible, some believe u can be more fertile after a mc, I wanted to wait for a few periods first but once I felt better from mc I did feel different and we decided to just see what happens, my doc said yesterday that there is no reason why this preg should result in a mc....thinking of you and I really hope you get you BFP very soon xx
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Hi Amy,

Sorry to hear about your loss sweetie.

I think it all depends on how your body bounces back?

I had a m/c at 8 weeks and it took almost 3 monhts for me to have a proper period.

My 2nd m/c was at 5 weeks and I concieved the very next cycle (although that was sadly also a m/c at 6 weeks!)

I am now in my 2nd proper cycle of TTC after my last m/c (I had to let 2 cycles pass without really TTC as I had an appointment wthe a specialist about my miscarraiges so didn't want to get preggers before seeing him!)

I think the first thing you need to do it let your body and mind have a little time to heal?

There are lots of different thoughts on concieving straight after a m/c. Some ladies go on to have healthy pregnancies and other ladies will experience another loss. Of course most ladies need time to recover so won't even TTC straight away so there are no real statistics?

My personal suggestion would be give yourself one proper period so you know your body is full recovered?

Best of luck

Sorry to hear you both suffered losses also, Bleeding had almost stopped today but now I just feel sick and bloated. Am hoping all my pregnancy symptoms will also stop soon and my body can get back to normal. Does anyone know when I should start my periods again? Sorry but the hospital weren't very helpful.

Sorry to hear you both suffered losses also, Bleeding had almost stopped today but now I just feel sick and bloated. Am hoping all my pregnancy symptoms will also stop soon and my body can get back to normal. Does anyone know when I should start my periods again? Sorry but the hospital weren't very helpful.


How long is a piece of string sweetie - every one is different.

How many weeks were you?

The later my loss the longer it took me to get back to normal.

I miscarried end of May and had first proper AF in Mid August last year!

I was nearly 5 weeks along so not far. :(
Once I had the all clear mine came a week after,the nurse told me it should be about 4 weeks, some take longer, some less...fingers crossed you don't have a long wait xx
Sorry to hear of your loss Hun :hug: i had a miscarriage at 6 weeks. They told me to carry on as normal if I felt up to it. I mc'd on 31 January (wow, a year ago today actually then :( ) and had my next period on 13th march and it was after that we conceived l/o xxx
Sorry for your loss xx

It's a personal thing when to ttc again. I didn't wait after my mc in august but I didn't get a proper period till nov. Sometimes periods don't come back straight away but sometimes they return to normal. My doc said it doesn't matter we can try straight again.

Good luck lovely xxx
Had another blood test at the hospital this morning and was told it was safe to ttc aslong as i was feeling well. Feeling alot more optimistic now .Hopefully i will have another bfp this year.

Firstly I'm so sorry for your loss. I had a mc a year ago & I was told that I should ttc as soon as I was ready. He said most docs tell you to wait a couple of months but he said there is no medical proof you should wait.

I had a period 7 weeks after my mc, which the nurses said wud happen. But then it took until Sept for my period to come. Everyone is different, I am still ttc but I've known ppl fall pg a couple of months after a mc. So it really depends on the individual.

Once again I'm so sorry for this sad news, hope your doing ok


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