True or False??


Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2006
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A mate of mine asked why we have gone back to using condoms when me and OH have 'cuddles' cos apparently if ur breastfeedin u dont need to use any contraception???

True or False??

I cant see it bein true tbh but just wanted to know if anyone else had heard this or can shed light on it??
its false.

don't risk it. use your wet weather gear
i saw my midwife today and she told me to use condoms until i get the mini pill sorted out, because after having a baby you are extra fertile and can still get pregnant, breastfeeding or not

Thats an old wives tale hun, you can still get pregnant when breastfeeding. You can get pregnant straight after giving birth, *not that you'd what to, but you can) Like Budge said dont risk it hun.
It's less likely that you'll get pregnant whilst breastfeeding, especially if you've not had a period, you're co-sleeping, breastfeed every 3-4 hours apart 24 hours a day etc. But it's not a foolproof method :)
My Mum got pregnant with me the first time she had nookie after my brother :lol:
And she told you!? :oops:

Then again, I'm sure my mum and dad only did it twice to get me and my sister :shakehead: :D
ive only ever done it four times in my life :fib:
Minxy my Mum actually told me it was a miracle! I ocverherad her telling someone else it happened after the first time! I am not comforatble talking about sex with my Mum, gives me the creeps :rotfl:
this pregnancy of mine is a miracle skatty. i was asleep you know AND i had my back to him.
You have to be exclusively breastfeeding but personally I would never ever rely on that as a form of contraception, far too risky.
no way thats totally false..old wives tale, ppl used to believe that because of absence of periods when breastfeeding but science now proves u can still conceive!
durex makes a fortune out of us lmao!!

it was their abscence that made my little Jamie!! :rotfl: :rotfl:
it is actually true but not advised as your baby needs to be feeding properly and regularly and theres no way of telling if they are or not, my friend has used this method 3 times and hasn't caught but i wouldnt chance it

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