Trying to loose weight.......not going away very fast!


Well-Known Member
Apr 16, 2007
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Hey all,

Well i am approaching Amber turning 5 months and i was kind of hoping by now to be back in my pre-preg clothes!!! Erm...well nope....good news is i have lost 1 and 1/2 stone and get into size 14 jeans now woo hoo go me! But i am having so much trouble shifting anymore.....i am doing everything right (i think) eating 3 meals a day and only snacking if i do snack rarely do on fruit.

I have one treat a week either a takeaway or choco bar and i exercise to the davina dvd 4 times a week and walk the dogs every day.

Why isnt it going?!!!

Anyone else experienced a slow down of loosing weight???

or any advice would be appreciated.
I hope you dont mind me replying
Im still preggers so havnt had to do what your doing yet.
Ive not been on a diet but a while back i wanted to get fit
so i joined a womens water areobics class and dance class
and they worked a treat
i toned up got fit and in the process lost half a stone that was in only in a few months.
I found this sort of exercise better then a exercise video
My mum battled for years to loss a bit of weight and she did the videos and it didnt work at all.

So mabye look into these sort of classes near you
i think enjoying exercise is half the battle the weight will come off without you relising and you'll have a great time while doing it.
I am on slimming world, I go to the meetings each week to keep me motivated, and I take my baby with me everyone loves her, and have lost 2 and a half stone and am under my pre pregnancy weight now!!!! Really recommend it, Wish I had found it earlier!
well done hun, thats such a good achevement...

i thnk am more frustrated because when i was younger i was this big and really toned up ad lost weight which took a couple of months and now have had amber i am back to what i was so a lttle disheartening. I know its my fault because i dd indulge n the latter stages of pregnancy!! tut.

May look into slimming world x

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