Trying in July/August for April babies thread

^^ get me and you all the way at the bottom with our test dates!!!!

***praying that the BFP's are contagious***
I always seem to be at the bottom every month lol. Lets hope theres plenty of BFP's this month
normally 36 days... last month was 35 days though.
Normally one or the other!!

Had a 49 day cycle the other month.... really got my hopes up, but no bfp... was a high stress month though, always forget to take that into consideration when i'm late!!!

Bought some tests from Tesco today!

I do wander why all my tests have been fainter than they have previous months. Just have to see what my chart brings for me tomorrow :?

I would hate to have long cycles like some of you girls :( Although it would probably help me considering :roll:

Alice & Jenna next :pray: , tempted to test early girls?
Fingers crossed that they stick wobbles!!!!
Might just be that the tests are shy and don't like to tell you that they're a bfp!!!

have you done like 83 million different brands?

I hate faint bfp's!!!!

I also dislike my long cycles, especially when they go extra long just to confuse me!! hoping now that i've started charting that you chart stalkers will be able to point out when & if it looks like i've ovulated!!!

Think I've defo tried every stick going!! :lol:

I know I am, just will it stay! :wall:

You should defo start seeing a pattern in your chart it does take 3 days for fertility friend to confirm an probable ovulation dip & rise though :D
Wobbles said:
Alice & Jenna next :pray: , tempted to test early girls?

BFN Wobbles. But I'm not giving up yet till AF arrives. My cycle can be irregular so I'm still praying! :pray:
Wobbles said:
Think I've defo tried every stick going!! :lol:

I know I am, just will it stay! :wall:

You should defo start seeing a pattern in your chart it does take 3 days for fertility friend to confirm an probable ovulation dip & rise though :D

I really hope it stays!!!

I really hope that i do see a dip and rise..... praying that i do ovulate.... just want the doctors to be wrong!!!

I'm fedup today :(

Very faint line on a cheapie & a BFN on a Tesco home test! SO I got peestick happy :doh: & still have a faint line on the Clearblue! ~
hang in there wobbles hun its still early days xxx
I was wrong ~ there is a line on the Tesco one.

This either isn't going to be again or it's playing with me but normal pregnancies don't seem to pick up as quick & dark as I have had them in the past 3 months so maybe in a strange way this is telling me everythings normal! Do I sound normal? Didn't think so :rotfl: maybe I'm just trying to stay positive or maybe the righ word is I'm hoping, I'm not too positive about things!
your temps are still looking ok... not like in the other one where it dipped again? (i don't know if i'm just reading that wrong!!!)
Just rip all the tests apart and lay all the test strips next to each other and compare!!!
The ones that are bfn's go out the window... and keep looking at the bfps and smiling to yourself....
don't really know what to say... except that i would be exactly the same!!!!

I hope you start getting some definate answers soon wobbles. Id prob be the same testing all the time.

HayleyB do you have msn?
was too excited and took an early test, it was negative! :oops: still doing one tomorow though!
Always worth double checking!!!
Good luck for tomorrow....
if not, roll on new cycle!!
(but still fingers crossed for tomorrow!!)

(can anyone find any info on whether prozac/fluoxetine has on charting for ovulation??)

Doesn't matter... found some

Can taking Prozac make it more difficult for me to
become pregnant?

Animal studies have not shown any effect on
fertility with the use of Prozac. There have been
reports of lack of orgasm or delayed orgasm in women
and men who take Prozac. There have also been
reports of women who have had infertility problems,
and who developed regular periods and ovulation after
being treated with Prozac. Further studies are needed
to determine Prozac’s effect on fertility.

Makes some sense!!


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